Complete and send to the Office of Assessment and Accreditation during the planning stage for any of the following initiatives:

  • All off-campus activity (courses, programs and/or sites)
  • All new degree programs
  • All newcertificate programs
  • Any online initiative resulting in 50% or more of program credits being available online
  • Any contractual agreements, consortia, or dual / joint awards

Feedback will be provided regarding what types of external reporting activities are anticipated and an estimate for the time needed to complete the process.

Proposed implementation date (semester/year):
Contact Person:
Program name:
Type of program (please check all applicable boxes):
☐ Bachelor’s / ☐ Master’s / ☐ Specialist / ☐ Doctorate
☐ Post-Baccalaureate Certificate / ☐ Post-Master’s Certificate / ☐ Licensure Program
☐ Joint program / ☐ Dual program / ☐ Contractual Arrangement
☐ Other (2+, degree completion, professional, etc.), please describe:
1)Provide a brief description of what is being planned.
2)Programs that are significant departures from UNCG’s approved curriculum generally have new faculty, new courses, new library or other learning resources, new facilities, or new resources involved. Would you consider this initiative a significant departure from what is currently offered? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If no, provide the name(s) of any closely related programs:
3)Total number of credit hours required to complete this program?
4)For new certificate programs only: Are you planning on going through the gainful employment regulation process for financial aid eligibility (Gainful Employment)? ☐ Yes ☐ No
5)Will courses be taught at an off-campus location? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes,
Do you anticipate offering 25% or more of your program at this off-campus location? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Do you anticipate offering 50% or more of your program at this off-campus location? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Provide name of site and complete street address:
6)Will this program be offered online?
☐ Not offered online
☐ Less than 50% of program
☐ More than 50% of program
7)Is there any other institution(s) involved in delivering this program? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Provide name(s) of institution(s):
8)Will there be a contract or formal agreement associated with this initiative? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please describe the arrangement:

Mail or email the completed APPQ to:

Office of Assessment and Accreditation (OAA)

330 McIver Building


Please contact OAA if you have not received a response within five business days.