Product(s): / Office Supplies & Stationary/Consumables; Diesel Fuel; Water; ICT Equipment; Printing; Vehicle Maintenance; Furniture; Cleaning Services; Rental vehicles; School Supplies; School Furniture; Training Venues; Training Companies; catering Services and Equipment Rental
Expression of Interest No.: / AWDP - XXXX
Response Deadline: / 15 February 2018
Country / Afghanistan
Purchaser / Creative Associates International
Contract Name / Afghan Workforce Development Program
USAID Contract Number

The purpose of the request is to pre-select vendors for competitive bid opportunities for

  1. Office Supplies & Stationary/Consumables;
  2. Air Conditioners, Office equipment repairs and maintenance
  3. Building Maintenance
  4. Transportation services
  5. Kitchen and Grocery supplies
  6. Translations
  7. Diesel Fuel; Water;
  8. ICT Equipment;
  9. Printing;
  10. Vehicle Maintenance;
  11. Furniture;
  12. Cleaning Services;
  13. Rental vehicles;
  14. School Supplies;
  15. School Furniture;
  16. Training Venues;
  17. Training Companies;
  18. Catering Services and
  19. Equipment Rental
  20. Waste Disposal
  21. Apparel – hats, shirts, screen printing

These supplies and services are neededin support of the Afghan Workforce Development Project (AWDP) with USAID/Creative Associates International, Inc. The Authorized Geographic Code for the USAID / AWDPProject is 935 (Special Free World). Pre-approved vendors will be invited to submit quotations as required.

The Pre-select criteria will be available “free of charge” and is included in the solicitation for “Express of Interest” of can be obtained from the advertisement or by . Phone requests will not be honored

The information contained in this Expression of Interest(EOI) is intended to encourage vendors of relevant products and services to register with the Procurement Department of AWDP / Creative Associates International.

Interested firms/organizations and encouraged to registered with the Procurement Division immediately and should forward their EOI to the attention of the referenced Procurement Officer, giving the EOI reference number and Subject, and the commodities/services for which they are registered.

Firms and Organizations interested in any of the EOI’s that have not registered with the Procurement Division of Creative must submit applications along with details information demonstrating experience and qualifications in provision of the relevant commodities and services.

Please note that each EOI forwarded to the Procurement Division must be sent under separate transmission, letter or facsimile.

Vendors are required to register with Creative directly.

These notices do not constitute solicitations. Creative reserve the right to change or cancel this EOI or any EOI at any time in the process. Creative consider a firm’s qualifications and experience in the particular commodity or service and past performance when preparing a list of invitees. (example: An EOI for equipment and supplies – for vendors who are not manufacturer, full details of the vendor’s status as a factory-appointed wholesaler or distributor must be provide if not already on file with the Procurement Department. Submitting and or responding does not automatically guarantee a firm will be consider for receipt of a solicitation when issued.

All parties desiring to be registered and/or pre-qualified for supply of printed materials and other general supplies may submit applications on their letter head in the following format:

Incomplete applications will be ignored. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Pre-Qualification / registration of a vendor does not guarantee for placement of purchase orders. Creative will not reimburse any costs associated with preparation or and submission of their applications.

1. / Name of the Firm/ Company
2. / Address of Regd. Office with Phone No., Fax, E-mail & Name of contact person:
3. / Address of Works with Phone No., Fax, E-mail & Name of contact person:
4. / History and Organizational Structure of Organization of Firm/ Company. (To be attached)
5. / Registration with statutory authorities (In case of partnership firms, copy of Partnership Deed) Registrar of Companies, State, SSI/NSIC, ESI, AISA, Sale Tax Authority etc. Photocopy to be enclosed.
6. / In case of authorized Dealer/Agent/Distributor, Photocopies of authorization certificate from Principle to be enclosed.
7. / Labor License No. (Photocopy to be enclosed)
8. / Licensed capacity
9. / Capital Investment
10. / Provident Fund Account No. (Attested photocopy of allotment letter from Regional Provident Fund Commissioner to be enclosed).
11. / Sale Tax/VAT/TIN/PAN No. Photocopies to be enclosed
12. / Excise Registration No. Photocopy to be enclosed
13. / Audited Balance Sheets for last 3 years (Photocopies to be enclosed)
14. / Name of Bankers and Bankers report about financial soundness (To be enclosed)
15. / Plant & Machinery details (To be enclosed)
16. / Testing/ Inspection facilities details (To be enclosed)
17. / Items and range of manufacture details (Broacher/leaflet if available to be enclosed)
18. / Previous experience for similar jobs (Work order/Purchase order copies executed for the reputed customers for the last 3 years to be enclosed)
19. / Performance certificate from reputed customers (Photocopies to be enclosed)
20. / Relation with MOES, USAID or Creative employee or ex-employee, if any (If yes, give details)