Name: back 94

ob- = against, toward, before

fill in the prefix to form the word / definition / part of sp. / etymology
___noxious / very unpleasant, offensive / Latin noxa = a hurt
___solete / out of date or no longer used
___stinate / stubborn; unreasonably determined to have one’s own way
___streperous / noisy, boisterous, or unruly; esp. in resisting or opposing
___struction / something that blocks or makes it difficult to proceed
___trusive / inclined to force oneself or one’s opinions on others without being asked;
calling attention to oneself, esp. in a displeasing way
___tuse / not sharp or acute, stupid;
relating to an angle greater than 90’
___viate / to get rid of or prevent difficulties or objections; to make unnecessary

ob- =______name: ______

A.  Fill in the blank with a word from the word list on the front.

1.  My older sister’s offer of advice was ______; she really needs to keep out of my business!

2.  The tutor tried explaining it to him in every way she could think of, but he was too ______to understand.

3.  Black-and-white televisions are ______now that people have high-definition and even 3-D.

4.  The tour group had to walk around the ______to get to the main building.

5.  A student in fifth period refused to give in; she was as ______as a mule!

6.  Careful preparation can often ______having to redo a laboratory experiment.

B.  Define each of the following words, using a dictionary:

7.  obstacle:
8.  obliterate:
9.  objection:
10.  obdurate:
11.  oblong:

12. which of the words above is a verb?


C.  Fill in a word from part B.

13. As we hiked the trail, we had to detour when an ______blocked our way.

14. Farmer Bob was ______in his refusal to try new fertilization methods.

15. The pendant was ______, with topaz and sapphire stones along its length.

16. I tried to ______my ex-boyfriend’s name from the front of my notebook.

D.  Fill in the blanks using a word from the list indicated.

17. After the speech about health care, Uncle Dave was mad and began a ______about our ‘broken’ health insurance coverage. (dia)

18. The waitress wiped the table, but the ______bits of food remaining made me feel uneasy about the microbes we couldn’t see! (macro)

19. The portable classroom’s warm ______helped us recover from the freezing temperatures in the rest of the building, where the heat had gone off. (micro)

20. Referring to Mr. Miles, our super nice Latin teacher, as Malicious Miles is certainly a ______. (nom)


21. What is an item that’s now obsolete? Explain why it’s gone out of use:

22. What can you do to obviate losing all the data on your computer or phone?

23. What’s something others do that you find obnoxious?

24. Describe OR Draw a scene where the participants are obstreperous: