English Language Arts 30-1 and 30-2
Instructor - Jean Kimber
There are two basic aims of senior high school English language arts. One aim is to encourage, in students, an understanding and appreciation of the significance and artistry of literature. A second aim is to enable each student to understand and appreciate language and to use it confidently and competently for a variety of purposes, with a variety of audiences and in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and learning.
General Outcomes
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
1. Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
1.1 Form understandings, interpretations and positions
1.2 Experiment with language, image and structure
2. Comprehend literature and other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms, and respond personally, critically and creatively.
2.1 Construct meaning from text and context
2.2 Understand and appreciate textual forms, elements and techniques
2.3 Respond to a variety of print and nonprint texts
3. Manage ideas and information.
3.1.1 Determine inquiry requirements
3.2 Follow a plan of inquiry
4. Create oral, print, visual, and multimedia texts and enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
4.1 Develop and present a variety of print and nonprint texts
4.2 Improve thoughtfulness, effectiveness, and correctness of communication
5. Support and collaborate with others
5.1 Respect others and strengthen community
5.2 Work within a group
The refinement of writing skills will be emphasised at all stages of the course, as will vocabulary development. Preparation for the Provincial Diploma Examination will be integrated throughout the course.
Course Implementation
ELA 30 will run five 70 minute blocks from January 31st 2015 to June 21st 2017.
The primary anthology for ELA 30 will be Echoes 12. A variety of videos, online sources and stories from other anthologies will also be provided as needed. Full length texts will include A Doll’s House, Hamlet, and The Cellist of Sarajevo.
Units of Study –
1. Short stories Jan 31st to Feb 17th
- poetry, modern drama (A Doll’s House) – Feb 27th to March 16th
2. Hamlet – March 20th to April 13th
3. The Cellist of Sarajevo –fiction and reading comprehension – April 24th to May 18th
4. “Media”- key reference Rain Man
- film and media study, visual literacy – May 24th to June 2nd
5. Diploma Exam Preparation – June 5th to 21st
Evaluation: Each report card mark will be calculated as follows:
Daily Work = 35% (homework, quizzes, group work, presentations)
Published Writing = 25% (essays, personal responses)
Unit Exams = 40%
Final mark - 70% of the final mark will be the teacher awarded mark
- 30% of the final mark will be derived from the June Diploma examinations - Credit will be awarded only if the blended examination mark is 50% or higher.
Diploma Exam: Part A (written) – Friday June 15 /2017 (9:00 AM - 12:00)
Part B – (m/c) – Tuesday June 22/2017 (9:00 AM - 12:00)
· No marks are allocated for participation or behaviour. Failure to participate will be reflected in the student’s achievement.
· Barring emergency, late assignments will not be accepted more than two days after their due date. Late work will be docked 20% a day. Plagiarism of any type will result in a score of “0”.
· Homework may be emailed to me at Please note – it is your responsibility to also hand a hard copy of your assignment ASAP.
Student Behaviour:
1. Be on time.
2. Be prepared (including homework, books, binders, pen, etc.) Use the bathroom at break. You need to ask for permission to leave the classroom.
3. Treat others with respect.
4. In keeping with SCHS policy, cell phones should be used as directed by the teacher. Having a cell phone on your person during an exam will be seen as an attempt to cheat and therefore will be grounds for a “0” scoring.
5. NO PHOTOS may be taken in class.
6. All students are expected to follow the dress code.
7. Food or drink will be permitted in class. Water is best. Please be tidy.
8. Use the time you are given to accomplish as much as possible.
Above all, please come and TALK TO ME if you have a concern or question.