AGA Oklahoma City Chapter
Officers Meeting August 24th, 2016
5:09pm –6:28pm
Present: Chandra Heitzinger, Chelley Hilmes, Stefani Hovarter, Riley Shaull, Deanna Brandt, Kevin Carrel, Vonna Anderson, Donna Anderson, Sam Ddamba, Lynne Bajema, Steven Hawkins, Melissa Forrestier, and Loren Devine
Meeting Opened at 5:09pm by Chandra Heitzinger
Contact Information & Sign In Sheet
- Chandra asked all present to review officers list for correct contact information
- Please sign next to your name, to show you were present for the meeting today.
Chapter News:
- New email address:
- This is an email account that we will be able to easily pass on from one officer to the next.
- New Website is live, thanks to Chelley’s hard work! Check it out at: We are one of three chapters that National has helped go live.
- Social Media: Facebook page “Association of Government Accountants - Oklahoma City” Go like it
Treasurer’s Statement:
- Sam Ddamba provided the Treasures statement for July 2016, showing an ending balance of $34,856.34
- Sam provided information about moving our banking operations to OECU. For non-profits, there are no transaction fees. Interest is available at a rate of .15% for balances greater than $10,000
- Sam also provided information on a new credit card vendor, TMC, that charges .95 per transaction, you are only charged if you use the credit card machines and all card readers are included at no charge. If the transaction is charged by 2PM, there will be a same day bank desposit. After 12 months of no activity, there would be a $3.99/month fee.
- Other cash collection options were discussed including applications like Venmo, Cash, More research needs to be done to identify best option available.
Officer Meetings
- Upcoming officer meeting dates were discussed to determine what works best for everyone’s schedule.
- Suggestion is the 2nd Tuesday of the month, at 5:00pm. Opened for discussion. It was decided that the meetings would be the 2nd Tuesday, except for March, where we will do the 1st Tuesday, March 7th
Luncheon Meetings
- Chandra provided the list of upcoming luncheon dates, to be held at the Tasting Room
- Empty speaker slots were noted and officers were asked for ideas.
- Kevin supplied a list of speakers he has come up with so far. Thank you Kevin!
- We still need speakers for December, and February through April
- Speaker for September Luncheon will be Tim Gatz, from the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority. We have not been notified of the topic he is speaking on as of yet
- Chandra needs to relinquish the CC reader to take payments at luncheons. Volunteers?Chandra will check with Patricia to see if she is willing.
- CPE Certificates – It was discussed at the SLM sending CPE electronically via a locked PDF so it would be harder to manipulate or be used inappropriately. This was discussed and determined that we would lock down the PDF CPE certificates and email them to the attendees after the luncheon.
- Speaker’s gifts: Discussion was had on what the speakers’ gift would be this year. It was decided that the chapter would use up the gifts purchased for this purpose in prior years. For those speakers who cannot accept a gift a donation of $25 will be made to the community service charity in their name. Motion by Steven Hawkins and second by Chelley Hilmes and approved unanimously, to approve speaker gifts up to $25.00.
- Kevin will pursue requesting a speaker from Nationals
Fall Conference
- November 15th, 2016
- Location suggestions were: Metro Tech, Historical Society, Will Rogers Theatre, OU Research Park
- Topics & speaker suggestions: Eide Bailey, Aldridge, Chris Pembrook, Crawford & Sons. Deanna was going to get some speaker information for a few listed above.
- Need volunteers to help coordinate details – Locations and speakers
- Flyer volunteer? We could use template from last year, and modify?
CCR Committee
- Meeting scheduled for September 15th at OMES 5005 N. Lincoln Blvd, Suite 200, Watchtower Conference Room. Check in at the front desk, and go to ABS on the 2nd floor.
December Party
- Need ideas and volunteers to organize the December membership party.
- Through email, the officers will present and discuss possibilities and dates.
Chair Position Responsibilities
- Chandra will email position descriptions out to everyone.
Community Service
- OETA telethon will be an ongoing community service event. Other suggestions included Humane Society, volunteering at the VA center, National Memorial marathon water station, Arts Council and Christmas Connection. Melissa Forrestier will provide more detail at upcoming officer meetings.
Meeting adjourned at 6:28pm.