Bienvenue à la classe de français I: 7 ème année!

Anthony Middle School


Mme. Elizabeth Miller

(best way to reach me)

Tel. 612-668-3240 ext. 51922

Room 004


Welcome to 7th Grade French I class! I am very excited to be teaching at Anthony Middle School this year, and to share my passion for French language and culture. By learning French, you will be understood in more than 56 countries by more than 200 million people worldwide. You made a great decision to take French! We'll have a great year!

International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program Units

Here is a list of the main units we will cover throughout the year:

I. Les fables - Qu'est-ce qu'ils nous enseignent?: Fables- what do they teach us?

II. Une visite de Paris: A tour of Paris - includes reading the mini-novel Les Aventures d'Isabelle

III. Ma Ville à Moi: Exploring the characteristics of our community

IV. Les Artistes Impressionnistes: A study of the lives of Monet, Renoir, and Van Gogh

Class Supplies

We are creating our own Textbooks for the class. You will need:

·  One 1-1/2 inch three-ring binder

·  5 Tab Dividers

·  Loose leaf paper in your binder

·  One pen (black or blue) or pencil

Homework and Make-up

All classwork not completed in class will be considered homework and due the following day. Additional homework will be assigned with extended due dates. Students are expected to make up missing work within 2 weeks.


You will be graded on the following :

Approaches to Leaning : Daily participation, in class work, homework

Language Acquisition Benchmarks: Quizzes on verbs and vocabulary

MYP Criterion A: Comprehension of Spoken Language

MYP Criterion B: Comprehension of Written Language

MYP Criterion C: Responding to Spoken and Written Language

MYP Criterion D: Using Written and Spoken Language

MYP Score / Percentage Conversion / Letter Grade / Standards Level
8-7 / 100-87% / A / Exceeds
6-5 / 86-62% / B / Meets
4-3 / 61-37% / C / Meets Some
2-1 / 36-12% / D / Meets Few
0 / 11% and below / F / Does Not Meet

All assignments will be graded on the 8-point MYP scale. Here is the breakdown of the percentages:


·  Please don't hesitate to email or call me with question about your student.

·  Visit my Website for weekly updates!

·  Register with Parent Portal to keep track of your student's assignments.

I look forward to teaching you this year!!! Middle school students have a great capacity to learn and grow, and I'm fortunate to be a part of that!


– Mme. Miller