Monday, November 10, 2014


Parent Attendees: Patty Bartlett (Chair), Heather Woodley, Victoria Elliot-Gibson (Vice-Chair), Delilah Simoes-Shand, Melanie Gibson (Secretary), Paulette Velsen-Rende, Jane Gauvreau

Staff Members: Marcel Giraldi (Principal), Patrick Tannahill (Teacher)

Student Member (2014/15): Rachel Kelly

Guest Speaker: Sue Lawton, PDSB Trustee

WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Patty welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.

REVIEW OF MINUTES: Minutes from September 29, 2014. Motion to accept by Melanie Gibson. Seconded by Delilah Simoes-Shand. Minutes approved as recorded.

STUDENT’S ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL UPDATE: Rachel Kelly – Public Relations Officer

Spirit Week

·  October 27 – 31 was a success

·  December 15-19 is next scheduled which will feature a holiday theme

Taste of the Apple

·  November 5 – Open House for Grade 8 Tomken, Bristol, Fairwind Students

December Dance

·  Friday, December 12 from 7-10pm

·  Tickets are $6/advance, $8/door

·  Featuring DJ, Lite snacks and beverages

·  Chaperoned by VP, 5 staff, 2 school police


·  Reminder – next General meeting will be December 4

·  Will require 5 staff

GUEST SPEAKER: Sue Lawton, Peel District School Board Trustee

·  Represented at Applewood for the last 4 years to support students and families via phone and email

·  Works with Principals to support school

·  Lots of committee work and involvement at the Board Office

·  Attended Commencement, Principal’s Reception, Pancake Breakfast at AHSS, always available

·  Reported that bussing issues of last school year have been resolved, Peel has the largest distance requirement for bussing eligbility in the province for Grades 9-12 which is influenced by programming and school numbers. Bus companies come up with drivers and buses.


Responses to Questions at Last Meeting

·  Supports for Grade 9 Mock Literacy Test results which were marked on Oct. 1 Early Release Date and given to students to bring home included mention of five after school classes, on Monday and Wednesdays for ongoing support (can be parent recommended). This will help students prepare for the Grade 10 Literacy Exam next year.

·  Signs for pet restrictions will be put up on school property by the School Board as time permits.

Applewood Heights Celebrations

·  Take Our Kids to Work Day (Grade 9) allowed an opportunity for 600 Grade 8 students from feeder schools (Tomken, Bristol, Fairwind and Valleys) to attend AHSS. Parents in attendance asked if perhaps a reflection from Grade 9 students of their work experiences could be prepared. Maybe a thank you on school letterhead. As a point of interest, there are more Grade 9 students (254) in the school than any of the other grades.

·  Other activities taking place in the school included Dodgeball Tournament for Grade 8’s (6 schools attended from both Peel School Boards, and 1 private school), October Principal’s Reception (honours students who demonstrated any of the 6 character traits noted by Peel Board – honest, caring, cooperative, inclusive, respectful, responsible) – 69 students were recognized over a 6 week period – teacher nominated. Students with Perfect Attendance were also recognized (154 students with no lates and perfect attendance).

·  My Career/My Future Career Evening was well received by those attending. Although numbers were down, it was felt that those who attended were able to get more from the speakers and presentations.

Looking Forward

Wednesday, November 12 – Midterm Report Cards issued to students

Thursday, November 13 – Alumni/Student Volley Game Fundraiser (Period 4, Class Buy Out)

Friday, November 14 – Awards ceremony, Commencement

November 24-28 – Grad Photos

November 27-28 – Grade 12 Drama Presentation

2014 GREAT START OVERVIEW: Patty Barlett/Melanie Gibson

Patty reviewed her attendance along with Melanie Gibson and Delilah Simoes-Shand at the Peel District School Board’s Great Start Overview for School Council members. Three representatives from all School Councils in Peel were designated to attend a dinner and workshop sessions such as Chairing Great Meetings,Taking Minutes at Meetings, Mental Health issues at your school, etc. Some of the sessions offered great ideas for future workshops which were shared by Melanie Gibson.


Victoria circulated a report of the Career Event held on Monday, November 3rd. Although numbers were down, it was felt that those who attended really benefitted from the speaker sessions. Discussion ensued on holding the event at a different time of the year, or a different day of the week to increase attendance. The event involves a lot of preparation and planning. Everyone expressed a heartfelt appreciate to Victoria for her excellent co-ordination of the event, which she began in May, 2014!


Staff Appreciation Breakfast

This event is hosted by School Council members and is scheduled for Thursday, January 29th (turn around day with no students in class but staff at school) from 8am-9:30am. Breakfast is put on for staff and subsidized by School Council. Melanie Gibson offered to co-ordinate this event. Victoria indicated she would share past event templates for planning purposes.

Upcoming events were discussed – Sounds of the Season put on by Music Department, tickets are $5.

Rememberance Day ceremony would be put on over the PA – student created by Mr. Hobbs.

Discussion took place regarding fundraising at the secondary school level. Very little takes place, and there is no treasurer position for this reason. However each Student Council receives $500 from the Board to use as communication funds, part of these monies were used for Career Night.

Ideas for sessions in 2015 were discussed, perhaps having a Social Worker talk about student stress or communication, hosting a cultural event. Further ideas and discussion would take place at the next meeting.

School Council Meeting Dates:

·  5 Meetings – Remaining Dates are

o  Monday, January 19, 2015

o  Monday, March 23, 2015

o  Monday, May 25, 2015

Minutes Prepared by Melanie Gibson, School Council Secretary