●Use of this facility is at your own risk. The City of Clio is not responsible for any injury or accident incurred during the use of this skate park facility.
●Use of safety equipment such as helmets, gloves, knee and elbow pads, wrist supports, and proper shoes is highly recommended.
●All skate park patrons are responsible for providing their own skateboard, skates and equipment, and for ensuring that they are maintained in good working order.
●No rough housing, abusive behavior, intimidating language or profanity at any time.
●No bicycles, scooters, or other pedal or chain driven devices allowed in the skate park facility.
●No food, drink, glass containers, or smoking allowed inside the fenced-in skate park facility.
●Non-skaters should not be on the skating surface area of the skate park facility, except to assist small children or in cases of an emergency.
●This Skate Park is open and closed as determined by the Department of Public Service.
●It shall be unlawful to bring into this skate park any property other than skateboards, in-line skates, and safety equipment.
●All other park rules and regulations must be followed.
The City of Clio offers a reward up to $500 to any person who supplies information leading to the conviction of any person for the theft of park property, the malicious destruction or damage to park property or the skate park, or operation or unauthorized vehicles on park property or the skate park, including, but not limited to, motor vehicles, three-wheelers, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, or mopeds, on the city park bike path, skate park, or any right-of-way within the city park.
Violations of these rules and regulations or any other park rules and regulations are punishable by ninety days in jail and/or $500 fine, or both.