Adopted 7/15/2015 and Revised 9/1/2017



Section 1

The name of this organization shall be the Kingman Republican Women (hereinafter called KRW).

Section 2

The Bylaws and Objects of the KRW shall be consistent with those of the National Federation of Republican Women (hereinafter referred to as NFRW).


Section 1

The object of the KRW shall be to:

A. Promote an informed electorate through political education.

B. Foster loyalty to the Republican Party and promote its ideals.

C. Increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through political participation.

D. Support the object and policies of the Republican State Committee.

E. Work for the election of Republican Party nominees.

Section 2

It shall be the policy of the KRW to refrain from supporting any candidate in a primary election contest. Individual members may support any Republican candidate of their choice.



Section 1

Active membership in the KRW shall be open to any woman who is currently registered as a Republican, in the State of Arizona, who upholds the object of the KRW and pays the required dues. Active membership shall not be held in more than one club within the AzFRW. Membership dues, regular or associate, will not be refundable.

Section 2

Associate membership shall be open to registered Republican women who hold active membership in another Arizona club or who are registered Republicans in another state. Associate membership shall also be open to men who are registered Republicans and who pay the required annual dues. Associate members cannot hold office, vote, or be counted for the purpose of determining the number of delegates to national and/or state conventions. Men who are associate members do not become members of the AzFRW nor the NFRW.

Section 3

In the event of the dissolution of KRW, all of it's assets remaining after payment of all costs and expenses of such dissolution shall be disbursed to the AzFRW along with the Charter to the Club. In the event KRW merges with another AzFRW club, all remaining assets, after payment of all costs and expenses, shall go to the club to which it is merging. The Charter must be returned to AzFRW.


Section 1

A. The annual KRW dues for each Active Member shall be as determined by the club.

B. Annual dues shall be paid to the club Treasurer.

Section 2 – FISCAL YEAR

The fiscal year shall be January 1, through December 31.


Section 1 – Candidate Endorsements


A. The President of KRW shall not endorse a candidate prior to any election when there is more than one (1) Republican candidate for the same office. If the President desires to do so, she must resign her position.

  1. The only exception permitted is when her husband or a member of her immediate family (i.e. child or parent) is a candidate for office in any election so long as she does not permit the Club or Federations name to be used, and she does not actively campaign using her office and the Federation as endorsement.
  2. If there is only one (1) Republican candidate at the close of the filing date, the President may endorse. (See D-1 below).

B. The name of KRW shall not be used by a club member in supporting a candidate during any campaign. The only exception permitted is if the club's regular members vote to endorse a member of the local club for a specific office when there is more than one (1) Republican candidate running for the same office, and provided the other Republican candidates for that position have been given an opportunity to be heard.

C. A member other than the President of KRW may work as an individual for the Republican candidate of her choice in any election but not in her local club capacity nor shall the name of the local club be used.

D. An endorsement constitutes:

  1. The local club or President's name in writing or print available to the public, such as:

a. on a candidate's brochure or literature

b. appearing on a candidate's press release

c.appearing in an article about the candidate, and

d. on the list of campaign contributors.

2. Use of your home for a candidate's headquarters

3. The candidate's bumper strip on your car

4. The candidate's lawn sign on your property

5. Giving a coffee or fundraiser for a candidate

6. Participating in a candidate's phone bank

7. Serving on a candidate's steering committee

8. Working in a candidate's headquarters

9. Any form of public announcement that connects your name with the candidate

10. Attending an event promoting a candidate when there are two (2) or more Republican candidate's or, in a non-partisan race, a candidate of another party.

Section 2

It shall be a breach of ethics for a member to speak disparagingly in public of a Republican candidate. It shall also be a breach of ethics to publicly promote a candidate of another party in speech, in print or electronic communication in a partisan or non-partisan election and may be just cause for a member's suspension or dismissal.


Section 3

A member may be removed from membership for failure to support the party ticket, support an opposition candidate or work against the objectives of the Federation on any level.

Section 4

All correspondence initiated or forwarded by a member becomes public record. The member then has ownership and shall be held accountable for all messages affecting the KRW guidelines.


