Physical Education Disclosure Statement

Mr. Sabey

Course Description

This course is designed to help students of all abilities learn sport specific skills as well as develop healthy exercise habits that can be used for the duration of their life.

Dress Code

Students will need to have a clean white t-shirt (with crew neck), and dark colored shorts. Shirts and shorts are to be worn as gym clothes only and not to other classes. Jean/Khaki shorts are not allowed. Shorts must be proper school length.

Students must have shoes with rubber soles that will not leave marks on the gym floor. Shoes don’t have to be brand new but they should be saved only for PE class.

Gym clothes should be taken home each Friday to be washed and brought back on Monday morning.

We will be going outside even if it is a little bit cold, please bring a hoodie/sweatpants to be worn on chilly days.

Participation and Absences

Each student should actively participate in all sports and activities every day. A portion of the student's grade will be determined by their daily participation. The sport or activity should not determine participation. If you don’t like what we are doing in class then pretend to like it.

When students are absent from class they have 1 week to submit their makeup work. For each day that is missed the student needs to perform a physical activity for 45 minutes and have a parent or guardian sign a note to that effect. After a week has passed makeup work will not be accepted. After 6 absences students will not be able to do makeup work and will receive a pass/fail grade for the term.

If a student cannot participate because of serious illness or injury, a written note should be brought from their doctor. The note should state how long the student cannot participate and why.

Students will lose participation points for any but not limited to the following. Not following instructions, improper use of equipment, any form of harassment, disrespect, unsportsmanlike conduct, and non participation.

Locks, Lockers, and Locker room

Each student will be assigned a locker to put their PE clothes in. School locks will be assigned to each student at the beginning of the term. For student’s own protection, the combination should not be given to any other students. It is the student's responsibility to LOCK THEIR LOCKER! Please do not bring your own lock from home. $5.00 fine for a lost lock.

Each Friday any PE clothes not LOCKED up will be donated.


Students must remain in the PE hall until the final bell rings. If students leave early a truancy will be recorded and appropriate action will be taken. Class will begin 3 minutes after the bell. That should be enough time to change clothes.

The signatures below represent the student and parent/guardian have thoroughly reviewed and understand this disclosure statement and what is required of the student in class and are supportive of these requirements. If you have any questions or problems please contact Mr. Sabey.

Class Period:

Student Name: Date:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

Please list any physical limitations that Mr. Sabey needs to be aware of: