
Hong Kong and its Neighbour


Entertainment and Leisure

Programme Outline

Nicki and his sister, Jane, were computer game fanatics. They often spent hours playing computer games. One day, while they were rivalling over playing a video monster game, the video Monster suddenly appeared and captured Jane into the video world. Seeing Jane struggling frantically under the captive of the video Monster, Nicki ventured into monsterland to save his sister. A white mouse gave him advice all the way and he finally demystified the power of the video Monster.

Two friends of Nicki borrowed the video monster game from Nicki and were absorbed in playing the game. The video monster returned and seized these two boys away. At the Monster’s den, the two boys found a group of captives who were all computer game fanatics. With the advice of the white mouse and the concerted effort of the captives, they found out the secret to destroy the Monster. They also attained the will power to free themselves from the obsession of playing computer games.

Key Stages Targets

To develop an ever-improving capability to use English

-to converse about feelings, interests, ideas, experiences and plans (L.D.b)

-to interpret and use given information through processes or activities such as describing, and to follow instructions (K.D.b)

-to respond to characters and events in imaginative and other narrative texts through oral, written and performative means such as imagining oneself to be a character in the story and describing one’s feelings and reactions (E.D.b)

-to give expression to imaginative ideas through oral, written and performative means such as providing simple oral and written descriptions of a situation, object or character (E.D.b)

Communicative Functions

  1. Give simple instructions, warnings and prohibitions


Eat this and you’ll be able to find your way out.

Don’t eat it, or you’ll die. Take this magic petal. It’ll show you the way.

Don’t touch it. It’s poisonous.

Don’t believe what you see. Just walk straight through the wall.

Turn back. You’re heading for danger.

Don’t go this way. Turn back. Your sister is behind you.

This way to the cliff.

Danger! Blasting area.

  1. Make and respond to simple inquiries


Jane, where are you?

I’m here, Nicky.

Is this the way to Area III?

Yes, just walk right through here.

Language Skills


-use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression

-listen for specific information

-understand the speaker’s intention, attitude and feelings through his/her choice and use of language, gesture and facial expression


-maintain an interaction by asking and responding to others’ opinions


-construct meaning from texts by using visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression


-plan and organize information and ideas by identifying purpose and audience for a writing task

- develop written texts by expressing own ideas and feelings

-develop written texts by using appropriate format, conventions and language features when writing non-narrative texts such as a description or a diary

Language Development Strategies

Develop thinking skills

-identify values, attitudes and beliefs expressed in text

Pre-viewing Activities

  1. Motivate the class by asking pupils what they like to do in their spare time. List the pupils’ answers on the board.


playing basketball, playing the piano/trumpet, playing computer games,

swimming, jogging, shopping, watching television, etc.

  1. Ask pupils to talk about the effects of spending too much time on his/her favourite pastimes.


They spend too much time and money on it.

It may affect their studies.

It may be bad for their health.

They cannot control themselves.

  1. Introduce the following vocabulary/expressions to the class if necessary:

Computer games, poisonous, heading for danger, blasting area,

Monster’s den, adventure

  1. Explain briefly to the class that they are going to watch a boy, Nicki, who has a special adventure in monsterland. The story continues with a group of lost boys trying to free themselves from the captive of the video Monster.

While-viewing Activity

Make sure that pupils have the COPYMASTER 1 and pencils on their desks before viewing. They need to complete Part 1 by deciding whether Nicki has followed the instructions or paid attention to the warnings.


  1. Just walk straight through the wall.
  2. Don’t go this way. Turn back. Your sister is behind you.
  3. This way to the cliff.
  4. Danger! Blasting area.
  5. Don’t believe what you see.

Post-viewing Activities:

  1. Part II of the COPYMASTER 2 is an extended writing task. Pupils are asked to imagine themselves as Ken, one of the lost boys in the programme and describe his adventure at the Monster’s den. They are encouraged to respond to the character’s experience by describing his feelings and reactions. Teachers can ask the pupils to read the guiding questions and elicit answers to the questions before they attempt writing the diary.
  1. In Part II of the COPYMASTER 3, pupils are asked to fill in the speech bubbles to give warnings to naughty Martin on the verge of danger.


  1. Don’t drink from the tap, or you’ll get sick.
  2. Get off that fence, or you’ll fall down.
  3. Don’t touch that dog, or it will bite you.
  4. Don’t eat the flower. It may be poisonous.
  5. Be careful with that pair of scissors, or you’ll hurt/cut yourself.


Adventure Into Monsterland

Part I

Be careful, Nicki!

Nicki ventures into Monsterland to save his sister, Jane. There is danger all around and he should be very careful. Is Nicki following the instructions or paying attention to the warnings?

Watch carefully. Put a tick ( √) or a cross ( ×) in each of the boxes.

1.□Just walk straight through the wall.

2.□Don’t go this way. Turn back.

Your sister is behind you.

3.□This way to the cliff.

4.□Danger! Blasting area.

5.□Don’t believer what you see.


Adventure Into Monsterland

Part II

The Lost Boys’ Adventure

At the Monster’s den, a group of boys was kept by the Monster. Ken was one of the lost boys. It had been an unforgettable day for Ken.

Write the diary for Ken about his adventure at the Monster’s den.

You may find the following questions useful.

  1. What was the common pastime of the lost boys?
  2. How did they get to the Monster’s den?
  3. How did they feel?
  4. Who helped them to find out the secret of the Monster?
  5. What was the secret of the Monster?
  6. What did they do to destroy the Monster?
  7. How could they free themselves from the Monster?
  8. What lesson had Ken learnt?

Ken’s Diary


Adventure Into Monsterland

Part III

Naughty Martin!

It is the first time for Martin to visit Auntie Nancy’s farm. He is very curios but naughty. He simply doesn’t realize the danger around. He has done a lot of things that he should not do. Auntie Nancy is watching over him and giving him warnings.

What will Auntie Nancy say in the following situations? Complete the sentences in the bubbles.

