April 16, 2013
- Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Chair Jesse Coslet at the Concordia Community Center at 802 S. Gordon St. Concordia, MO 64020 at 9:00 am.
II.Roll Call: In Attendance: RHSOC voting members
Jesse CosletDave Clippert
Ron NissenJeanne Beas
Kevin BondLeo Huff
Russ DonnellMark Sherwood
Gloria MichalskiJerry Brown
Stacie SmithSara Loar
Diana BryantJames Theisen
John GoverGary Mount
Not In Attendance: RHSOC voting members
John ClineKevin Campbell
Tony DayJoAnn Martin
Rod KirchhoffSam Hafley
Marvin ColemanJohn Marr
Gary MountSam Gibbons
Justin BrownJim Stone
Jim PaulLes Boatright
Michael GardnerJerry Kirchhoff
Brett KirchhoffLiz Lenger
Sue FosterDenzel Allen
Julie Dill
- Consideration of Meeting Minutes for January 29, 2013
M/S Dave Clippert /Mark Sherwood M/C
- Brett Hendrix gave a brief update on behalf of OHS
- At this time we reviewed the results of the THIRA efforts. We reminded the group that when it comes to voting on the applications for FY2013 funding we need to make sure they fall within the THIRA.
- Presentation from FY2013 Sub grantees
*SEMA Mass Care &FABODIMike Pickerel
*DFS Mutual Aid CoordSherrill Gladney
*MIAC Fusion CenterCpt. David Hall
*AG Emergency PreparednessMerrel Breyer
*Civil Air PatrolCpt. Austin Worcester
*Personnel & Equipment ID (Badging) Jesse Coslet / Russ Donnell
*80KW Generator Jeanne Beas
*GPS UpgradeJohn Gover
*Mobile EOCLeo Huff
*Electronic Power Disconnect Ron Nissen
*CERTGloria Michalski
*Pioneer Trails RPC M&ANikki Knipmeyer
There was lots of discussion on whether or not the RHSOC wanted to hear the states proposal or if the RHSOC wanted to go ahead and vote prior to hearing the proposals.
Kevin Bond made a motion to hear all state applications and then we will discuss and rank all applications by their merit.
Kevin / Stacie S Motion Carried 9 yes /1 No
Dave –YesSara L-Yes
Kevin-YesDianna B-Yes
Russ-YesJames T- Yes
Mark S.-YesLeo H-Yes
Jerry B-No
- After listening to all the states FY2013 proposals:
Russ Donnell made a motion to not fund the state applications and the local money for the local applications. Russ Donnell / Dave Clippert Motion Carried 9-Yes / 1-No
Dave –YesSara L-Yes
Kevin-YesDianna B-Yes
Russ-YesJames T- Yes
Mark S.-YesLeo H-Yes
Jerry B-No
- At this time the local FY2013 applicants presented their applications to the group. Below is a list of those proposals and how they ranked. The RHSOC will meet back in July to finalize funding once the available dollar has been determined.
Prioritized Rank
Score / Applicant / Project / Funds Requested / Funds Awarded
37.0 / Henry County / Purchase of 80KW Generators / $ 142,600.00 / $ -
35.7 / Bates Co. EMA / Electrical Power Boxes / $ 15,807.76 / $ -
34.4 / Saline County 9-1-1 / Personnel & Equipment ID / $ 48,585.00 / $ -
31.8 / Henry County / GPS units / $ 17,640.00 / $ -
31.6 / Johnson Co. EM / CERT Equipment / $ 10,795.00 / $ -
29.9 / Clinton Fire / Mobile EOC / $ 78,530.00 / $ -
0.0 / Missouri State Highway Patrol / MO Information Analysis Center / $ 369,999.10 / $ -
0.0 / SEMA / FABODI/Mass Care Initiatives / $ 138,437.33 / $ -
0.0 / Division of Fire Safety / State Mutual Aid Coordinator / $ 73,250.00 / $ -
0.0 / Department of Agriculture / Ag. Emergency Preparedness / $ 195,879.94 / $ -
0.0 / Civil Air Patrol / Equipment / $ 247,261.10 / $ -
VIII.The group also decided to award Pioneer Trails $ 3,139.00 or 4% of the grant amount for management and administration cost.
IX.Other business - None
X.Next Meeting July 23, 2013
XI. Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn.