Nevada Academic ContentStandards- Resource Page

The resources below havebeencreated to assist teachers'understandingand to aid instruction ofthis standard.

CollegeandCareer Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standard / Standard: RI.4.8-Explain how an author uses reasons and evidenceto support particular points inatext.
R.CCR.8 Delineate and evaluatetheargument and specific claims in a text, includingthe validityof the reasoningas wellas the relevance and sufficiencyof the evidence. / Questions to FocusLearning
Whyis it essential for authors to support their ideas? Howdo reasons and evidencesupport an author's particular points in a text?
Providingreasons and support brings validityto an author's particular points.
Student FriendlyObjectives
I can identifyreasons and evidenceused to supportparticular pointsin a text.
Iknow that reasons and evidenceare pieces of information that support particularpoints within a text.
Reasoning Targets
I can explain how an author uses specific reasons and evidenceto supportparticular points within atext.
I can evaluatewhetherornot the reasons andevidencegiven support theparticular points posed bythe author.
evidence particular points reasons
support themes validity

Teacher Tips

Evaluating an Argument—Thislesson plan is designed for secondarystudents, but thesteps could be applied to a fourth gradelevel text.

IdentifyingSupportingEvidencefrom aText: What is a Hero?—This lesson plan focuses on identifyingsupporting evidence.

Is thataFact?— In this lesson, students investigatecommonly-accepted scientific claims andgather evidencethat supports or refutes them. Theyculminatetheirlearningbywritingtheirown“Really?”columns modeledafter those foundin TheNew YorkTimes’sweeklyScienceTimes section.

Reader ResponseLesson—Students use double-entryjournals to record quotes or evidenceto support their findings. Two- and Three-ColumnNoteTaking—Page53 of this PDFdocument offers suggestions forstudents to record evidencethat supports anauthor’s viewpoint. Page53 also offers simple to implement examples of formative assessment.

Vertical Progression

RI.K.8-With promptingand support, identifythereasons anauthorgives to support points in a text. RI.1.8 -Identifythe reasons an authorgives to support points in a text.

RI.2.8 -Describehow reasons support specific points the author makes in a text.

RI.3.8 -Describethe logical connection between particular sentencesand paragraphs in atext (e.g.,comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in asequence).

RI.5.8 -Explain how anauthor uses reasons and evidenceto support particularpoints in a text, identifyingwhich reasons andevidencesupport which point(s).

RI.6.8 -Trace andevaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, distinguishingclaims that aresupported by reasons andevidence from claims that arenot.

RI.7.8 -Trace andevaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessingwhether thereasoningis sound and the evidenceis relevantand sufficient to support the claims.

RI.8.8 -Delineateand evaluatethe argument and specific claims in a text, assessingwhether thereasoningis sound and the evidenceis relevant and sufficient; recognizewhen irrelevant evidenceis introduced.

RI.9-10.8-Delineate andevaluatetheargument and specific claims in a text, assessingwhetherthereasoningis valid and the evidenceis relevant and sufficient; identifyfalse statements andfallacious reasoning.

RI.11-12.8-Delineate and evaluatethereasoningin seminal U.S. texts, includingthe application ofconstitutional principles and useof legal reasoning(e.g., in U.S.Supreme Court majorityopinions and dissents) and the premises, purposes, andargumentsin works of public advocacy(e.g.,TheFederalist, presidential addresses).

The aboveinformation and more can be accessedfor freeon the Wiki-Teacherwebsite. Direct link forthis standard: RI.4.8