Oceanway School of Dance & Performing Arts Presents:


Junior Recital Information

(Ages 3-7, Acro I class and St Patricks)

There are two separate/different recitals this year. This will prevent a lengthy recital and help to ensure seating availability for families. Please read the information carefully so you can help make the day a success.

WHEN: Saturday June 16, 2018

WHERE: University of North Florida, Lazarra Performance Hall

TIME: Dress Rehearsal is at 9:30 AM (arrive at 9:00 AM). Your Performance is at 6:30 PM (arrive at 6:00 PM)

Call 838-1340 with any questions!


There will be dress rehearsals at the dance studio and at the theatre. Below is the information about the dress rehearsal at the theatre on June 16, 2018. The dress rehearsals at the studio are the two weeks leading up to the performance week; please refer to the schedule attached.

The same day of the performance (Saturday June 16, 2018) there will be a dress rehearsal in the Lazarra Performance Hall. ALL DANCERS MUST ATTEND!Please note that ALL accounts must be up to date by June 1st in order for dancers to attend the dress rehearsal at the theatre and perform in the show.

The dress rehearsal for the Junior show will begin at 9:30 AM. Students should begin arriving by 9:00 AM to find their dressing room.

There will be a check-in table in the lobby of the theater. ALL dancers MUST check in at the check in table before going to their dressing room. Each class will have a dressing room assigned to them. There will be a volunteer assigned and signs posted to help guide the dancers to the correct location. Only one parent is allowed to walk their dancer(s) to their dressing room. Only volunteers are allowed to stay backstage.

Dancers should arrive in costume only for the dress rehearsal at the theater. (We will have full dress rehearsal with hair and make-up at the studio.) If they have more than one costume they are to hang them in their dressing room. Dancers will wait in their dressing room until they are called to get ready to come to the stage.

Parents are allowed to sit in the theater while the dancers rehearse their dance. Once a dancer is finished with rehearsing ALL of their dances they will be allowed to check-out in the dressing room and go home to rest and eat lunch / dinner. Please allow the dancers to rest between the rehearsal and the performance. Their energy needs to be up for the performance.

PLEASE NOTE: Parents who are not assigned to chaperone the dressing rooms will not be allowed to stay in the dressing rooms or the backstage area. There is limited space in the dressing rooms and we have a lot of students performing. Parent chaperones / volunteers will be recognized by their badges and/or volunteer t-shirt.


The performance for the Junior Show is at 6:30 PM. ALL STUDENTS MUST be at the theater by 6:00 PM to check in. The check in will take place in the dressing room for the show not the lobby. It will take a while to check in so please be prompt.

IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL dancers are in the finale (last performance). Dancers will not be allowed to leave their dressing room until dismissal. Once the finale is over dismissal will begin. If there is a dancer that MUST leave for any reason and they cannot perform in the finale a note from a parent is required and must be turned in to the front desk no later than June 1, 2018.


After the recital you may pick-up your dancer(s) from their dressing room. You must have a picture ID. Please present your ID to the volunteer who is watching your child’s class so they can sign your child out. SAFETY FIRST, only one parent is allowed backstage to pick up their child. Please refer to the map attached to see how to enter the backstage area.


Children MUST be safe at ALL TIMES! Only parents that have been assigned back stage duties will be allowed to stay in the backstage areas. These parents will be recognized by their badges and/or recital t-shirt.

It is crucial that all dancers check in when they arrive and check out when they are finished performing. We must know where the children are at all times. Please be patient with us as check out will take a long time. We want to make sure that students leave with the correct person. Please make sure that the same person checks a student in and out. This will help us with assuring the children are safe. You must have an ID present to pick-up your child.

RULES for Dressing Rooms:

  1. No food allowed, please feed your children before they arrive.
  2. If a dancer is in the entire show please provide food for them as needed. Packing a lunch with non-staining food or bringing them lunch is fine.
  3. Only water is allowed, this will help keep costumes clean.
  4. Please give your child a book to read or a drawing/coloring activity. This will give them something to do while they wait for their dance (NO PAINT or anything messy).
  5. All cell phones must be on vibrate.
  6. No Men Backstage.

RULES for the Theatre:

  1. No video taping allowed. A professional videographer will be videotaping the performance. Please see the front desk to receive information about how to purchase the DVD.
  2. No flash photography during the rehearsal or performance. This is to ensure the safety of the performers.
  3. Dancers are not allowed to sit in the theater in costume. Cover-up is required.
  4. Dancers are only allowed to see the performance during dress rehearsal once they have finished rehearsing ALL of their dances.
  5. During the performance dancers must remain in their dressing rooms until the end of the performance. If a child must leave for any reason; a note from a parent is required. Please give us the note by June 1, 2018.

Driving Directions & Parking

Map Quest the following Address:

Fine Arts Center
University of North Florida

1 UNF Drive

Jacksonville, FL 32224

Parking Permits:

Oceanway School of Dance has covered all of your parking expenses! The only thing that is required is on Friday during the day you must register your vehicle at the parking kiosk using the code ZWDR25. This is only for Friday daytime (not showtime) participants.

Dance Recital Tickets

Tickets will be sold online at for $10.00 each. There will be a service fee and all tickets will be mailed to your house. Tickets will be sold at the theater for $15.00 each . The theater fills up fast so we recommend that you purchase your tickets as soon as possible. It is assigned seating at the recital. The sooner you order online the better. You will have first pick of the seats.

The link to purchase tickets is: can also go to our website to find the link there!

All sales are final. There are no refunds or exchanges. If you lose a ticket before the show date you will be required to purchase another ticket to enter the recital.

Special Notes:

  • To order your recital DVD see the front desk for the order form or go to password: dance
  • PICTURE WEEK IS THE WEEK OF MAY 16th Monday-Friday starting at 4:30 during your child’s class time. All St. Patrick’s dancers will need to come during those times.
  • Order your recital T-Shirt before May 31st to get it before the recital. See the front desk.
  • Showcase your child’s accomplishments in the program slide show for $55 per ad. It is played before both shows and will be on the DVD! Over 1000 people see the program slide show. It is also a great way to advertise your business!

Please keep this recital packet to refer to during the week of the recital.