Collection, Transportation, Marketing and Disposal

of Municipal Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials





September 27, 2017


115 East 9th Street

Shoemakersville, Pa. 19555


______Request for Bids – Labor and Equipment rental

Shoemakersville BoroughPage 1



A.Notice to Bidders...... 4

B.Specifications...... 5

C.Bidders...... 8

  1. Pre-Bid Conference...... 8
  2. General...... 8

D.Bid Submission requirements...... 9

1. Required Information...... 9

2. Signature and Authority...... 10

3. Bid Security...... 10

4. Subcontracts...... 10

E.Expenses of Bid Preparation...... 10

F.Withdrawal of Bids...... 11

G.Bid Rejection...... 11

H.Examination and Inspection of Work...... 11

I.Reports...... 12

J.Bid Award...... 12


A.Statement of Qualifications...... 12

B.Performance Bond...... 13


A.Introduction...... 13

B.Contract Requirements...... 14

C.General...... 14

1.Background – Properties to be serviced...... 14

2.Type of materials to be collected...... 14

3.Collection Equipment...... 16

4.Collection Practices...... 17

5.Holiday Collection...... 18

6.Collection Routes...... 18

7.Employees...... 19

8.Missed Collections...... 20


A.General...... 20

B.Performance Guarantees...... 20

  1. Payment for Services...... 21

D.Defaults and Remedies...... 21

E.Violations and Assessment of Penalty...... 22

F.Insurance Requirements...... 23

G.Indemnification...... 24

H.Equal Employment Opportunity...... 24

I.Permits/Licenses...... 25

  1. Observance of laws, Ordinances and Regulations...... 26


A.General...... 26

B.Qualifications and experience...... 26

C.Instructions for preparing the Bid...... 26

D.Bid Forms...... 27

VI.DEFINITIONS...... 27-30


B-1Bidders Identification

B-1AIdentification of General Partner and Joint venture partners

B-2Bid Forms

B-3Statement of Bidder's Qualifications

B-4Bid Bond

B-5Non-Collusion Affidavit

B-6Non-Discrimination Statement


A. Notice to Bidders:

1. The Shoemakersville Borough Council will receive sealed bids at the Borough Hall at 115 East 9th Street, Shoemakersville, Berks County, Pennsylvania, until 10:00 A.M., prevailing time on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 for Collection, Transportation, Marketing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials at.

2. Specifications and Bid Forms for the above work can be obtained at the Borough Office Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

3. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 13, 2017, at the Borough Hall, 115 East 9th Street, Shoemakersville, Berks County, at 10:00 a.m. prevailing time.

4. Bid opening shall occur on Wednesday, September 27, 2017, at 10:15 A.M. at the Borough Hall, 115 East 9th Street, Shoemakersville, Berks County.

5.Bid surety in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid shall accompany each bid. A certified check, Letter of Credit or bid bond will be accepted.

7.The Shoemakersville Borough Council reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, and to accept or reject any part of a bid that may not be in the best interest of the public.

8.Employees shall not be discriminated against because of race, color, age, religion, sex or national origin.

Advertised in Reading Eagle-Times.




B.Specifications for the Collection, Transportation, Marketing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials:

All Municipal Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials collections shall be performed in accordance with the attached Ordinances having numbers 201, 277 and 284. The Ordinances are hereby made a part of these Specifications. It is the intent of this Invitation to Bid to secure a Contractor(s) to provide the following services to Shoemakersville Borough:

Option 1: Collection and Transportation of designated recyclable materials:

The unit bid and contract price for Option 1 shall include all labor, materials and equipment needed for the collection and transportation of commingled recyclables including: clear, amber and green glass, aluminum and tin cans, #1 though #7 plastic bottles and containers. As well as, mixed paper including: newsprint, cardboard, corrugated boxes, magazines, office paper, junk mail, paper back books, phone books, gift wrapping and boxes to be collected commingled in Kraft Paper bags, from approximately 650 units on a bi-weekly basis, using privately owned vehicles. The successful Contractor shall also be responsible for collecting recyclable materials from the 18 unit age-restricted Apartment Complex located at the intersection of Noble Avenue and Franklin Streets, a 12 unit Apartment Complex located at 508-514 and 522 Washington Street in the Borough, a 9 unit Apartment Complexlocated at 732-736 Main Street in the Borough, the Borough Park and the Borough Pool.

To improve the efficiency in collection, set out locations will be standardized by requiring all recyclables to be placed curbside for collection. Homeowners will source separate recyclable materials from trash and set out for collection in a rigid reusable container provided by the Borough with the exception of mixed paper which will be set out for collection in Kraft paper bags.

A minimum of 5% contamination is assumed with both the commingled recyclables and mixed paper materials to be collected under this contract. No adjustments will be made to this contract for water content due to inclement weather.

The Contractor shall compute yearly prices based on bi-weekly Curbside collection.

The Contractor shall be prohibited from disposing of the Borough’s collected recyclable materials at a landfill or other waste disposal facility that will prevent the beneficial reuse of the materials.

