South African Plastics Recycling Organisation

Private Bag X68, Halfway House 1685,

Tel 083 654 8967, Fax 086 613 5955

VAT No: Not registered for VAT

12 November 2015

Membership application


Contact person:......

Postal address:......

Tel No:...... Fax No:......

E-mail address:......

Do you collect / wash / granulate / pulverise / pelletise / pyrolyse / other?

(Circle applicable processes.)

In the case of “other”, please explain......

Number of employees:...... Tonnages per month:......

Who introduced you to SAPRO? ......

Why do you want to be a member of SAPRO? ......


Membership fees: As per table below plus once off joining fee of R2500.

Below is an indication of the fees payable. Please tick the appropriate column and amount.

Tonnages per month / Amount payable per annum / Amount payable per month on debit order
less than 100 tpm / R 3 300 / R300 / month
101 to 250 tpm / R 6000 / R545 / month
251 to 500 tpm / R 9300 / R845 / month
500 to 1000 tpm / R 14500 / R1320 / month
more than 1000 tpm / R 18000 / R1600 / month
Affiliate members / R 4 800 / R440 / month
Associate members / Free / Not applicable
Once off joining fee R2500

Do not pay anything now. Select your payment option below and SAPRO will invoice you accordingly once your membership has been approved.

Payment Option 1 – By mail

Cheque for R...... made payable to "South African Plastics Recycling Organisation"

Mail to SAPRO, PO Box 8092, Halfway House, 1685. Add R85 to amount for bank deposit fee.

Payment Option 2 – Debit order

You will arrange for a monthly amount to be paid into the SAPRO account on the ...... day of every month. Note the small admin fee included in the membership amount.

Payment Option 3 – Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) - Preferred option

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SAPRO Chairman: Jaco Breytenbach

Transpaco Recycling - Tel 011822 6470

Bank:Standard Bank

Branch Code:013042

Account No:022419748

Account holder:SAPRO

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SAPRO Chairman: Jaco Breytenbach

Transpaco Recycling - Tel 011822 6470

SAPRO is a professional industry organisation representing responsible plastics recyclers in South Africa. To verify that you qualify as a member, please complete the following accurately as an essential part of your SAPRO membership application. SAPRO only need proof of the documents where it is indicated “please send proof”.

 / VAT(Example) / No: ...... 9876543210......
 / BEE / Level: ......
 / Comany registration number, or cc number / No: ......
 / Do you need to have a waste license? / ...... Yes / No
 / NEMA: Waste Licence – if applicable / No: ......
 / PAYE / No: ......
 / Plastics|SA membership fee / ...... Yes / No
 / Skills Development Levy / Levy No:......
 / SARS Income Tax – please send proof / No: ......
 / UIF – please send proof / No:......
 / VAT – please send proof / No: ......
 / Workmens Compensation – please send proof / No:......

As a SAPRO member I will undertake to:

conduct operations with honesty, integrity and openness.

comply with the laws and regulations of South Africa.

provide products and services, which consistently offer value in terms of price and quality.

work with my employees to develop and enhance each individual’s skills and capabilities and to ensure safe and healthy working conditions for all my employees.

conduct my operations in accordance with the principles of fair competition.

continuously make improvements in the management of my environmental impact and to the long-term goal of developing sustainable business.

work in partnership with others to promote environmental care, increase understanding of environmental issues and disseminate good practices.





Please e-mail to

or fax to 086 613 5955.

For Official Use:

Application received:...... Committee decision:......

Notification issued:...... Payment received:......

Membership no:...... Certificate issued:......

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SAPRO Chairman: Jaco Breytenbach

Transpaco Recycling - Tel 011822 6470