First Communion Rehearsal/Celebration Checklist 2010

Good Shepherd Parish

Help! Which day does my child make First Communion?

  • May 1 -- Sunday 6 pm and Monday religious ed classes (rehearsal at 7 pm April 29.)
  • May 8 – Sunday 4:15 classes, home-based students and OLV students (rehearsal at 7 pm on May 6)
  • Have a conflict with the date? Call the Faith Formation Office asap to switch dates.

Rehearsal: Thursday April 29 or Thursday May 6 @ 7:00PM

___ Are you planning to order portraits? H.A. Rader will take orders from 6 pm to 7 pm. Arrive early if you want to look at samples and need to fill out your paperwork. Payment due that evening.

___Otherwise, arrive at the church a few minutes before 7:00 P.M.

___First Communicants go directly to the assigned seating in the church, so rehearsal can begin promptly.

___Parents finalize picture orders, then take a seat in the church to participate in the rehearsal.

Celebration: Saturday, May 1, or Saturday, May 8 @ 10:00 AM

___Don’t forget your child’s stole!

____ If you’re having portrait photos taken, arrive between 9 am and 9:40.

___Otherwise, be at church no later than 9:40 A.M

___Parents help your son/daughter transfer a communion host from the terra cottabowl to the white bowl (other family members and relatives who are receiving communion must also transfer their hosts).

___First Communicants go directly to the Parish Hall to line up for the beginning procession.

___Sacramental stoles are worn throughout the First Communion Mass.

___Hospitality will be distributing programs. (First Communicants will find programs on their seats.)


If your child has not had an opportunity to go to confession since the First Reconciliation Celebration in February, there are regularly scheduled confessions at Good Shepherd on Saturday from 4:15 - 5:00 PM (before the 5:30 Mass) and also on Wednesday at 6:15 PM (before the 7:00 PM Mass).

Prior to the retreat/rehearsal and celebration you and your child should have decided whether or not he/she will be receiving communion from the cup. At the rehearsal the children will practice receiving the host and drinking from the cup. If your child has decided not to receive from the cup he/she will practice receiving the host and reverently walking past the cup minister to his/her chair.

At the conclusion of the Liturgy the First Communicants will be given certificates of remembrance. There will be no reception, so you are free to plan your own gatherings with family.

A word about pictures

  • You can arrange for H.A. Rader to take a portrait of your child before or after the First Communion Celebration. Walk-ins are also accepted, but be prepared to pay at that time. Order forms will be available before the rehearsal.
  • No flash photos are allowed while children are receiving Communion. H.A. Rader has been contracted to take photos of each child as they receive. This photo of your child is Good Shepherd’s gift to you.
  • H.A. Rader will take photos of each child as they receive first communion. This photo will be Good Shepherd’s gift to you. That means that no additional photos are to be taken at that time, so the sacrament is not interrupted by lots of photos.
  • H.A. Rader will be taking a group photo after Mass, which will also be available for purchase. No family photos during this time.

What to wear? We encourage traditional First Communion dress: For girls: appropriate white dresses and shoes. Veils optional. Gloves discouraged. For boys: dress shirts and nice pants. Ties and jackets are optional.