Section 1

A. The ELECTED OFFICERS of the KRW shall be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

B. The APPOINTED OFFICERS shall be a Chaplain, Historian & Parliamentarian.

C. All officers shall be ACTIVE members in good standing of the club.

D. Officers shall serve a term of two years coinciding with the National convention years.

E. The President may accept the resignation by written letter or email of any member wanting to resign from a position, chairmanship or the club.


The appointive officers shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, for a term which coincides with that of the President. Within two (2) weeks after an appointed officer has been replaced, she shall deliver to her successor all materials pertaining to her office.

Section 3 – DUTIES

A. The President shall:

a. Be the official representative of KRW.

b. Preside at all meetings of KRW and the Executive Committee.

c. Name the appointive officers, all Standing and Special Committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, except as specifically provided for in these bylaws.

d. Be a signatory on the KRW financial accounts.

e. Fill vacancies in appointive offices and committees subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

B. The Vice President shall:

a. In order of rank, perform the duties of the President in her absence or inability to serve.


b. Act as a Chairman of a Standing Committee; the First Vice President to chair a Program Committee, the Second Vice President to chair the Membership Committee, and the Third Vice President to chair the Ways and Means Committee.

c. Perform such other duties as may be assigned to them by the President or Executive Committee.

C. The Secretary shall:

a. Keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the KRW, the Board, and the Executive Committee. A copy of the minutes shall be sent to the President within ten (10) days after each meeting.

b. Maintain an up-to-date file of all officers and committees of the KRW, and names of committee chairs.

c. Be custodian of all records and other materials pertaining to her office.

d. Perform such other duties as directed by the President or Executive Committee.

e. Conduct a roll call of voting members at the Board of Directors meeting.

D. The Treasurer shall:

a. Be custodian of all KRW funds.

b. Be a signatory on all KRW accounts.

c. Collect all funds, give a receipt upon request of the member, and deposit them in an institution approved by the Executive Committee.

d. Upon a staatement from AzFRW transmit the requested amounts to AzFRW for State and National dues in accordance with their deadlines.

e. Disburse funds as directed by the Executive Committee. Any expense over $100.00 shall be approved by the Executive Committee before submitting the payment.

f. Submit a written report at each meeting of the Executive Committee and regular monthly membership meetings.

g. Be a member of the Budget and Finance Review Committees.

h. Serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms.

i. Perform such other duties as may be directed by the President or the Executive Committee.

E. Chaplain shall perform the duties of her office as requested by the President.

F. Historian shall prepare a history of the activities of KRW during her term of office.

G. Parliamentarian shall:

a. Attend all meetings of the KRW, Executive Committee and Bylaws Committee.

b. When requested, advise the President, Board of Directors, Executive Committee officers, committees, or members on parliamentary questions.

c. Instruct the Nominating Committee in its duties.





The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) regular ACTIVE members of KRW, appointed by the President and shall prepare the slate of officers to be elected. The Committee shall appoint a Chairman and a Vice Chairman. A member who is nominated must agree in writing to the position she is running for and understands that the position will be for a term of two (2) years. The Nominating Committee will present the slate of nominees by the October membership meeting, and the election of officers shall be held during the November membership meeting by ballot. At that time, nominations may be taken from the floor prior to the voting procedures. More then one nominee may appear on the ballot within each board position vacancy. If there is only one candidate for each office on the ballot, then the slate can be voted on by acclamation. The ballots shall remain in the custody of the Secretary for two (2) years. Elected officers shall assume their duties on January 1 following their election.

The retiring officers shall deliver to their successors, in a timely manner, all materials pertaining to their office upon completion of their term.

Section 2 – VACANCIES

A vacancy in an elective office shall be filled by the Board of Director's at a regular meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose. If more then one (1) candidate is nominated to fill the vacancy, the vote shall be by ballot, and a majority vote shall be required to elect.

  1. In the absence or inability of the Nominating Committee Chairman to serve, the Vice Chair shall assume that position.
  2. Vacancies in appointive offices shall be filled by the President subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.


Section 1

The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected offiers.

