Chapman University School of Law Student Bar Association
Official Minutes for October 9, 2005 at 11 a.m.
Room 378, Kennedy Hall
Members Present: Chris Barnes, Jennifer Bender (Jen B.), Jennifer Boukidis (Jen), Hillary Bunber, Bryan Clavecilla, Lexe Davidson, Nakesha Dodson, Niaz Ghassemi, Jeff Greenman, Daniel Josephson, Shirley Kong, Alex Kugelman, Jaclyn Kung, Gino Monteleone, Stephanie Mullen, Ryan Ortuno, Tom Pokladowski, Flint Stebbins, Jeremy Thomas, Constance Trinh, Robert Vitt, Ruth Waggoner, Jennifer Weissburg (Jen W.), Rhonda Wilson
Members Absent: Matt Brady, Vinod Doddamani, Adam Luetto, Heather Reitz, Jennifer Schwarz (Jen S.)
I.Call to Order: Jen called the meeting to order at 11:07 a.m.
II.Reading and Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve minutes as written passes.
III.Officer Reports
A.President – Jennifer Boukidis
i.Jen welcomed Lexe Davidson and Robert Vitt to the Board. Matt Brady was unable to attend but will be here for the next meeting.
ii.Jen reported that she and Jeff attended the Faculty Meeting. The Faculty Meeting discussed the possible AALS accreditation. Dean Williams went to AALS Committee. AALS will vote on approval and Chapman will most likely will find out the results within the next couple of months.
B.Vice President-Jeff Greenman had nothing new to report.
i.Jeff asked the Board to excuse his absence due to his earlier planned trip to Seattle. The Board decided to excuse Jeff’s absence from the September 25, 2005 meeting.
C.Secretary-Shirley Kong had nothing new to report.
D.Treasurer-Adam Luetto was not present.
i.Jen W. reported that Adam had nothing new to report.
E.Parliamentarian-Jennifer Weissburg had nothing new to report.
IV.Committee Chair Reports
A.Student Affairs-Daniel Josephson
i.Dan reported that the club lockers were now located on third floor. Dan explained to the Board the situation with club lockers in previous years. Dan also suggested new lockers, for aesthetic reasons.
ii.Dan also informed the Board that Chapman Law School will be power washing every week on Wednesday night and he will be asking them to power wash one more hour later.
iii.Dan reported that he is working with Dean Dummitt on getting Diet Dr. Pepper in the vending machines in the student lounge. Dean Dummit just returned from Boston and hasn’t had time to address the lounge machines.
iv.Dan reported that he hasn’t held a committee meeting yet and would like to do so soon.
v.Jen B. asked about possible Big Sibling Program event.
vi.Jen W. asked about the Graduation Committee and Dan appointed Jen W. head of the Graduation Committee.
vii.Hillary asked about the construction on Palm. Dan informed the Board that students can still walk to Palm lot.
B.Academic Affairs-Jennifer Bender had nothing new to report.
C.Event Affairs-Constance Trinh
i.Connie reported that she has been researching venues for bar review.
D.ABA-LSD-Tom Pokladowski
i.Tom reported to the Board that the ABA schools were promoting awareness for breast cancer. The ABA will be fundraising for the Susan Komen Foundation. Tom to keep us updated.
ii.Tom informed the Board that the Ninth Circuit Fall Roundtable will be next Friday and Saturday at Loyola Law School. There is a link to the website on the SBA website. Jen W. suggested e-mailing Rhonda to get on the list if an interested individual didn’t sign up by the deadline.
E.Webmaster-Vinod Doddamani not present.
i.Jen reported that Vinod updated the website.
V.New Business
A.3L Vacancies
i.Jen informed the Board that there was still available vacancy but will leave the Board as it is.
B.Absence: Please see Jeff’s report.
C.SBA Room
i.Jen will meet with Dean Dummitt in the coming weeks to furnish the SBA Office.
D.Foosball Table
i.Jeff suggested having a foosball table in the student lounge. Dan suggested looking into marble soccer ball. Jeff researching prices and a foosball table will probably cost around $130. Jeff suggested possible locations. Jen B. brought up issue of adequate space for lunch when it rained. Rhonda suggested not putting the table near the television and to purchase a cover for the table. Jeff to update at the next meeting.
E.Internet connections
i.Jen B. reported that many students have contacted her regarding poor internet connections. Jen W. will speak to faculty regarding poor internet connection, printer malfunctioning, and Blackboard issues. Jen W. asked if anyone was interested in learning webmaster tasks for the next school year.
F.Halloween Party
i.Jen informed the Board that Lexe offered her house for the Halloween Party. Tom informed the Board that Chapman’s Alcohol Policy prohibits SBA from funding any event that has alcohol, unless the event is at an alcohol-serving establishment with a liquor license. SBA cannot claim they are involved with the event. The Board decided that they will not be involved with the Halloween Party.
G.Bar Review
i.Connie suggested Bar Review at Muldoon’s. The Board decided to allocate $200 from Bar Review funds for Bar Review on October 14, 2005 at 9pm at Muldoon’s, with three abstentions.
H.Chapman Law Day
i.Alex asked about Chapman Law Day. Connie reported that no one was funding Chapman Law Day so will not have it. Lexe suggested having an SBA-sponsored software tournament. Jen requested the Events Affairs Committee to meet to set this up. Jen asked all committees to meet and come up with suggestions for events and brining suggestions to next meeting for the Events Affairs Committee.
A.Next meeting will be on October 23, 2005 at 11:00 a.m.
B.Deans Forum will be on October 25, 2005.
VII.Executive Session
A.Entered into at 11:41 a.m.
B.Ended at 11:52 a.m.
C.Chris and Gino volunteered to assist Jen W. to fix problem with Blackboard and internet issues.
A.Meeting unanimously adjourned at 11:52 a.m.