Maryland Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Subject: Medication Safety Annual Award
Date Adopted:06/2006
Revised: 03/2007
MSHP would like to recognize and honor outstanding members who made great strides to improve patient safety and medication use. The Maryland Society of Health-System Pharmacists (MSHP) Medication Safety Committee created the Medication Safety Annual Award in 2006. This award honors a pharmacist or pharmacy group as members of a multidisciplinary team for significant improvements relating to medication use safety. The award recipient’s achievements not only impact their own institution but the Maryland health-systems pharmacists or pharmacy practice as well. MSHP recognizes and encourages all pharmacy professionals who have assumed a leadership role in promoting safety in the medication-use process, to apply for the award. The award program also honors all applicants by requesting presentation of their initiative as a poster session at the Spring Bi-Annual meeting where the Medication Safety Annual Award will be presented
A Medication Safety Awards Committee consisting of three members who have either themselves made a great impact in improving medication safety, serve as a medication safety manager/officer at their institution, and/or serve on the Medication Safety Committee. The Medication Safety Awards Committee will be appointed by the Chairperson of the Nominations and Awards Committee in collaboration with the Medication Safety Committee each year.
The Medication Safety Awards Committee will review and nominate candidates, and will provide recommendations to the Chairman of the Nominations and Awards Committee.
- An article will be submitted by the Medication Safety Committee to the MSHP Newsletter Editor for the November/December issues, calling for applications. An announcement will be made at the annual Leadership breakfast, September monthly meeting, and posted in the MSHP Pharmascript newsletter. We will also email pharmacy directors and our health-system Liaisons throughout the state to notify them of the award criteria. When nominations are not forthcoming, it is responsibility of the Medication Safety Committee to actively seek qualified candidates.
- MSHP members from all hospitals and health systems within Maryland are eligible to apply for the award. The applicant’s hospital or health system must be licensed in Maryland
- The following represent Medication Safety Award criteria adopted from the ASHP Award for Excellence in Medication-Use Safety ( 3-9-2007).
- The candidate will be a individual/pharmacy group with MSHP membership in good standing of the Maryland Society of Health-System Pharmacists and the submission will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Originality, innovative nature and applicability of the safety initiative
- Significance of the program/initiative to the health system and patient safety
- Demonstration of improvements in quality of patient care
- Planning and implementation
- Quality of the descriptive report (poster/article)
- Each selection criteria will be evaluated and tabulated using the following 5 point scale:
- Minimal = 1
- Developing = 2
- Achieving = 3
- Accomplished = 4
- Exemplary = 5
The application with the highest numerical score will be chosen as the award recipient.
(A scoring guide is attached to the end of this Policy and Procedure)
- Eligibility requires that some, but not necessarily all, of the following criteria are met.
- The candidate will have contributed to professional literature
- The candidate will have participated in research in health-system pharmacy, and/or
- The candidate will have participated in other activities and/or accomplishments reflecting professional excellence
- The Medication Safety Awards Committee shall review nominees and recommend a recipient to the Chairman of the Nominations and Awards Committee.
- All applicants must also prepare a poster to present at the annual Spring Conference.
- The MSHP President will notify the award recipient.
- Preparation of the plaque is the responsibility of the Executive Director.
- This award will be presented yearly, if awarded, by the MSHP President during the annual Spring Seminar.
Funding for the plaque is included in the MSHP budget.
The MSHP President submits a report of the decision to the EditorinChief for publication in the MSHP Newsletter and to webmaster for inclusion on the MSHP web site
Scoring Guideline: Each category is worth 25 points. Each criteria item is worth 5 points. Possible total score is 125 points.
CRITERIA / SCORESignificance of the program/initiative to the health system and patient safety:
The initiative/program encompassed multiple components of the medication-use system.
The initiative/program shows evidence of the pharmacy’s role in issue identification and leadership.
The initiative/program scope was multi-disciplinary or system-wide and broad in nature.
The issue or challenge addressed was quantifiable. There was evidence of measurements taken to quantify the issue.
After data collection and analysis was completed, there was sufficient evidence that a performance improvement plan was necessary; the data was compelling.
Planning and Implementation:
The initiative/program was well-constructed and was based on comprehensive plans and time tables.
The initial goals for the improvements and endpoints for the improvements were identified.
The group identified barriers and developed strategies to overcome them.
Educational and communication needs of staff were identified and met in the plan.
Initiative/program shows the pharmacy’s role in developing and implementing the plan, including identifying and engaging multidisciplinary stakeholders.
Demonstration of improvements in quality of patient care:
The data collected from initial measurements and/or feedback was examined. Unique lessons were learned and acted upon with adequate adjustments or modifications to the planned initiative/program as applicable.
Results were measurable and clearly demonstrated impact on improving safety in the medication-use system and patient care.
Improved outcomes were achieved and sustained over a period of time.
Results of the project/initiative have been communicated to appropriate committees/stakeholders throughout the system/institution and implemented or being implemented wherever applicable.
Initiative/program shows the pharmacy’s role in assessing results, communicating results and gauging the impact.
Originality, innovative nature and applicability of the safety initiative:
The initiative/program utilized a new/original: process, methodology, concept, procedure, computer tools, etc. in achieving the endpoint of improving patient safety.
The initiative/program shows innovative or effective approach(s) of achieving teamwork and cooperation across disciplines.
The initiative/program has the ability for wide-scale adoption or implementation by other hospitals or health-systems.
The initiative/program plan, results and lessons learned were/are communicated to others-externally.
The initiative/program plan demonstrated an innovative approach to use of resources (i.e. dollars, staff time, techniques, tools, or cost effectiveness).
Quality of the descriptive report (poster/article):
The report submitted is clear, concise, and complete.
The report gives the timeline as to how the initiative/program unfolded.
Charts, tables, timelines are well utilized to bring the data results to life.
The report as submitted makes a great poster presentation or is readily adaptable to that purpose.
The report as submitted makes a great newsletter article / publication or is readily adaptable to that purpose.