From: Garcia, Sarah
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 11:05 AM
To: Berlin, Steve
Subject: FW: Travel Request to Louisvelle KY

Good morning, attached please find the report at no cost to the City of Chicago from Vanessa Burrow’s. Thank you please let me know if you need anything else.

From: Burrows, Vanessa
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 10:58 AM
To: Garcia, Sarah
Subject: FW: Travel Request to Louisvelle KY


Please find the information for my trip to the FBI/CDC/Kentucky Public Health Radiological Awareness & Response Workshop in Louisville, KY, below. I did not accept any honorarium; I was an attendee, not a speaker. Please let me know if any additional information is needed.

Who: Vanessa Burrows

When: September, 3-5, 2013

Where: Louisville, KY

Why: FBI/CDC/Kentucky Public Health Radiological Awareness and Response Workshop

Who paid:National Association of City and County Health Officials



Vanessa Burrows

Attorney/HIPAA Privacy Officer

Chicago Department of Public Health

September 4, 2013
Topics / Presenters
8:00-8:05 / Welcome / WMDC Jenny Blanchard, FBI Louisville
8:05-8:25 / Opening Remarks / Perrye Turner, FBI Louisville Special Agent in Charge
Dr. Stephanie Mayfield-Gibson, KY Department for Public Health
8:25-8:35 / Review of agenda, goals & objective / WMDC Jenny Blanchard, FBI Louisville
8:35-9:05 / Fundamentals of Rad/ Rad 101 / Keith Waggoner, Y-12 National Security Complex
9:05-9:40 / Rad Materials of Concern / Keith Waggoner, Y-12 National Security Complex
9:40-10:00 / Break
10:00-11:00 / Signs and Symptoms / Dr. Doran Christensen,REAC/TS
11:00-11:45 / OST Briefing / Zeke Vanderpool, Office of Secure Transportation
11:45-1:00 / Lunch on your own
1:00-1:30 / Roles of Kentucky Emergency Management / Charlie O’Neal, Assistant Director of Operations
1:30-2:00 / FBI Response to a WMD Incident / WMDC Jenny Blanchard, FBI Louisville
2:00-2:20 / Break
2:20-2:55 / Who is the 41st Civil Support Team? / Major John Cline, Commander
2:55-3:05 / KHA / Richard Bartlett, KY Hospital Association
3:05-3:50 / KY Public Health, Radiation Branch / Matthew McKinley, Manager
3:50 – 4:50 / Rad Threat Brief / WMDC Jenny Blanchard, FBI Louisville
4:50-5:00 / Closing Day 1 / WMDC Jenny Blanchard, FBI Louisville
September 5, 2013
Topics / Presenters
8:00- 8:05 / Opening Remarks / WMDC Jenny Blanchard, FBI Louisville
8:10-9:40 / Polonium Case / Dr. Ben Garrett, FBI
9:40-10:00 / Break
10:00-10:45 / Rad Run Full Scale Exercise Brief/Lessons Learned / Mary Halmhuber, Kentucky Office of Homeland Security
10:45-11:30 / PH/LE Jt Investigation / Jennifer Buzzell, CDC
11:30-12:45 / Lunch on your own
1:00-2:40 / TTX / Moderators
2:40-3:00 / Break
3:00-4:15 / TTX / Moderators
4:15-4:45 / KY Moving Forward / Matthew McKinley, KY Public Health Radiation Branch Manager
4:45-5:00 / Closing / WMDC Jenny Blanchard, FBI Louisville