Field, Staff & Band, 39th Regiment

Baldauf, Jacob -- Quartermaster Sergeant. See private Company F.

Bosman, A. D. -- Drum Major - May 8, 1862. Surrendered at Greensboro, North Carolina, April 26, 1865. Appears as private on Company D.

Brady, John W. -- Chaplain. See Captain, Company K.

Brotherton, William H. -- A. C. S. See 2nd Lieutenant Company C.

Calhoun, John C. -- Sr. Assistant Surgeon. See private Company H.

Cleghorn, John S. -- A. Q. M. See 2nd Lieutenant of Company H.

Coker, Newton H. -- Commissary. See private Company F.

Cook, S. L. -- Fife Major - December 5, 1861. Captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 8, 1863. Deserted. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Government at Nashville, Tennessee January 2, 1865.

Cureton, James W. -- Acting Major. See Captain Company D.

Deakins, S. R. -- Hospital Steward. See private Company D.

Deakins, S. R. -- Jr. Assistant Surgeon. See private Company D.

Fowler, A. S. – Surgeon - March 24, 1862. Serving with Cumming's Brigade, Stevenson's Division, August 15, 1864. No later record.

Garner, Samuel G. -- Major. See 2nd Lieutenant Company A.

Graham, J. W. -- Sergeant Major. See private Company F.

Green, S. Percy -- Adjutant. See private Company A.

Hill, Marion W. -- Ensign. See private Company C.

Jackson, J. F. B. -- Elected 1st Lieutenant of Company B, Phillips' Legion Georgia Infantry June 11, 1861; Lieutenant Colonel of the 39th Regiment Georgia Infantry, March 20, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 8, 1863. Resigned April 29, 1864.

King, John H. -- A. C. A. See 1st Lieutenant Company B.

Kramer, George C. M. R. -- Chaplain March 24, 1862. Roster dated Columbia, Tennessee, November 29, 1864, shows he was "Transferred to post duty, Atlanta, Georgia, Special Order #1287." No later record.

McAllister, Wesley M. – Adjutant - March 24, 1862. Captured at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. Paroled at Johnson's Island, Ohio, and forwarded to City Point, Virginia for exchange February 24, 1865.

McConnell, Joseph T. -- Elected 1st Lieutenant of Company G, 1st Regiment 1st Brigade, Georgia State Troops, October 8, 1861. Resigned December 11, 1861. Elected Colonel of the 39th Regiment Georgia Infantry, March 20, 1862. Wounded at Missionary Ridge, Tennessee November 25, 1863. Died from wounds December 1, 1863.

Milton, William P. -- Lieutenant Colonel. See Captain Company I.

Norton, John C. -- Ordnance Sergeant - May 12, 1862. Captured near Atlanta, Georgia, July 22, 1864. Released at Camp Chase, Ohio, May 1, 1865.

Phinizy, Charles H. -- Elected 1st Lieutenant of Company B, 10th Regiment Georgia Infantry May 18, 1861; Captain July 19, 1861. Appointed Captain & A. A. General, C.S.A. (to rank from October 30, 1862 ), and ordered to report to General A. Cumming for duty November 15, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 6, 1863. Recommended by General Cumming for promotion to Major & A. A. General May 24, 1864. Recommended for Lieutenant

Colonel of 36th Regiment Georgia Infantry July 25, 1864. No record of appointment to either position found. Serving as A. A. General on General Cumming's staff December 21, 1864. Elected Colonel of the 39th Regiment Georgia Infantry (consolidated) April 9, 1865. Surrendered at Greensboro, North Carolina, April 26, 1865.

Pitner, Tilmon H. -- Major. See Captain Company B.

Randall, Gabriel H. – Major - March 20, 1862. Resigned October 20, 1863.

Shropshire, Edward F. -- Sergeant Major. See private Company F.

Trammell, L. N. -- Captain & A. Q. M. July 10, 1862 (to rank from April 24, 1862). Resigned April 1, 1863.

Woods, W. H. -- Commissary. See private Company F.