ThemeDeveloped by

Push-In Lesson / Shari Sidransky, Connie Krug

Title of Unit

FFOE – Lesson 1 / Fluency/Flexibility

Grade LevelTime Frame

1st – 5th / 30-45 minutes

Unit GATE Scope and Sequence

The student will develop critical and higher level thinking skills in both cognitive and affective areas.
The student will develop products that refine or challenge existing ideas, incorporate concepts, and use techniques, materials, forms, and knowledge in innovative ways.

Unit GATE Strategies


Unit Overarching Concepts “Big Ideas”

[To assess at the end of the unit with the “Performance Task” and to develop student ‘understanding’ and ‘knowing’ with “Other Evidence” and activities in the “Learning Plan”]

(Students will understand that…)
FFOE is a creative thinking strategy that is used to make connections between a variety of unrelated ideas for the purpose of solving problems.

Unit Lesson Objectives

5.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade level topics, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
5.SL.4 Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.
By using the creative thinking model, FFOE, all students will be able to create an original product or idea by combining various squiggle drawings.

Unit Related Misconceptions

[Can include nonexamples.]

Teaching creativity is frivolous, and not educational.


Unit Summative Performance Task Description

[To assess student mastery of the “Big Idea” at the end of the unit. Typically through one major product/project.]

Students will complete an original drawing of a product or idea, based on the process of FFOE.

Unit Materials/Resources

FFOE chart
Squiggle drawing
4 Extension Menus

Lesson Design Model


Provide an item, i.e., cell phone, alarm clock, or other item with a multi-purpose. Ask students to describe the functions of the item, identifying what ideas were combined to create the multi-purpose item.


After discussing FFOE, all students will create and classify a drawing, based on a squiggle.


Define Terms – Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, Elaboration (using FFOE chart).
  1. Display FFOE chart
  1. Students read words with teacher

  1. Define each FFOE word
  2. Distribute squiggle handout, and instruct students to create a drawing
  3. Direct students into a group to describe and create a category for each drawing
  4. Direct students to reclassify drawings
  1. Students participate with definitions
  2. Students draw picture (2-3 minutes)
  3. Student shows picture and names a category it could fit into
  4. Students reclassify, as appropriate




Students will classify and reclassify drawings as teacher facilitates and monitors discussion.


Will be demonstrated in next lesson.


Explain why your drawing could fit into various categories.

ThemeDeveloped by

Push-In Lesson / Shari Sidransky, Connie Krug

Title of Unit

FFOE – Lesson 2 / Originality/Elaboration

Grade LevelTime Frame

1st – 5th / 30-45 minutes

Unit GATE Scope and Sequence

The student will develop critical and higher level thinking skills in both cognitive and affective areas.
The student will develop products that refine or challenge existing ideas, incorporate concepts, and use techniques, materials, forms, and knowledge in innovative ways.

Unit GATE Strategies


Unit Overarching Concepts “Big Ideas”

[To assess at the end of the unit with the “Performance Task” and to develop student ‘understanding’ and ‘knowing’ with “Other Evidence” and activities in the “Learning Plan”]

(Students will understand that…)
FFOE is a creative thinking strategy that is used to make connections between a variety of unrelated ideas for the purpose of solving problems.

Unit Lesson Objectives

By using the creative thinking model, FFOE, all students will be able to create an original product or idea by combining various squiggle drawings.

Unit Related Misconceptions

[Can include nonexamples.]

Teaching creativity is frivolous, and not educational.


Unit Summative Performance Task Description

[To assess student mastery of the “Big Idea” at the end of the unit. Typically through one major product/project.]

Students will complete an original drawing of a product or idea, based on the process of FFOE.

Unit Materials/Resources

FFOE chart
Squiggle drawings from previous lesson
4 Extension Menus

Lesson Design Model


Provide FFOE chart for review of terms – emphasize Originality/Elaboration.


After reviewing squiggle drawings and categories from previous lesson, all students will combine two or more drawings, in order to create an original product or idea.


Reinforce FFOE terminology.
  1. Display FFOE chart
  1. Students review words with teacher

  1. Direct students to observe all categories,
and select 2 categories that could be combined
  1. Encourage Elaboration- color, details, background
  2. Direct students together to share final drawings
  1. Students create a new drawing by combining items into a new product or idea
  2. Students elaborate on original drawings
  3. Students share/describe new idea/product




Teacher will clarify and communicate directions.


