Board Meeting Agenda
February 8, 2012
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Marysville U.S.D. 364 Board of Education
Regular Board Meeting
February 8, 2012
6:00 p.m.
Dr. William J. Oborny Media Center
(Conference Room Phone Number 562-2946 or Mobile 713-1252)
Board Picture taken for website.
1.0 Call to Order and Roll Call
2.0 Adoption of Agenda and Approval of the Consent Agenda Action Item
2.1 Additions to the Agenda
2.2 Approval of January Minutes
2.3 Approval of Bills
2.4 Approval of Monthly Transfers
2.5 Clerk’s Financial Report
2.6 Treasurer’s Report
2.7 Investment Securities Report
2.8 Miscellaneous Reports
3.0 Public Presentations – 6:05 P.M.
3.1 Citizen’s Open Forum
3.2 Gifts Action Item
3.2.1 The band received $100 from Evangelical United Church of Christ. The Center Street Jazz Combo played Sunday, 1-15-12 during their services.
3.2.2 The band received $1,284 from MCAC to offset costs for band members to attend the Kansas State University Concert Band Clinic.
3.2.3 Received $180.00 from MCAC for KMEA registration fee for Tob Wood, Valerie Oltman, and Veronica Olmsted.
3.2.4 The Army is covering Tob’s travel, food and lodging for the KMEA convention.
3.2.5 Received $3,494.00 from an anonymous donor for weight room equipment.
3.2.6 Marysville Elementary received $4,148.98 from the Mary A. Wittenberger Family Trust (final distribution including interest earned).
3.2.7 Received $1,000 from Robin & Laurie Wright to be used toward the chartered bus in the fall.
3.2.8 Received $600.00 from the R.L. or Elsa Helvering Trust for the After Prom Fund.
3.2.9 Donations from 2010-11 not recorded: Received $75 from United Bank & Trust for Camp Invention on 5/3/11. Activity Fund – FBLA Donations of $225.00 received 8/6/10. Activity Fund – FFA Donation of $506.00 received 8/13/10. Activity Fund – Pepsi Donation of $10,000 received 9/23/10. Activity Fund – Videography Donation of $50 received 10/29/10. Activity Fund – Athletic/Activity Improvement Donation of $1,000 received 3/16/11. Activity Fund – Various Wrestling Room Improvement Donations of $2,550.00 received April through June 2011. Activity Fund – Popular Music Donation of $442.47 received 5/26/11.
4.0 Finance
4.1 Audit Report Action Item
Mr. Kickhaefer will present audit results for the 2010 – 2011 fiscal year. The Board is asked to accept the audit report.
4.2 Approve Contract – Auditing Firm Action Item
Recommendation is made to continue to contract for services with Kickhaefer & Associates, P.A. Their contract is enclosed. The cost will be $ 9,950. (Last year was $9,700)
4.3 Budget Spent Report Informational Item
5.0 Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment
6.0 Curriculum and Instruction Informational Item
6.1 Administrative Reports
6.1.1 Sheri Harmer
6.1.2 Cindy Scarbrough
6.1.3 Bert Lord
6.1.4 Mary Schilling
6.1.5 Khris Thexton
7.0 Board of Education
7.1 Calendar 2012-13 Discussion Item
Presented for Board adoption. Included are two calendars – one from the administration and one from MEA.
8.0 Personnel (Executive Session)
8.1 Resignations Action Item
8.2 Appointment(s) Action Item
8.3 Extra Duty Appointment(s) Action Item
8.4 Superintendent Evaluation
8.5 Administrator Contracts Action Item
Khris Thexton (2013-14)
Bert Lord (2012-13)
Cindy Scarbrough (2012-13)
Sheri Harmer (2012-13)
8.6 Negotiations
9.0 General Discussion Informational Item
10.0 Items for next month’s agenda Informational Item
10.1 Coaches Evaluations
11.0 Adjournment Action Item