Written Response Hints

1.  Use complete sentences…

2.  …But don’t use run-on sentences. Check for proper punctuation.

3.  Is your answer too general? Be very, very specific and give exact examples in your answers.

4.  Don’t ramble on about ideas not asked for in the question. Make the focus of your answer very narrow and specific.

5.  Does your answer use words like “things” that could be substituted with more exact terms?

6.  Ask a classmate to carefully read your responses out loud. This can help you find and fix unclear wording or unusual sentence structure.

7.  If your innovation is capitalized (for instance Facebook) then check to be sure all instances of it are capitalized.

8.  Any red, green, or blue squiggly underlines in Word should be investigated.

9.  Avoid using the word “you” and “your.” Instead substitute “the user” or “the user’s” or “one,” “people,” etc.

a.  For example, “This allows you to change a setting.” should be “This allows the user to change a setting.”

b.  Or “It is amazing how quickly you can be hooked on this app.” could be “It is amazing how quickly one becomes hooked on this app.”

c.  Or “This is due to your choices.” could be “This is due to the user’s choices.”

10.  Check your use of the words “affect” and “effect.” Look these words up to understand the difference.

11.  Be sure to state facts, not opinions.

a.  For example, if you state that something is the best, can you back that up with data? If not, it is an opinion.

b.  If you can back it up, cite the source within your answer so it is clear this is not your opinion.

12.  One of your sources must have been published after June 7, 2016.

13.  Use Purdue University’s OWL to be sure

a.  The proper in-text citation method is used

b.  The bibliography is properly formatted and contains all pertinent information.

c.  OWL’s website is https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/ Then choose either MLA or APA format.