
Comparing and Contrasting the Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, and Connecticut Plan

(1) What was the ORIGINAL purpose of the Constitutional Convention? ______To revise the Articles of Confederation______

(16) What became the later and final purpose of the Constitutional Convention? ____To design a completely new, strong national government that could fix the problems with the Articles of Confederation.______

What was the purpose of all three of these plans? ____To create a structure for a stronger national government that provided for a “fair” and accurate system of representation ____________

(5) (7) (11) Name TWO of the Convention’s rules: ___Doors and windows must be kept shut; one vote per state delegation; no whispering, passing notes, or reading while another delegate was speaking ______

Plan / Author / Bicameral or Unicameral? / What was representation based on – population or equal numbers? How are representatives selected? Be specific if there are two houses in the legislature. / Does this plan benefit “SMALL” states, “LARGE” states, or BOTH? WHY?


(12) (13) (14) (19)
(22) (24) (28) / James
Madison / Bicameral
( Two Houses) / ·  Representation is based on each state’s population
·  People elect the House
·  House elects the Senate / LARGE states benefit since their larger population gives them more representation, and hence, more of a say


(15) (20) (21) / William
Paterson / Unicameral
( One House) / ·  Representation is NOT based on population
·  Each state has an equal number of votes / SMALL states benefit since representation is equal – small states have equal say as large states and large states do not get more of a say


(17) (18) (26)
Sherman / Bicameral
( Two Houses) / ·  House of Representatives is based on each state’s population
·  Senate – each state gets 2 Senators and all states get equal power / BOTH large and small states benefit
House of Reps – benefits large states
Senate – benefits small states

Cross off each number below after you have talked with that person:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30