Food Wise 2025 Environmental Sustainability Committee Meeting
Monday 17October2016
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM): Brid Cannon (Chair), John Muldowney, Maria Talbot,Siobhan Dowling,John Harrison, Jessica Smart, Patricia Torpey, Michael O’Donoghue (representing Nitrates, Biodiversity and Engineering Division) and Roni Hawe (via VC).
Teagasc: Trevor Donnellan and Gary Lanigan
EPA: Philip O’Brien (representing Tadhg O’Mahony)
Bord Bia: Andrew Mullins (representing Padraig Brennan)
Academic: Michael Hamell
Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs: Ciaran O’Keeffe
Apologies: Paul McKiernan,Padraig Brennan, Jerome Walsh, Tadhg O’Mahony and John O’Neill
Minutes of last meeting
Minutes from the second meeting were adopted. It was also agreed to broaden the committee membership following the reorganisation of GovernmentDepartments.
Presentation by Teagasc on GHG Abatement Potential of Agriculture, Forestry and Land-Use
The presentation outlined Ireland’s GHG emission profile including the projected sustainable growth scenario for agriculture and the challenges faced by Ireland in light of GHG emission and ammonia targets. Following the outcome of recent research the agriculture inventory will be refined reflecting changes to the emission profile of tier 2 emissions. The presentation outlined the differences between the current Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC) 2013 – 2020 and the updated MACC for 2021 to 2030. Measures included in the current curve formed the baseline of the 2021 to 2030 curve. The new curve sets out the mean abatement potential ofagricultural mitigation measures. A LULUCF MACC and one on the displacement of fossil fuels were also presented. The MACCs will be published following some additional refinement. This was followed by a short discussion on the proposed targets for 2030 and the potential of LULUCF flexibility.
A question on the ownership of carbon credits arose - in particular those that may arise in future for wetlands under BnaM management.
Presentation on water relatedwork undertaken by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
The presentation outlinedEU water policy objectives and the measures under the Water Framework Directive including the requirement to manage water at River Basin scale – Ireland’s River Basin Management Plan is due to be finalised in 2017. It looked at the relationship between the WFD and Food Wise 2025; Nitrates, Pesticides and EIA Regulations; CAP and the RDP and the Forestry Programme. The role of the internal DAFM Water Network and the many water related activities undertaken within DAFM and by DAFM agencies was also outlined.
Draft Agriculture and Forest Sector Adaptation document
A discussion took place around the draft Agriculture and Forest Sector Adaptation document which had been circulated to the members. The focus of the discussion was around adaptation options, the assigning of resources (human and financial)and mainstreaming adaptation into agriculture policy. The draft document will be the subject of a public consultation.
Environmental Workshop – Food Wise Action 415 refers
It was proposed that the focus of the environmental workshop will be on climate change adaptation and building resilience across the sector. It is intended to hold the workshop towards the end of November/start of December.
Q3 2016 progress report on Food Wise 2025 Sustainability Actions
Q3 progress report was circulated. Michael Hamell raised a point in relation to the proposed amendment to the timing for hedgerow cutting by the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and the Gaeltacht Affairs. Mr. Hamell noted that this could reduce the viability of certainbird species by 3 to 4% and was contrary to the spirit of FW action no. 406. Ciaran O’Keeffe, of DAHRRGA noted that there had been extensive public consultation on this amendment. It was requested that this issue be brought to the attention of the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and the Gaeltacht Affairs.
  • The DCCAE paper on ammonia monitoring will be circulated in advance of the next meeting.
  • It was agreed to invite a representative from the Air Quality side of DCCAE to join the Committee.
  • The next meeting of the Committee will be held on the same day as the environmental workshop – date to be agreed.
  • An update on progress on the GLAS evaluation to be given at a future meeting.
  • The Committee secretariat will follow up on a request for information relating to additional actions in the Food Wise Q3 progress Report.