MARCH 22, 2011


ICall to Order

Board President Christine Clavin called the budget workshop meeting of the Hardyston Board of Education to order on March 22nd, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria of the HardystonMiddle School, 183 Wheatsworth Road, Hamburg, NJ. President Christine Clavin read the Open Public Meetings Act statement.

II Pledge of Allegiance

III Roll Call

Mr. Todd Andersonpresent

Mrs. Dorothy Beltraminepresent

Mr. Ed Blahutpresent

Mr. Gregg Hoffmannabsent

Ms. Cindy McVeypresent

Mr. Randy Roofpresent

Mrs. Cheryl Whiteheadpresent

Dr. Kevin Johnson absent

Ms. Christine Clavinpresent

Mr. Martin G. Sumpmanpresent

Mr. James Sekelskypresent

Quorum confirmed:[ X] Yes[ ] No

Special Guest(s) Present:Kasey Kornak & Melissa Haggett______

Teresa Zinck, HTEA President______



Staff Members Present:John Brennan, Principal ES

Bob Demeter, V Principal MS

Community Members Present:Jen Knocha, Staff Advertiser News______



The Hardyston School District together with our parents, families and community is dedicated to preparing our students for the 21st Century by providing each student with a quality education, in a safe and caring environment, which allows all students to achieve the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards at all grade levels and includes the knowledge, confidence, and self-esteem to be successful life-long learners in a culturally diverse democracy.

IV Workshop

  1. Governor’s Annual Teacher Recognition Award: Melissa Haggett and Kasey Kornak
  2. Update on any additions/revisions to draft of Agenda
  3. Glen Sumpman discusses potential changes/possibilities with 5th grade moving to MS. Scheduling of bus routes reviewed. Superintendent will recommend to the board in April 2011.
  4. Update on Pre-K Tuition/Registration. A lottery will have to go.

VApproval of Minutes–

  1. Minutes ofFebruary 22, 2011 General Meeting
  2. Minutes of February 22, 2011 Executive Session

ACTION ITEM(S): ____March 22 Regular and Executive Minutes ____

Motion to adopt: Clavin Seconded by:Whitehead


Anderson X

Beltramine X

Blahut X

Hoffmann X


Roof X

Whitehead X

Johnson X

Clavin X

VISuperintendent’s Report

VIIOld Business

VIII New Business


FINANCE – Cheryl Whitehead, Chairperson


Motion to approve and recognize $6,302.68in transfers for the month of February 2011pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11 (c)1.


Motion to approve the attached Bills List for the month of February 2011 in the amount of$ 1,253,694.13


Motion to approve and accept the Treasurer of School Monies Financial Report(s):February 2011.


Motion to approve and accept the Board Secretary’s Monthly Financial Report(s): February 2011.

We hereby certify, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)3, that as of the date of the Board Secretary’s Monthly Financial Reports, no budgetary line item account has encumbrances and expenditures which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of 6A:23-2.11(a).


Motion to approve D.W. Clark Bus Company as transportation for the 2010-2011 school year athletic program at an estimated cost of $7,745.00. This amount may change depending upon track season.

ACTION ITEM(S): ____F-1 – F-5____

Motion to adopt: Whitehead Seconded by:Clavin


Anderson X

Beltramine X

Blahut X

Hoffmann X


Roof X

Whitehead X

Johnson X

Clavin X

PERSONNEL – Kevin Johnson, Chairperson

All Personnel resolutions are based on the recommendation of the Superintendent.


Motion to approve the substitutes listed below to be placed on our substitute calling list for the 2010/2011 school year. Employment is on an emergent basis, if necessary, and contingent upon criminal history background clearance as required by P.O. 1986, C.116.

Diane Rotunda / Teacher/Aide / Pending Certification
Brian Wittman / Teacher/Aide / CE – K-5
Christine Kromitz / Teacher/Aide / CE – K-5, CE - TSWD


Motion to approve Lynne Greco as Adventure Theater Advisorat Step 1, $1,377 for the 2010-2011 school year.


Motion to approve Elizabeth Jensen to return as an Elementary School Teacher for September 1, 2011 and accept her letter dated 3/8/11 stating her return to the HardystonSchool District.


Motion to approve Alycia Elko to return as a Middle School Resource Room Teacher for September 1, 2011 and accept her letter dated 3/7/11 stating her return to the HardystonSchool District.


Motion to accept a request from Kimberly Bennett for a Family Leave of absence from September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. Mrs. Bennett is expecting her second child in June 2011 and will not be returning as planned in September 2011.


Motion to approve an additional Gymnastics Assistant Coach for the 2010-2011 school year, Level 1, $1,508, and to appoint Tara Scognamiglio as the additional assistant.