Option 2: Processing and/or Marketing Services of Recyclable Materials:

Processing and marketing of commingled recyclables including: clear, and colored glass, aluminum and tin cans, #1 through #7 plastic bottles and containers. As well as, mixed paper including: newsprint, cardboard, corrugated boxes, magazines, office paper, junk mail, paper back books, phone books, gift wrapping and boxes to be collected commingled in paper bags or bundled with string.

A minimum of 5% contamination is assumed with both the commingled recyclables and mixed paper materials to be marketed under this contract. No adjustments will be made to this contract for water content due to inclement weather.

Current purchase and/or sale price of the recyclable materials must be based upon materials delivered (FOB) to the proposers specified facility. The unit price, based on one ton (2,000 lbs.) or otherwise stated, must be given on the enclosed Quotation Sheets. All negative prices, whereby, the Borough must pay to the vendor for the disposition of recyclable materials must be enclosed in parentheses.

The following is the estimated tonnage of recyclables to be marketed under this contract per year:

Mixed Paper – ____ Tons Commingled Materials – ___Tons

Option 3: Collection, Transportation and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste

and Leaf and Yard Waste:

The unit bid and contract price for Option 3 shall include all labor, materials and equipment needed to collect and dispose of a maximum of :

A. Four (4) 35 gallon trash bags or containers, of municipal solid waste per unit, per week, including all disposal costs, from approximately 650 residential units, located within the Borough. For those units which utilize more than four (4) containers or bags as set forth above the successful bidder will supply the municipality with identifiable trash bags for a fee which shall be passed along to the unit owner. The fee for additional trash bags shall not be included in the bid price.

B.The successful Contractor shall, also, be responsible for collecting municipal solid waste from the 18 unit age-restricted Apartment complex located at the intersection of Noble Avenue and Franklin Streets and should include a price for the collection of said solid waste through the use of three (3) ninety-six (96) gallon containers to accomplish said task.

C.The successful Contractor shall, also, be responsible for collecting municipal solid waste from a 12 unit Apartment complex located at 508 - 514 and 522 Washington Street in the Borough and should include a price for the collection of said solid waste through the use of a dumpster, supplied by the contractor, to accomplish said task.

D. The successful Contractor shall, also, be responsible for collecting municipal solid waste from a 9 unit Apartment complex located at 732-736 Main Street in the Borough and should include a price for the collection of said solid waste through the use of a dumpster, supplied by the contractor, to accomplish said task.

E.The successful Contractor shall, also, be responsible for collecting leaf and yard waste from all residential units set forth in subsections A through D above. The leaf and yard waste shall not be commingled with the residential trash and refuse. Leaf and Yard Waste shall be set out by residents in clear, non-opaque bags or receptacles designated specifically for leaf and yard waste and shall be collected by the successful Contractor on a weekly basis throughout the entire year .

Costs incidental to the processing and marketing of leaf and yard waste collected under this contract are the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain for submission to the Borough accurate records, indicating the tonnage/cubic-yards leaf and yard waste collected and delivered to the processing facility under this contract. These records shall be kept on a cumulative monthly and cumulative annual basis, and shall be submitted to the Borough. The Borough reserves the right to inspect such records and the record keeping procedures at any time during normal business hours.

The Contractor shall be prohibited from disposal of theBorough’s collected leaf and yard waste at a landfill or other waste disposal facility. Violation of this contract provision will be cause for termination.

F.In addition, a dumpster for the collection of municipal solid waste, having a lid and being 8-10 cubic yards in size, shall be supplied by the successful Contractor for placement in the Borough Park. Said dumpster shall be emptied each Monday from April 1st through October 31st and the rest of the year as needed. A separate price should be included for the completion of this task

G.Furthermore, A dumpster for the collection of municipal solid waste, having a lid and being 15-20 cubic yards in size, shall be supplied by the successful Contractor for placement at the Borough Pool. Said dumpster shall be emptied each Monday from May 1 through September 31st and the rest of the year as needed. A separate price should be included for the completion of this task

H.In addition, the Contractor shall select one day in the fall and one day in the spring that the Contractor will collect and dispose of Bulky Waste, as defined in this specification, which are placed at the curb for collection. As an alternative to the two Bulky Waste Collection Days, the proposer may include a price for collection of one Bulky Waste item per unit per week and specify the collection day upon which the Bulky Waste collection will take place.

The Contractor shall compute yearly prices based on a once a week Curbside collection of Municipal Solid Waste, Leaf and Yard Waste and two, one day collections of Bulky Waste per year or collection of one (1) Bulky item per week per residence (Contractor’s choice).

The above options are bid separately and contractors can bid on any or all options.

Bidders’ attention is called to the fact that the quantity and tonnage of materials to be collected will vary during the life of the contract period. Regardless of quantity, the Contractor is obligated to meet all conditions of the pertinent specifications.

1.Unit Adjustment

a.The Borough may add or delete units by notifying the Contractor.

b.The Contractor will begin service of the additional units the next calendar day following receipt of notice. Each unit so added shall be subject to the Agreement as of the effective date.


  1. Pre-Bid Conference

All inquires from Bidders on matters related to these specifications should be presented at the pre-bid conference. Said pre-bid conference shall be held at the Borough Hall at 115 East 9th Street, Shoemakersville, on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 10:00 A.M.

