13.30-15.30 PM

PRESENT: Barbara Neades (Convenor); Jenny Berry; Fiona Carver; Isabel Dosser; Margaret Moran; Mike Parkinson; Wendy Watson

APOLOGIES: Elizabeth Adamson; Margaret Crowley; Ken Dick; Mhari Henderson-Laidlaw; Bill Lawson; Linda King; Lindsey Milroy; Shona Montgomery; Jackie Nicol; Janis Ross; Janet Smith; Avril Stobbart; John Stratford; Kirsten Thomas; Alison Thomson; Jan Turnbull; Jo Wilson


Elizabeth Adamson has advised that she will be replaced by Alison Lowrie.


The minutes were found to be an accurate record.


3.1 Mentor Numbers

WW provided an update on the student numbers calculation tool as used by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Lanarkshire. No official figures have been distributed yet. BN stressed the need for figures to be discussed internally at a SSM and with the new Head of School before any decisions can be put into practice. The most probable issue will be concerned with mentor numbers per area and how soon a student/bed ratio could be put into effect. WW is testing adult areas and everybody concerned is aware that other areas would require a different calculation or perhaps none. CNs have agreed to the need for such calculations, but have not agreed to or seen any figures. BN discussed the need to bring in NHS Borders and how the information should be presented internally and with CNs.

JB raised the question whether such a calculation would be seen as a recommendation or as a stipulation for areas. WW informed that NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Lanarkshire agree with areas that it is their responsibility to accommodate the number of students calculated. Once all the groundwork is completed, how the results will work in practice within NHS Lothian and NHS Borders is yet to be seen and will not have an immediate effect.

BN also raised potential staffing problems within the SNM&SC due to the extra Mentorship Programme this year. A clear picture of the requirements for this is urgently needed.

Action: BN & WW to build a presentation for internal discussion before planning on how to take the proposal forward. BN, MP and WW to explore the number of staff available to support this module commencing in May 2015 as a matter of urgency.

3.2 Mentor Awards

WW explained that the NMC do not currently have any official recognition of mentors. The NHS Lothian awards recognise good practice, but the mentors awarded are not necessarily registered with the NMC.

MP suggested that the concept needs to be more robust and recognise mentors that are continuously merited. FC suggested that practice areas rather than individuals should be celebrated and recognised.

Action: More work needs to be done to promote existing awards. BN to look at tying in good practice awards with Mentorship Conference.

3.3 Mentor/Sign-Off Mentor Databases

WW reported on NHS Lothian. Previous targets have been deemed not useful as databases do not record who students have been allocated to. A new target has been set, which aims to allocate every student to an up-to-date mentor as standard. How this will be carried out is yet to be seen. PEFs will need to know where students have been allocated prior to the start of placements. If a student has been allocated an out-of-date mentor, an interim step needs to be in place.

The Sign-Off Mentor Database also needs work. Part 3 of the course is proving difficult to record as many do not return the self-assessment criteria to Edinburgh Napier. It was suggested that MP should share the spreadsheet containing information on which SOM candidates have completed parts 1&2 with WW and the placements team. By doing this there should be an opportunity to identify those candidates who require to have a consolidation student or mentor student to facilitate their completion of part 3. MP and HL could also use more support with the Workshops so as to cover a variety of disciplines.

Actions: MP to distribute Sign-Off Mentor spreadsheet. Logistics of assigning consolidation students with a trainee Sign-Off Mentor to be discussed with Placements Team.

3.4 January/May 15 Module Progress

The January Module is going well, most students have engaged with Moodle (approx. 120). The non-submissions from the last Module are to contact WW to arrange a re-submission.

MP suggested that there should be a more formal portfolio submission process to avoid any issues, such as portfolios being misplaced. This could be arranged with the School Office.

The LL’s role within Mentorship also needs to be discussed. They should be able to provide basic support to any of the nurses in their areas on the course and work hand-in-hand with the PEFs as this is not currently happening. The importance of Mentorship is something that needs to be addressed internally. The role of the LL will be discussed at the LL Forum. The group agreed that a LL’s role needs to be updated.

The May Module has no dates as of yet. Study days will most likely take place in the first week of June. There are 3 cohort leads available, but the Module Team need to be made aware that there will be a lot of marking to do and should advise if they will be available to help owing to other marking commitments.

Actions: MP to ask Module Team for availability in May. BN and WW to map out Module against staff available and student numbers.


The Mentor Update Portal on community Moodle currently has 111 student accounts. There are still 4 units uploaded, but anything considered as a key issue is welcome to be added. BN secured a £750.00 grant from the Teaching Fellow to use towards the production of videos. Mentors or mentor students who wish to assist with the development of these videos should be sought.

Actions: The group is to provide feedback around key issues that could be considered video-worthy. Programme Leaders should be approached to discuss linking programme content with the portal so that mentors can match their expectations of students.


BN reported that this group had met and small groups are working on the development of publications related to mentorship.

Action: BN to send draft paper for feedback.


The Mentorship Study Day will take place on August 19, 2015. A list of possible topics has been sent around by BN, but she is yet to receive any feedback. Catering figures have been calculated (approx. £7.00 per person), but funding for this now needs to be secured. Evaluations from the last Study Day should be considered and another meeting to work through this needs to be arranged with all volunteers.

Actions: The group is to send their feedback regarding discussion topics to BN. BN to look at documentation from last Study Day, such as the invitation sent and the programme for the day.


WW discussed the idea of a Mentor Portfolio of Evidence to pull together triannual review work. PEFs have spent a lot of time looking at how this is done throughout the UK and it was decided a portfolio including updates, learning outcomes and students mentored would be extremely positive.

Action: WW to share portfolio with the group.


The next meeting dates were agreed as:

23rd April 10.00am - 12.00pm (Room 0.D.09)

23rd June 13.30pm - 15.30pm (University of Edinburgh)