Do I Need To Show ID?

Our services are 100% anonymous, meaning you do not need to identify yourself in any way. We issue participants cards with anonymous, non-identifiable codes so that you are able to voluntarily identify yourself as participants in the program if needed.

Do I Need To Bring Dirty Syringes To Get Clean Syringes?

No, but.. it is very important to keep our neighborhoods and community free from improperly disposed of needles. The Alliance asks you to please bring your dirty syringes for proper disposal. Flushing syringes down the toilet, breaking off the tips, etc, is not proper disposal. Ultimately, we want to give out the same amount of syringes that we take in to insure the continued success of our program. Our goal is to provide participants with one clean syringe for every shot.

Where And When Can I Access Services?

Please visit us online at, Facebook, or call 1-812-56-SAFER

(please note that land lines must dial the "1") for current outreach hours and locations. Our hours sometimes change as we hear from you what you need and where you're most comfortable meeting with us. We currently work from our office, our mobile unit, a bicycle outreach team and a discreet delivery service.

Can I Be Stopped By the Police Just For Visiting The Needle Exchange?

I.C. 16-41-7.5-9. (a) A law enforcement officer may not stop, search, or seize an individual based on the fact the individual has attended a program under this chapter. (b) The fact an individual has attended a program under this chapter may not be the basis for probable cause by a law enforcement officer.

Isn't Possession Of A Syringe With Intent To Use Illegal Drugs A Felony?

Yes, but... as a matter of public policy the Prosecutor’s Office has chosen to exercise discretion in cases involving Monroe County needle exchange program participants. To build trust and encourage people to use the program, the Prosecutor’s Office has chosen not to file charges against program participants for possession of a syringe (clean OR dirty) alone. Program participants may be identified by a card issued by the needle exchange program. The Prosecutor’s Office retains the discretion to file charges for other criminal offenses committed by program participants, or for possession of a syringe in situations not involving program participants. These situations are evaluated case-by-case based on the specific evidence in accordance with their normal practice.

Please visit our website for the full text of this statement.

What Is The IRA Harm Reduction Project?

The Indiana Recovery Alliance is an independent non-profit operated and directed by current and former drug users that exists to empower people who use drugs to make positive change in their lives. We are not an "abstinence only" based recovery project. We are not affiliated with any churches. We are not a government program. As such, we are not demanding that you get clean, trying to save your soul or collecting your information. We simply believe that people using drugs should be empowered to make positive change, as they define positive change, that they are the experts in their own lives. We believe that any positive change, no matter how small, is worth celebrating. We believe that people using drugs deserve love and respect, and we abundantly offer both. Please consider contacting us if you are interested in collaboration towards making positive change in your life.

What FREE Services Are Offered?

@ HIV/HCV Antibody Testing

@ Condoms & Safer Sex Supplies

@ Naloxone Training and Distribution

@ Safer Use Training’s, Guides and Workshops

@ Safer Drug Use Supplies and Syringe Access

cottons, cookers, biohazard containers, tourniquets, OD kits, sterile water, pipe covers, alcohol wipes, syringes

@ Street Outreach Supplies

Coats, Blankets, Toiletries, Socks, Clothing, Shoes, Food, Gloves, Hats, Scarves

@ Nursing Triage Services, Assessments, Referrals and Treatment

@ Social Service Referrals

Substance Use Treatment, Mental Health Treatment, Housing, Food, HIP and ACA Enrollment, Etc

@ Non-Judgmental, Non-Coercive, Voluntary, Participatory, Collaborative Help




IRA Hotline: 1-812-56-SAFER


(Please note, you must dial the "1" from land lines)

For up to date outreach times and locations call us or visit
