Registration Form - Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians (AEBC)
AEBC Vision Assistive Technology and Community Support Exhibition 2017
Friday April 28, 2017. 9AM to 5PM
Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Toronto
University A&B Room (Lower Level)
475 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M4Y 1X7
T- 416-924-0611
Cost to Exhibit: Non Profit: $75. / For Profit: $250. (2 Tables Max.)
Electricity and Wi-Fi: Electricity is complimentary: (Please bring your own extension cord and power bars). Wi-Fi: Is complimentary: Please ask for log in information at the registration table.
Lunch: Lunch is not included, although we will have volunteers to watch your table(s) while you have your lunch.
Set-Up: You are welcome to set up your table(s) between 7:30 AM until 8:45AM. (All tables must be set up by 8:45 AM, as the exhibit hall opens at 9 AM sharp.
Exhibitor Information:- Please Print or Type
Organization's Name: ______
Name of Contact Person:______
Office Phone: ______
Website: ______
Full Address: ______
Names of representative(s) attending: ______
Door Prize(s): We are asking for each organization, service provider and vendor to support us with a door prize if possible.
Door Prize: ______. Yes or No, if yes, please specify: ______.
Sponsor this Event:Consider becoming a sponsor for this event:
Payment for Exhibit Tables Deadline:Friday, March 17, 2017.
Non Profit: $75. ______
For Profit: $250. ______
How many exhibit table(s): ______(Maximum 2)
Grand total of cheque or amount to be processed on Visa or MasterCard: $______
Important: Please make cheques payable to: Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians
We also accept Visa or MasterCard:
Type of card: _____Card number: ______
Expiry date: mm: ____ yyyy: ____Security Code on back of card: ______
Name, as it appears on card: ______
Credit card billing address including postal code: ______
Signature: ______
If you require accommodations at the hotel, A block of rooms has been reserved for the conference, including standard king or standard two beds, $149.00 plus taxes per night. Hotel room rates are subject to all applicable tax and fees, currently 13% Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) and 2.66% Destination Marketing Program (DMP). Please note additional costs for triple and quad occupancy may apply.Reservations for the event will be made by individual attendees directly with Marriott reservations at 1 (800) 847-5075. (Please let the reservation agent know that you are booking your reservation under the Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians guest room block.)
Please send registration form with payment to:
Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians
c/o Marlene Morell
279 Beaver Meadow Road
Beaver Meadow, Nova Scotia
B2G 2K8. .
Thank you for participating in the AEBC Vision Assistive Technology and Community Support Exhibition 2017