Thrasher Memorial Tournament

7001 South Highway 94

Francis Howell High School

St Charles, Missouri 63303

(636) 851-4765

January 29th & January 30th, 2016

Battle (Columbia) / Holt / Marquette / Parkway West
Eureka / Jackson / McCluer North / Pattonville
Francis Howell / Jefferson City / MICDS / Timberland
Francis Howell North / Kirkwood / Northwest House Springs / Union
Fox / Lafayette / Ofallon, Illinios / Vianney
Hazelwood West / Lindbergh / Parkway South / Whitfield


AWARDS: Belts will be given to the champions of each weight class.

Medals will be awarded to 2nd-5th place wrestlers in each weight class.

Team trophies will be awarded to the top five teams.

ADMISSION: Friday Saturday Tourney Pass

Adults $7.00 $7.00 $12.00

Students $5.00 $5.00 $8.00

SEEDING: We will seed according to the trackwrestling automatic seed program that will be used for districts. It is important all records and head to head information is updated and input by the requested dates and times.


FORMAT: 32 man double elimination bracket

WEIGH-IN TIMES: Friday 3:30 p.m.

Scratch meeting 4:15 in Coach Stroh’s classroom

Saturday 8:00 a.m.

+2lb growth allowance will be in effect (ex. 106lb will be 108lb). Please let me know if your team wrestles on Thursday January 28th.

FRIDAY: Wrestling will begin at 5:00 and we anticipate ending at 9:00pm. We will wrestle 3 championship rounds and 3 wrestleback rounds on 8 mats. Wrestlers and coaches need to be prepared to wrestle each round with no breaks.

SATURDAY: 9:30-10:30 Round 4 WB on 5 mats (56 matches)

10:30-11:30 Semi–Finals on 3 mats (28 matches)

Round 5 WB on 2 mats (28 matches)

11:30-12:00 Round 6 WB on 5 mats (28 matches)

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-1:15 Thrasher Family Recognition

1:15-3:00 Finals: Championship, 3rd, 5th, 7th place matches

Tournament Director: Kevin Stroh

Computers and Scoring: Doug Verby

Hospitality Room: Francis Howell Varsity Wrestling Parents

PASS LIST: No pass list will be issued, instead floor passes will be given to the head coach prior to the beginning of the tournament. Without a pass you will have to pay admission. This includes all wrestlers, coaches, cheerleaders, sponsors, statisticians, bus drivers, and administrators.

SEATING: Only two persons representing each team will be allowed at mat-side. Floor passes will be required of anyone needing access to the floor. These will be issued to wrestlers and coaches only.

HOSPITALITY A hospitality room will be available for coaches, officials and administrators only.


FOOD/DRINK: Coolers may be taken to the cafeteria, but not in the gymnasium. Please make it clear to your wrestlers that all garbage is to be disposed of.

LOST OR Francis Howell High School will not be responsible for lost or stolen articles.

STOLEN: You may wish to bring a lock to secure your valuables.

ENTRY FEE: We will be sending a bill splitting up all the cost after the tournament. Please make checks payable to: Francis Howell Athletic Department.

WEIGHT 106 LBS. 132 LBS. 160 LBS 220 LBS.

CLASSES: 113 LBS. 138 LBS. 170 LBS. 285 LBS.

120 LBS. 145 LBS. 182 LBS.

126 LBS. 152 LBS. 195 LBS.

+2lb growth allowance will be in effect (ex. 106lb will be 108lb). Please let me know if your team wrestles on Thursday January 28th.

MEDICAL: Certified Athletic Trainers will be available. Medical supplies such as athletic tape are your responsibility.

BUSES: Drop off is between the stadium and gym. Team entrance will be labeled.

BRACKETS: This year, we will be using a 32 man bracket that will wrestle back to 8th place.

We award medals to top 5 wrestlers per a weight class.