ACTION ITEM(S): ____P-1-P-6____

Motion to adopt: Roof Seconded by:Clavin


Anderson X

Beltramine X

Blahut X

Hoffmann X


Roof X

Whitehead X

Johnson X

Clavin X

CURRICULUM/PROGRAMS – Todd Anderson, Chairperson


Motion to approve the listed travel events in agreement with Chapter 53, Public Law 2007, Title 18A, and Board Policy 9250:

Event / Date / Registration
Fee / Mileage & Other Expenses / Employee/
Board Member
Activities to Connect the New Common Core Measurement, Data, and Geometry Standards with NJ Math Standards, New Brunswick / 4/7/11 / $196 / $29.76 / F. Kevil
Understanding Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome or High Functioning Autism, Parsippany / 4/7/11 / $468
(Total for 2 teachers) / $17.36 / N. Margarum
M. Rowan
49th Annual NJASBO Conference / 6/1-3/2011 / $378.00 / $184.91 / J. Sekelsky
Cognitive Communication Deficits, Parsippany / 5/10/11 / $175 / $9.18
$25.00 (Mat.) / R. Stoll
CDK – Personnel Module Training, Hackettstown / 3/25/11 / -0- / $19.52
$13.33 / N. Meyer
G. Corsaro
IDEA Technical Assistance, Wayne / 4/4/11 / -0- / $11.16 / G. Portello
Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Newark / 5/26/11 / $199.00 / $27.28
(Mat.) / R. Stoll


Resolved to approve the following parent-paid class trip(s) for the 2010-2011 school year:

Grade / Destination / Date / Cost Per Student
K / SussexCounty Fairgrounds / 5/20/11 / $9.75
8 / 8th Gr. Junior Solar Sprints Trip, Newton / 5/18/11 / Pd. Through Student Activity Funds
4th Gr. Band / Bristol Glen, Newton / 4/5/11 / $7.00
5th Gr. Band / Bristol Glen, Newton / 4/6/11 / $7.00


Motion to approve the Article 16 Maintenance of Agreement Annual Addendum, effective July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012:

The Hardyston Township Board of Education at the April 24, 2007 public meeting wishing to recognize and maintain the value of the Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement between Education and Law Enforcement Officials hereby re-adopts the Memorandum of Agreement as originally approved by this Board, without modification and authorizes the submission to the County Superintendent of Schools, the County Prosecutor, and to Law Enforcement for signatures.

ACTION ITEM(S): ____C/P1-3____

Motion to adopt: AndersonSeconded by:Clavin


Anderson X

Beltramine X

Blahut X

Hoffmann X


Roof X

Whitehead X

Johnson X

Clavin X

FACILITIES/OPERATIONS – Dot Beltramine, Chairperson


Motion to approve the use of the elementary school gymnasium for a Tricky Tray sponsored by the Wallkill Valley Softball League on Friday, May 20, 2011. All pertinent paperwork and fees will be handled through the elementary school.


Motion to approve the use of the elementary school baseball fields for the 2011 baseball season beginning on or about April 1stthrough June 15th, Monday through Friday, 6 PM – 8 PM. In addition, the league is requesting to place a “non-tippable” port-a-jon in the same location as in past seasons. All paperwork will be handed in prior to use of fields.


Motion to approve the use of the HardystonMiddle School facility for the annual Sussex County Senior Services Health Expo on Saturday, October 15, 2011.


Motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement with the Township of Hardyston for shared services for Lawn Maintenance beginning March, 2011 through February, 2012 for the amount of $15,595.


Motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement with the Township of Hardyston for shared services for Solid Waste and Recycling Removal beginning March, 2011 through February, 2012 for the amount of $10,800.


Motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement with the Township of Hardyston for shared services for Park Maintenance retroactive to January, 2011 through December, 2011 for the amount of $17,000.


Motion to approve continued enrollment with North American Power Partners, LLC, for the “Demand Response Program” effective on or about March 30, 2011.

ACTION ITEM(S): ____F/O-1-7 ____

Motion to adopt: BeltramineSeconded by:Whitehead


Anderson X

Beltramine X

Blahut X

Hoffmann X


Roof X

Whitehead X

Johnson X

Clavin X



  1. SussexCounty Dept. of Human Services – Thank You – “Souper” Bowl



A motion was presented by _Clavin______and seconded by Beltramine______that the HardystonTownship Board of Education enters private session at 8:17___ p.m. to discuss __Litigation MS Roof______ which is exempt from public participation pursuant to New Jersey Public Law 1975, Chapter 231,“Open Public Meetings Act”. Any discussion held by the Board which need not remain confidential will be made public when appropriate. Minutes of the private session will not be disclosed until the need for confidentially no longer exists. The Board will reconvene in public session at the conclusion of the closed session.

All in favor. Motion carried.


Motion to the Board of Education will return to public session at _____ p.m.

ACTION ITEM(S): ____Re-Open Public____

Motion to adopt: ClavinSeconded by:McVey

All in favor. Motion carried.


With no further action or discussion required of the Hardyston Township Board of Education at this time, a motion was presented by _Clavin______, and seconded by _Beltramine______, to adjourn the meeting at __8:40__ p.m.

All in favor. Motion carried.

HardystonTownshipBoard of Education – Agenda - Regular Monthly Meeting – March 22, 2011 - Page 1 of 7