
Floral Design

Safety RE - Test


_____ 1. An object that is in the way is a (n) ______.

  1. obstruction
  2. inoperable
  3. junk

_____ 2. Something that is faulty is ______.

  1. Defective
  2. Safety
  3. Obstruction

_____ 3 .What is the number one thing that I will not tolerate in my classroom?

  1. Horseplay
  2. Kissing
  3. floral arranging

_____ 4.The two causes of injury are carelessness and ______

  1. meanness
  2. unawareness
  3. neither a or b

_____ 5.Why should floral design tools be cleaned after use?

  1. Helps keep them safe and effective
  2. It will prevent the tools from rusting
  3. Neither a or b

_____ 6.To store in a cool, dry place is a safety precaution for using?

  1. Hand tools
  2. Chemicals
  3. Both a and b

_____ 7.It is important to have good posture because, ______

  1. it causes less strain on the back
  2. it causes less fatigue on the body
  3. all of the above

_____ 8.It is important to learn good safety skills because you are responsible for:

  1. yourself and others
  2. all the glue guns in the room
  3. neither a nor b

_____ 9.Which of the following is not a tool used in floral design?

  1. Floral tape
  2. water
  3. wire

_____ 10.Chemical containers should have directions for use, disposal and ______

  1. designing
  2. first aid
  3. all of the above

_____ 11.Personal injury may be the result of another's ______

  1. actions
  2. personal feelings
  3. designing ability

_____ 12.The three levels of toxicity are Danger,

  1. warning
  2. caution
  3. both a and b

_____ 13.Safety is ______

  1. essential
  2. the law
  3. stupid

_____ 14.Avoiding unsafe conditions and actions, proper handling of materials, dress properly and wearing protective clothing are all ______

  1. the laws of safety
  2. personal safety habits
  3. causes of injury

_____ 15.The lowest level of toxicity is ______

  1. danger
  2. warning
  3. caution

_____ 16.Improper lifting of objects, trying to carry to heavy of a load, improper gripping and not having enough clearance for your hands and feet are causes of injury for______

  1. handling materials
  2. using chemicals
  3. using hand tools

_____ 17.Which of the following is not a safety precaution for using chemicals?

  1. Store in a chemical closet
  2. Dispose of properly
  3. Check for defects or damage

_____ 18.Using a defective tool, using wrong tool for the job and using the tool improperly are all things that could lead to injury while using______

  1. chemicals
  2. hand tools
  3. ladders

_____ 19.Which of the following is not a precaution to use while using hand tools?

  1. carry in a toolbox or holder
  2. always clean tools
  3. use screwdrivers to open closed containers

_____ 20.Cuts and bruises are a result of ______

  1. minor accidents
  2. major accidents
  3. neither a nor b

_____ 21.An awareness of toxic plants is essential to a florist because, he or she needsto be aware the hazardous affect on ______

  1. pets
  2. children
  3. both a and b

_____ 22.Learning safety habits in floral design will ______

  1. save my life
  2. help me to be a safer person
  3. prevent glue gun burns
  4. all of the above

_____ 23. When a glue stick gets low, you should…

  1. push it with your finger until glue emerges
  2. add another glue stick
  3. neither a or b

_____ 24. To keep tools safe and effective, you should…

  1. keep them clean
  2. hang them upside down until plant material falls off
  3. both a and b

_____ 25. Keeping an area clean and free of obstructions is a way to avoid unsafe _____

a. actions

b. safety attitudes

c. conditions

_____ 26. What should you do with glue guns at the end of the class?

a. clean them, if needed

b. unplug them so that can cool

c. all of the above

_____ 27. Toxic means______

  1. difficult to breath
  2. poisonous
  3. both a and b

_____ 28. You should keep cutting tools sharp, because …

  1. it will be considered defective
  2. dull tools may stick or slide
  3. both a and b

_____ 29. It is necessary to be aware of his or her actions and the potentially ______effects you may have on others.

  1. meaningful
  2. dangerous
  3. hazardous

_____ 30. Accidents can happen ______and without ______.

  1. To anyone, thinking
  2. Quickly, warning
  3. Fast, cleaning

_____ 31. Never carry ______in your pockets.

  1. Tools
  2. Sharp objects
  3. Loose change

_____ 32. People with bad ______makes them the most dangerous.

  1. Safety attitudes
  2. Personal safety habits
  3. Safety habits

_____ 33. What phrase is on all toxic labels?

  1. “danger”
  2. “Poisonous contents”
  3. “Keep out of reach of children”

_____ 34. Always work in a safe, comfortable position or ______.

  1. Stance
  2. Sitting
  3. Posture

_____ 35. Danger is represented by the color ______.

  1. Red
  2. Orange
  3. Yellow

_____ 36. Warning is represented by the color ______.

  1. Red
  2. Orange
  3. Yellow

_____ 37. Caution is represented by the color ______.

  1. Red
  2. Orange
  3. Yellow

_____ 38. Noisy, rough activity is defined as ______.

  1. Horseplay
  2. Accidents
  3. Ignorance

_____ 39. Something that is not in working order is ______.

  1. Junk
  2. Inoperable
  3. Faulty

_____ 40. The condition from being protects from hurt, injury or loss is ______.

  1. Supervision
  2. Precaution
  3. Safety

_____ 41. Being under the direction of another person is also known as ______.

  1. Supervision
  2. My job
  3. Annoying

_____ 42. What is the correct tool to use when cutting wire?

  1. Jack hammer
  2. Floral shears
  3. Wire cutters

_____ 43. Care taken beforehand is known as ______.

  1. Fatigue
  2. Smart
  3. Precaution

_____44. Weariness or exhaustion is ______.

  1. Bad
  2. Fatigue
  3. Posture

_____ 45. The toxicity level that is represented by the skull and cross bones is ______.

  1. Caution
  2. Danger
  3. Warning

_____ 46. ______conditions are easy to correct, control and avoid.

  1. Any
  2. All
  3. Hazardous

_____ 47. ______can burn you.

  1. High temp glue guns
  2. Low temp glue guns
  3. All of the above

_____ 48. The highest level of toxicity is ______.

  1. Caution
  2. Danger
  3. Warning

_____ 49. Chemicals must be ______.

  1. Stored in a locked cabinet
  2. Kept in a cool and dry environment
  3. All of the above

_____ 50. The two types of injury are major and ______.

  1. Death
  2. Minor
  3. None of the above