Main IdeaPurpose Tips

Main Idea

-Think about it as almost a summary

-Someone who didn’t read the text, would get the gist by reading what you wrote for the main idea

-Has to have the major topic or heart of the text

-Not full of specific details, yet not too vague either

Bad Example: The main idea of the presentation was stereotypes.

Bad Example: The main idea of the presentation was how stereotypes are like Oreo cookies and being a high school freshmen and having that label can be hurtful.

Good Example: The main idea of the presentation was that stereotypes that may seem harmless can have negative effects on both the self esteem of individuals, and the society as a whole.


-WHY did the author decide to write this text? What was their goal?

-Consider what is going on in the world around them that might have inspired them to write this

-Also consider the audience that they are writing to, and how their purpose relates to this

-Must contain an action verb of what the author hopes to do (to inform, to persuade, to inspire, to entertain, etc.)

-Again does not need a lot of detail, yet it should be clear to a person who did not read it

Bad Example: To inform people about stereotypes.

Bad Example: To inform people about the label “Oreo” and explain how it made Zoe feel.

Good Example: To raise awareness about stereotypes that affect people in today’s society and persuade listeners to resist using stereotypical labels and phrases.

Evaluating the Argument

-Did the author do a good job of persuading you of something? Why or why not?

-If so, what specifically made their argument persuasive?

-If not, what could they have done to be more persuasive?

“IMPA” Mini-Project

Purpose: Show that you understand the main idea ,the author’s purpose in writing the text, and evaluate the persuasiveness of the author’s argument


Must explain what the main idea of the text is

  • This is brief, should be approximately 2 sentences

Must explain what the author’s purpose was in writing the text

  • Should demonstrate that you genuinely reflected on why the author decided to write the article
  • This portion should show deep analysis, and is the part most focused on in the grading

Must evaluate the author’s argument

  • This should describe how persuasive the author was,
  • This should also explain specifically what the author did that was persuasive, or what they could have done to make it more persuasive

Product Options:

  • Mini-Essay
  • Song/Rap
  • Visual Art Diagram
  • Power Point/Prezi/Slideshow
  • Speech

*There are not necessarily specific length requirements, but which ever product you choose be sure that it demonstrates your thorough knowledge. Be clear and descriptive with what you have to say, and don’t forget evidence!*