My name is - I am in 5th 4th grade 3rd Pre Test = Post Test =

Growth Mindset Journal:

Lesson 1 – Building My Brain (11/2, 11/3)

  • Select this link and answer the questions. Record your Growth Mindset results here: (Pre Test)
  • After watching Your brain is like a muscle (ClassDojo) type your response to the following questions in your journal:
  1. What subject do you feel frustrated by sometimes? (type here)
  2. Can you see yourselfbecoming smarter in that subject? (type here)
  3. How?(type here)
  • Save this document to your drive.

Lesson 2 – My Mistake (11/9, 11/10)

  • Watch The magic of mistakes (ClassDojo).
  • After viewing the video type your response to the following questions on your Saved Journal:
  1. What does the quote from the video, "mistakes can make you smarter" mean to you? (type here)
  2. How can we learn from our mistakes? Talk about a specific, recent example. (type here)
  3. If you were building a robot and kept "failing,” what would you do? (type here)
  • Save this document to your drive.

Lesson 3 – Power of YET (11/9, 11/10)

  • Watch The incredible power of YET(ClassDojo).
  • After viewing the video type your response to the following questions on your Saved Journal:
  1. What should you do if you are stuck on a project, math problem, or other learning situation?
  2. Think of a time you were afraid to ask for help. Why did you feel afraid?
  3. Why is the word "yet" so powerful? Think of a "yet" moment in your life and explain how you felt.
  • Save this document to your drive.

Lesson 4 – My Nerons (11/16, 11/17)

  • WatchThe mysterious world of neurons (ClassDojo).
  • After viewing the video type your response to the following questions on your Saved Journal:
  1. What are neurons and how do we make connections between our neurons? (type here)
  2. Think of an example where you made some new connections in your brain. What were you doing? (type here)
  3. What can you do this week to make some new connections? Set one specific goal. (type here)
  • Save this document to your drive.

Lesson 5 – Putting it together (11/16, 11/17)

  • Watch Mojo puts it all together(ClassDojo).
  • After viewing the video type your response to the following questions on your Saved Journal:
  1. What does it feel like when something is too challenging? Is it wrong that we feel this way? (type here)
  2. What kind of attitude should we take on when facing a challenge, and why is that important? (type here)
  3. When taking on a challenge, it's okay to ask for help or to take a break to reflect, like Mojo did! Does this mean we aren't growing our brain anymore? (type here)
  • Save this document to your drive.

Lesson 6 – Completion & Reflection (11/30, 12/1)

  • Select this link and answer the questions. Record your Growth Mindset results here: (Post Test)
  • Complete Word Document Journal by responding to the following 2 questions (at least 100 word each)
  1. How did the growth mindset activities help me understand that learning is a result of effort and not fixed talents?

(type here)

  1. How did the growth mindset strategies change my attitude toward learning and the possibilities for my future?

(type here)