FairmontHigh SchoolIssue 17 February 15, 2008

2008 Scholastic Art Writing Award

By Natasha Hayes

Carol Molina won this year’s 2008 Scholastic Art Award. She is the only one from RobesonCounty to win this award this year. Carol said, “I feel very proud of myself; I would have never thought that I would win something like this.” Carol didn’t even know that her picture was in the contest. She said her teacher, Mr. Volkman, entered the picture for her, but she is very thankful that he did, and if she ever get the opportunity to be in the contest again maybe she would, but because the picture took a week to draw.

Traci Parnell was nominated for the Wendy’s High School Heisman Scholarship.

Something New at FHS

By: Hannah Jacobs

As you know there have been some changes at FHS. The students that ride the bus are most excited about thenew breezeway located at the back of the school.

Students and teachers have given their input about the breezeway. Aaron Mclean said “They shouldn't have waited until my senior year to put one up, but it looks good.” Mrs. Wilson enjoys the fact of having one, because she is one of the many people who suggested it. Mary Locklear thinks it’s cool because she won’t get wet and she can stay fresh. Ms. Patricia Cintron thinks it’s nice and everything little thing helps. She said “It’s better to walk under a breezeway than to be walking in the rain.” So bus riders, students, and teachers, enjoy!

Teaching Fellows Finalists

By Rachel Williams

FairmontHigh School has two seniors that are Teaching Fellows Finalists; Andrew Hughes and Druzilla Blue. The Teaching Fellows is a full scholarship for graduating seniors that want to become teachers. Druzilla said, “I am very excited to be a finalist and I hope that I win the scholarship.” Both Andrew and Druzilla want to be history teachers. Andrew is going to attend CampbellUniversity and Druzilla is going to attend UNC Charlotte.

Happy Late Valentine’s Day!

Hope you all got lots of flowers and chocolates!

Black History Month

By: Courtney Hunt

As the month of February flies by, we should all be aware that it is Black History Month. African-Americans have made many contributions to our society. However, their great accomplishments are often overshadowed by the actions of a few.

One example of this is the the Jena Six case in Louisiana. The Jena Six were six black teens that were accused of beating a white student because of nooses that were placed in an oak tree outside Jena High in Central Louisiana. Five of the students were charged as adults and the sixth student was charged as a juvenile.

If the school officials had paid more attention to what was taking place on campus and if they properly addressed the nooses hanging in the tree, the beating might not have happened. The six lessons that every school or educator should learn: 1. Don’t ignore obvious signs of trouble. 2. Examine your schools climate. 3. Take basis incidents seriously. 4. Provide forums for meaningful discussion. 5. Use bias incidents as teachable moments. 6. Bridge divisions in the school and in the community.

Students should be aware as well and let someone know when something is going on. Waiting until it blows up is not the best policy.

Coming Events and Important Dates!

Senior Night Tonight w/ several special presentations

Spring Pictures Feb 26

Buddy Pictures Feb 26@3pm

Cap & Gown Pictures Feb 27

NTHS Induction Feb 28

Sign-up for Prom Decoration Mar. 3-7

Ring Payments due March 5

Ring Ceremony March 11

Prom March 21


By Kasey Leggett

It’s that time of the year again! Dresses, flowers, tuxes, fancy cars, and pictures galore! Prom is just around the corner; March 21st to be exact. Signup hasn’t started yet but it should be by the end of this month. All juniors and any seniors that didn’t pay last year must pay $50 to receive their tickets. Anyone bringing a date that does not attend FairmontHigh School must bring a copy of that person’s picture ID to Mr. Bauguess. No guests are allowed over the age of 21.

The theme for this year’s prom is ‘A Walk in the Clouds’. The colors in the gym will be light blue and pearl white; the gym lobby will have a garden setting, and the pictures will have ‘A Cinderella Story’ theme. The photographer will be available starting at 5:00pm to take pictures; information concerning prices will be given out closer to prom. We will also be having a Prom King and Queen this year! The contest is open to all seniors, male or female and it costs $10 to run. Sign-up for decoration is March 3rd-7th. Prom starts at 8:00pm; don’t be late!

Lunch Menu

By: Kensey Bartley

Tuesday: Smoked sausage, Mac & Cheese, Garden Peas, hamburgers/Cheeseburgers, Pizza wedge & fries, Banana Pudding/ wafers, diced pears, fresh Fruit, Chef salad, Milk.

Wednesday: Chicken and Rice w/ roll, Turnip Greens, Beef Rib in a bun, pizza wedge & Fries, apple Crisp, grape/ strawberry shap, fresh Fruit, chef salad, Milk.

Thursday: Meatloaf, roll, cheese Potato casserol, steamed cabbage, Pizza Wedge & Fries, Chocolate & vanilla pudding, Peaches & Topping, Fresh Fruit, Chef salad, Milk.

Friday: Philly Cheese Steak, Potato Wedges, Hot dogs or Corndog, Pizza Wedge Fries, Royal Brownies, Pineapple Tidbits, Fresh fruit, Chef salad, Milk.

Drama Club Goes to Fayetteville

Courtney Locklear

The drama club visited the GilbertTheater in Fayetteville on February 9, 2008. There they saw The Bell of Amherst by William Luce which was first performed in 1976. The Director was Lynn Prier and the actress was Jane Moran. It is a one woman play about Emily Dickinson’s life. “Jane Moran’s performance as Emily Dickinson was extremely well done.” says Caroline Lennon, a drama club member. Amherstis the town in Massachusetts in which Emily Dickinson lived. She was a poet who lived her life as a hermit. One main characteristic about her was that she always wore white. She did not become famous until after her death and her work was then published. She mainly wrote about death and nature. After the play the Drama Club went to the Krispy Kreme Doughnut factory for a treat.


By Leanna Hunt

On February 11th, the girls’ bowling team placed 2nd in the Conference Tournament. The girls had a bye the first match. Then in the second match they defeated Purnell Swett. In the final match of the tournament, the girls lost to Red Springs, which placed them 2nd in the Tournament. Because of their placing 2nd, they now qualify for the State Tournament located in Fayetteville, which will be held on March 8.

The boys’ bowling team won their first match of the Conference tournament also on February 11. On their second match they lost. None of the bowlers qualified for the Individual State Tournament, but they did place 2nd in the regular season.

J.V. Girls

By Brandy Calhoun

On February 12 Fairmont girls beat Red Springs with a final score of 34-13. The leading scorers for Fairmontwere Natasha Jones, Montrexe Blue, and Breana Williams. Fairmont’s starting line-up was Breana Williams, Montreze Blue, Jaquisha Taylor, Monquie Edwards, and Jamillia Thompson. They finished the season with the record of 7-6. Coach McGirt said, “The season was a lot better than last year. The overall record was 7-6 which was a big improvement from last year”.

Boy’s take in a win

By Adrienne Hill

The J.V. Boys defeated Red Springs on February 8 once again with the final score of 56 to 49. The Leading scorers were Ryan Reynolds, Derion Hinson, and Desmond Parker. The Starting line-up was Skyler, Derion H, Brandon M, Desmond P, and Brandon F.

Coach McGirt said, “The season has been good to be such a young team. All the boys kept their grades up and no one was put off the team.This meant alot to me.”

On February 13 the boys defeated St.Pauls with the final score of 43 to 35. The leading scorers were Derion H, Ryne R, and Desmond P. Coach McGirt thought the team played really well when playing three players short. He says they start out slow but ended strong.

The starting line-up was Derion H, Brandon F, Desmond P., Brandon M., and Ryne R. The best defensive stand-out was Brandon M. He did an excellent job and worked really hard to help gain another win for the team.