*** Please note that the grant process has been extended to include sections of courses.

*** Because of the popularity of the OCD and OCI grants, each faculty member can only submit one grant application during the FY2011-2012 grant cycle.

Faculty Member Preparing Proposal Date
(Printed name)

Name of Course and Course No.______

Has this course or section of this course been taught online before? ______
***If yes, this will be an Online Course Improvement Grant with the stipend of: $1,000
***If no, this will be an Online Course Development Grant with the stipend of: $2000

Approved by University Curriculum Committee ______Yes ______No

First Semester Course Will Be Scheduled: ______
***Course must be taught at least once during the next 12 months


I have read, understand, and will comply with the Online Course Development Grant requirements. Failure to provide contracted materials within the specified period may result in the forfeiture of all or part of the grant stipend.

Faculty Member Signature Date

Department Chair Department
(Printed name and signature)

(Printed name and signature) College

Aspart of the grant process, applicants will be required to attend one of the Applying the Quality Matters rubric workshops scheduled for October 14 or October 21.

Please indicate which of the two workshop dates you will planto attend per below. If either date would be feasible, please mark both but then also indicate your preference. We will try to accommodate you and honor your indicated preference.

_____ Friday, October 14, 8:30 to 4:30 in Lib 005

_____ Friday, October 21, 8:30 to 4:30 in Lib 005

Your Name: ______Today’s Date: ______

The Online Course Development (OCD) and Online Course Improvement (OCI) grants are administered by the Distance Learning Committee (DLC) and Distance Learning Design & Delivery (DLDD). The purpose of the grants is to promote quality and consistency across online courses taught at Columbus State University. To assist faculty with course design and development, the Distance Learning Committee and the Distance Learning Design & Delivery (DLDD) will provide workshops, tailored training and individual consultations throughout the process.

The goal of the grants is to design and develop high quality online courses at CSU. The grants are truly professional development opportunities that will help CSU achieve its goal of not only offering online courses and programs, but of offering high quality, student-centered online courses that reflect best practices and promote excellence in online teaching and learning at CSU.

Towards that end, the OCD and OCI grant processes for the 2011-2012 academic year will consist of a series of pedagogical and technological professional development activities and deliverables. These activities and deliverables are required and intended to support, strengthen and broaden your online course design and development skill sets as you progressively and collaboratively reflect on and develop the various learning modules that comprise your course.

The design and development period will essentially run from Oct 5, 2011 to April 16, 2012. With the assistance of DLDD staff, applicants are expected to fully complete their online course design/redesign and development within this time period. By April 16, applicants will submit a completed Quality Assurance form based on the Quality Matters Rubric Standards 2011-2013 edition that the Distance Learning Committee will review along with the developed course as a quality assurance check.

If no significant course development site revisions are required, the Distance Learning Committee will sign off on the Quality Assurance form. Otherwise, a Quality Assurance-Pending Revisions form is created for follow up completion by the instructor. Requisite changes need to be made by June 1 to retain eligibility for grant funding in the 2011-2012 fiscal year.

To be eligible for the Online Course Development grants, participants are required to complete all aspects of the professional development process. This process includes:

a.  completing the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric workshop (Scheduled for October 14 or October 21. Applicants must attend one of the full-day sessions. Each session will run from 8:30AM – 4:30PM).

b.  attending an Elearning Technologies Overview workshop to be offered by DLDD

c.  completing a faculty needs assessment instrument for online course design and delivery prior to your first consultation followed by monthly course consultations with DLDD

d.  attending a 3-part CougarVIEW workshop series (LMS I: Tools, Components, Basic Course and Module Design; LMS II: Assessment and Evaluation Tools and Strategies; LMS III: Advanced Course and Module Design and Delivery Strategies) to be offered by DLDD

e.  participating in an online synchronous Wimba session and an asynchronous discussion board activity to be offered by DLDD in February 2012.

f.  adhering to the schedule of online course content deliverables and completing your online course development as detailed in the table below

g.  submitting the Quality Assurance form and obtaining quality assurance sign off approval from the DLC within the allotted timeframe.

Schedule of Deliverables, Workshops & Activities
Calendar Deadlines / Deliverables / Workshops & Activities
October 31, 2011 / Faculty Needs Assessment / Quality Matters Workshop
CougarVIEW Workshop Series I & II
DLDD Initial Consultation
November 30, 2011 / First 2 online modules / CougarVIEW Workshop Series III Elearning Technologies Overview
DLDD Course Consultation
Individualized Training
December 16, 2011 / DLDD Course Consultation
Individualized Training
January 31, 2012 / Next 4 online modules / DLDD Course Consultation
Individualized Training
February 29, 2012 / Next 4 online modules / DLDD Course Consultation
Individualized Training
Wimba Session
Discussion Board Activity
March 30, 2012 / Next 4 online modules / DLDD Course Consultation
Individualized Training
April 16, 2012 / Completed online course
Quality Assurance (QA) Form / By May 1, the DLC reviews QA form and online course. DLC either signs off or notes requisite changes on QA Pending Revisions Form.
May 31, 2012 / May 1-May 31, applicant works to complete noted revisions, if any, as per QA Pending Revisions Form.
June 1, 2012 / Completed revisions
QA Pending Revisions Form / By June 15, the DLC either signs off or advises of failure to fully comply with grant requirements at this time.

While allowances for some flexibility in this schedule may be granted by the DLC, the standard policy is that grant payment will be dependent on adherence to this schedule including course review and approval by the DLC.

As part of your grant application, please reflect on and provide your considered responses to the seven questions and related sub-questions that follow on the enclosed pages.

1.  Have you ever taught an online course?
If so, what were your largest challenges?

2.  Have you ever taken an online course?
a. What did you like the most?

b. What did you like the least?

3.  What do you see are the strengths and weaknesses of an online course in your discipline?
a. Strengths:

b. Weaknesses:

4.  When building your new or improved online course, what do you perceive will be your largest challenges?

5.  After reviewing the process of the FY 2011/2012 Online Course Development Grants, what do you see as your greatest challenges? How will you plan to address those challenges?

6.  What do you hope to get out of the grant process?

7.  Do you have any other comments or thoughts regarding the FY2011/2012 Online Course Development Grant process? If so, please describe them below.