Section 2 – DUTIES

The Executive Committee shall:

  1. Conduct the business of the Board of Directors between meetings of that body.
  2. Approve appointments of the appointed officers and of the committee members, except as otherwise provided for in these Bylaws.


3. Direct disbursements of funds.

4. Approve the institutions where funds are to be deposited.

5. Act on the budget submitted by the Bylaws Committee for recommendatons to the Board of Directors.

6. Act on Standing Rules submitted by the ByLaws Committee for recommendations to the Board of Directors.

7. Provide for an annual financial review twelve (12) months after serving in office and immediately prior to presenting books to the new Treasurer.

Section 3 – MEETINGS

Meetings shall be on the first Monday of each month at 12 noon. If a meeting falls on a holiday, then the meeting shall be held on the first Tuesday following the holiday. The club will be dark in December for the annual Christmas party and officer installation.

  1. Regular meetings: A minimum of 7 regular meetings shall be held during the club year. These meetings shall be held as decided by the Executive Committee. A quorum at a club meeting shall be 15% of active members.
  2. Special meetings: Special meetings may be called by the president upon the request of five members of the Executive Committee or by 15% members of the club. The purpose of the meetings shall be stated in the call, with no other business to be transacted at the meeting. At least 5 days notice shall be given to all members for any special meeting.
  3. Voting: A vote of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors or Club membership may be conducted by mail, telephone, fax or email between meetings, provided there is paticipation by a majority of the members of the body. The vote shall be ratified and entered into the minutes at the next regular meeting of the body.

Section 4 – QUORUM

A majority of members of the Executive Committee at their meetings shall constitute a quorum. At regular membership meetings, a quorum shall be 2/3 of the voting members present.


Section 1

Each member of the Board of Director's shall be an active member in good standing of KRW.

A. The Board of Director's shall consist of:

  1. Elected Officers
  2. Appointed Officers
  3. TheChairman of Standing Committees
  4. The immediate Past President
  5. The President



Section 1

A. Only ACTIVE members in good standing of KRW shall serve as members of the committees of the KRW.

B. The President shall be a member ex-officio of each committee except the Nominating Committee, Financial Review Committee and Bylaws Committee.


The Standing Committees shall be:


MembershipBudget/Finance Committee




Ways and Means Hospitality, Events and Webmaster


The President shall appoint the members of the Standing Committees (except Nominating) and may appoint SPECIAL committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws. She shall name the chairman of each committee (except Nominating).

Section 4 – DUTIES

The duties shall be as the name of the committee implies and determined by the Executive Committee, and as stated in these Bylaws.

A. Nominating Committee: (see Article VIII)

B. The Bylaws Committee shall consist of five (5) ACTIVE members of KRW, appointed by the President. The Bylaws Committee shall conduct a biennial review of these Bylaws, and...

1. Request and receive proposed amendments to the Bylaws of club and submit them to the Board of Director's for action or shall initiate changes requested by the board.

2. General membership should have final vote of amendments.

3. Furnish the Bylaws Committee of the State Federation with a complete set of club Bylaws for review and approval. Any subsequent revision of Bylaws shall be sent to the AzFRW Bylaws Committee for review and approval.



Section 1

Delegates and alternate delegates to the AzFRW State Convention shall be an ACTIVE member in good standing of KRW. The delegates shall be selected from those active members whose dues have been paid as of the third quarter report of the current year. To qualify for delegate representation to the AzFRW Biennial Covention, the club shall have been in good standing for at least three (3) months prior to the convention.


A Biennial Convention shall be held in the odd-numbered year at a time and place recommended by the Convention Committee. The convention shall be held in the fall, but shall not conflict with the NFRW.


Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings in all cases not provided for in these Bylaws.


The Standing Rules shall be separate from the Bylaws, but shall be attached and become a part thereof. The Standing Rules may be amended, suspended, or rescinded by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting of the club.


In the event of dissolution of KRW, all of its assets remaining after payment of all costs and expenses of such dissolution shall be distributed to the AzFRW. None of the assets shall be distributed to any member or officer of KRW.

Adopted this______day of______, 2017.


Club President
