Marking Guide

We will use a marking guide to help mark your reports and to provide you with feedback. The previous marking scheme is reproduced below.You may, of course, use the scheme to guide you in the production of your report, but bear in mind the following things...

1) We may well have to modify the marking scheme in the light of any changes in the analysis of - and the conclusions that can be drawn from - the different data you will be using.

2) Simply addressing superficially the various points in the marking scheme will not gain you good marks; we are interested in answers that demonstrate understanding.

3) The list should not be seen as exhaustive; we are often pleasantly surprised to be able to award students marks for things not included on the list.

Practice & Communication of Science
Exercise 2b : ‘Spirometry’

NAME/NUM: ______PROVISIONAL* MARK (%):______

Assessment Feedback

Title :was it…
·Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in Inspired Air as Determinants of Minute Volume in the Resting Human.
·…or something equally suitable? / 3
Abstract :did it…
·Set the scene ?
·Summarise the methods ?
·Include numerical results, significances ?
·Draw conclusions ? / 15
Key words :
·How many ?
·How appropriate ? / 3
Introduction :
·Mistakes corrected ?
·Anything extra ? / 5
Materials & Methods :
·Mistakes corrected ?
·Method modified, as appropriate ? / 5
Results :
·Transformation of O2and CO2performed/explained, including r-squared ?
·Interaction and BSA terms explained ?
·Use of subscripting for O2/ CO2?
·Final, 'n'-variable equation reported, with significances and r-squared ?
·If needed, explained choice of two ‘best’ variables for 3d plot, including paired-correlation table ?
·Produced 3d plot for both raw and fitted data ?
·Appropriate editing/use of Minitab output ?
·Accuracy of analysis ? / 25
Discussion :
·Recognition/emphasis on central finding of study?
·Discussion of relative value of 'simpler' equation used in 3d plot?
·Interpretationof r-squared, including other factors that determine MV?
·Verbal description of effect of gases on MV, inc direction?
·Consideration of interaction between gases?
·Consideration of any effect of BSA?
·Comparison with previous studies/existing knowledge?
·Use of equation to predict MV in various conditions?
·Further study suggested by the experiment? / 20
References :
·Existing references included ?
·Additional references included/cited ? / 5
Presentation :
·Overall quality of presentation?
·Scientific style? / 19

*Please note these marks areprovisionaland are likely to be adjusted to reflect a consensus between markers and/or reflect attendance at the relevant practical.