2.General Information

The service period shall commence on November 1, 2017 and shall expire on October 31, 2019. The Borough reserves the right to extend the contract for two (2), one (1) year renewals, with an annual increase to the contract as indicated by the Consumer Price Index, for all urban consumers, Northeast urban, size B/C, average all items (1982-84 = 100) as published in the monthly labor review by the US Department of Labor, over the average price of the first two years, as it appears on June 30 of the year in which the option is exercised.

The Shoemakersville Borough Council will consider only those bids received from parties whose names are recorded by the Borough as having secured Contract Documents for this contract. Contract Documents are not transferable to other parties for bidding purposes. Bids received from parties whose name(s) are not recorded by the Borough as having secured documents for this contract, will be rejected and returned to the bidder unopened.

The price(s) bid shall cover all costs of any nature incidental to or growing out of the work, including labor, material, equipment, transportation, and all else necessary to perform and complete the work in the manner and within the time specified. All incidental expenses in connection therewith, all costs on account of loss by damage or destruction of the work, and any additional expenses for unforeseen difficulties encountered, for settlement of damages and for replacement of defective work and materials are to be included in the bid price.

The work includes the furnishing of all labor, transportation, marketing and disposal required for the prompt and efficient collection of Municipal Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials, accumulated within the present boundaries of Shoemakersville Borough, as outlined in this specification.

D.Bid Submission Requirements:

1.Required Information:

Submit one (1) bound copies and one (2) unbound original copy to:

Borough Secretary

Shoemakersville Borough

115 East 9th Street

Shoemakersville, Pa. 19555

Bids must be typed or printed (double-spaced) on 8 1/2" x 11" size paper and must be paginated.

Bids must be received in the Borough Hall, 115 East 9th Street, Shoemakersville, PA 19555 no later than 10:00 AM., on September 27, 2017.

Bids shall be included in an opaque sealed envelope, marked with the Project Title, the name and address of the Bidder, and accompanied by the Bid Security and other required Documents. If the Bid is sent through the mail or arrives by other delivery system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation “BID ENCLOSED” on the face thereof. Faxed or phoned bids will not be accepted.

2.Signature and Authority:

The bid must be signed by an officer of the corporation, principal, partner, or other duly authorized person or persons with the requisite authority to make the commitments required by the specification. The signatures are to be provided as indicated on the bid forms.

All Corporations must attach to their Bid, a certified copy of Charter or Articles of Incorporation.

3.Bid Security:

Bidders shall include a Bid Security in the amount of 10% of the total bid price. Any Bid received without the required Bid Security shall be rejected. The Bid Security may be in the form of (1) a bank cashier's check payable to Shoemakersville Borough and drawn on a United States bank or a Continental United States branch of a foreign bank acceptable to the Borough; (2) a surety bond, in form and substance satisfactory to the Borough and issued by a surety company which is listed in the most recent revision of U.S. Treasury Department circular 570, with its underwriting limitations therein stated at least equal to $20,000,000, and which is acceptable to the Borough , through its licensed Pennsylvania resident agent accompanied by a power of attorney of the surety company dated the date of the surety bond and otherwise in form and substance acceptable to the Borough.


The Contractor will not be allowed to subcontract work under this contract unless written approval is granted by the Borough. The subcontractor, as approved, shall be bound by the conditions of the contract between the Borough and the successful bidder.

E.Expense of Bid Preparation:

Each Bid will be prepared at the cost and expense of the Bidder. The Bidder shall make no claims for reimbursement for the cost or the expense of Bid preparation.

F.Withdrawal of Bids:

Bidders will be given permission to withdraw any Bids after they have been received by the Borough Secretary at her office, provided said request is in writing and properly signed and is received at least two (2) hours prior to the time and date set for the opening. Request by telegram must be confirmed in writing, properly signed, which must be delivered within twenty-four (24) hours of the time and date set for the opening. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days following the formal opening and receipt of bids by Shoemakersville Borough

After the bid has been opened, it may not be withdrawn except as provided by Act of January 23, 1974, PL 9 No. 4 as same may be amended.

G.Bid Rejection

The Shoemakersville Borough Supervisors reserve the right to reject any or all bids and to accept or reject any part of any bid or to re-advertise if the best interest of the Borough will thereby be promoted. It also reserves the right to waive any technical defects or minor irregularities, which in its discretion, is in the best interest of the Borough. The Borough shall act in its sole discretion regarding what constitutes informalities in the bids received.

No Bid will be considered from any person, firm, or corporation, who has defaulted in the performance of any contract or agreement made with Shoemakersville Borough or who has failed to perform satisfactorily such contract or agreement.

Although not intended to be an exhaustive list of causes for disqualification, any one or more of the following causes may be considered sufficient for disqualification of a Contractor and the rejection of his/her Bid:

1.Evidence of collusion among Contractors.

2.Lack of competency as revealed by experience, equipment statements as submitted or other sources or documents.

3.Lack of responsibility, as shown by past work, judged from the standpoint of workmanship.

4.Default on any previous performance contracts within the past ten - (10) years.