Create an original product or idea by combining existing products.


Evaluation question: Which idea do you think is the most original? Why?

Theme Unit Name Date

Push-in Lessons / FFOE

Discussion QuestionsResources

Fluency – The ability to think of many ideas.


  • blue things
  • soft things
  • edible round things
/ Use Thinking Maps (circle map) to come up with lots of ideas on a particular topic i.e. Arizona, marine life, nutrition, etc. / List: How many different techniques can you think of to make a presentation to the class?
Name as many kinds of rings/unusual rings as you can. / Name as many things as you can that fly, or use the word fly in as many unusual ways as you can. / Most of today’s vehicles start with keys. Name as many kinds of keys as you can.
Box of cereal: generate a list of as many uses for the product as you can in two minutes. / List all the possible settings for an adventurous story. / List as many equations as you can where the answer is 8.

Theme Unit Name Date

Push-in Lessons / FFOE

Discussion QuestionsResources

Flexibility – The ability to think of varied ideas and group into categories.


Compare various fairy tales that have been written from different points of view. / Use Thinking Maps (double bubble) to compare and contrast topics.
Compare a dog and a cat. How are they alike? How are they different? / How many ways can you categorize a list of 25 inventors?
You are going to plan a birthday or holiday celebration. What activities will you do? How can you sort these into categories? / What are the many ways animals survive in winter? Can you put these ways into groups? / What are other uses for a napkin?
Can you find alternative uses for a wooden clothespin?
If you were hiking in the woods and a blizzard came, what are some of the ways you could protect yourself until help arrived? / Icy hills are difficult to climb. What are some unusual ways to climb an icy hill? / How would a dog look to a flea? Explain.

Theme Unit Name Date

Push-in Lessons / FFOE

Discussion QuestionsResources

Originality – The ability to think of unusual ideas.


Combine two fairy tales to write a new fairy tale. / Sometimes only one sock comes out of the laundry. What happened to the missing sock? / Create a new holiday. What is it called? What are the customs? Why is it important?
You have just discovered a new animal. What is it called? What does it look like? Describe its habitat and habits. / How could you keep a snowman from melting?
How could you keep an egg from breaking? / Move your body in a repetitive way. Then do another repetitive movement. Then do another.
Put the movements together.
Write a brochure offering the first passenger trip to the moon. / Design a monument representing liberty. Write details about it and describe how it looks. Draw a picture of it and give it a title. / Invent a machine to help you clean your room. How does it work? What is it made of? Draw a detailed picture and name your machine.

Theme Unit Name Date

Push-in Lessons / FFOE

Discussion QuestionsResources

Elaboration – The ability to add to ideas to make them better.


Combine two fairy tales to write a new fairy tale. Add unique details about the characters, setting, storyline, etc. / Draw two parallel lines. Add details to make the two lines part of a larger picture. Give your drawing a creative title.
You can also use the initials of your name. / What can you add to ______to improve its quality or performance?
You have just discovered a new animal. What is it called? What does it look like? Describe its habitat and habits.
Draw a picture of your animal. Now add more details. / Decorate 3D shapes to show their dimensions and characteristics. / Make a labeled diagram of the world’s best tree house.
Box of cereal: change a cereal by adding to it. / How would you change a sport played in the summer so that it could be played in winter? / Begin a drawing. Pass it along to others. Each person must add a detail.

FFOE Model for Creative and Productive Thinking

FLUENCYis the ability to generate many ideas.

Techniques for working on fluency would include Brainstorming or Listing.

How many ways…? Name all the ways…. List all the words…

FLEXIBILITY is a great variety of ideas. It involves the number of shifts in thinking or different categories of response.

Techniques for working on flexibility would include Classifying and Reclassifying, using Free Associations, and SCAMPER.

How else might we…? In what other ways could…?

ORIGINALITY is the number of infrequent responses that show creative, unique, or unusual ideas.

Techniques for working on originality would include Forced Association, and combining ideas from flexible groupings.

In what new ways might we…? How might we combine…?

ELABORATIONis adding more details and refining an original idea.

Techniques for working on elaboration would include adding color, and context details.

What else might we add…?