Living things are magnificent chemical factories. All of the things that happen are the result of chemical reactions. Your ability to think, smile and sleep are all the result of chemical reactions.

Chemical reactions drive all biological processes.

  • Chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms
  • Chemical equations are used to express what happens during a chemical reaction

Chemical reactions involve the transfer of energy.

  • Chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms
  • All reactions require some energy to start.
  • Some reactions absorb energy and some reactions give off energy.

Enzymes are necessary for chemical reactions to proceed in living things.

  • Enzymes are proteins.
  • Every biochemical reaction requires enzymes.
  • Enzymes work by lowering the activation energy of a chemical reaction
  • An enzyme’s name describes what it does.

1.Skim Section 2 of Chapter 6. Write two facts that you discoveredas you read the headings and illustration captions.



2.Use your book or dictionary to define the wordprocess.


3.Define each of the following terms:

activation energy______

active site______


chemical reaction______






4.Define coefficient to show its scientific meaning.______


5.Label the sides of the following equation as either products orreactants.

6.Calculate the number of atoms of each element in the chemicalequation above. Record the information in the table below.

Symbol / Element
Name / Number of Atoms
(Reactant Side) / Number of Atoms
(Product Side)

7.Is the above equation “balanced?” ______

8.How do you know it is balanced? ______


9.Compare what happens to energy in exothermic and endothermicreactions by completing the diagram below.

10.Summarize key characteristics of an enzyme by completing theorganizer below.

11.Analyze how an enzyme works by completing the followingparagraph.

For a substrate to bind with a particular enzyme, the ______and ______of the substrate mustmatch that of the enzyme’s ______. In the enzymesubstratecomplex, chemical bonds in the ______arebroken and ______form. The results of the interactionbetween an enzyme and its ______are products, whichare released by the ______.

12Summarize the information in this section by describing the role of catalysts in chemical reactions.





Chapter 6, Section 6.2 Reading Guide1