Minutes of the OASIS SCA Bindings TC Meeting17thMarch 2011


Mike Edwards / IBM / Group Member
Simon Holdsworth - chair / IBM / Group Member
Anish Karmarkar - scribe / Oracle Corporation / Group Member
Eric Johnson / TIBCO Software Inc. / Group Member


  • None

Completed Action Items:

  • 20110310-01 [Simon Holdsworth]Prepare a version of the JMS Testcase document with the test assertions as an appendix
  • 20110310-02 [Simon Holdsworth] Prepare a version of the Web services testcase document with the test assertions as an appendix

Open action items:

  • 20110310-03 [Editors] Make the change to the JMS spec doc + Testcases doc described in
  • 20110317-1 [Anish Karmakar] Go through Simon's proposal for WS binding TA/TC and see if all the comments in the TAs have been addressed
  • 20110317-2 [Simon Holdsworth] File a new JMS equivalent of issue 146

Open issue ownership (no current proposed resolution in red):

Anish Karmarkar: 142, 143, 146

Simon Holdsworth: 147, 148

1 deferred (60)

Current Proposed Schedule for Bindings Specifications:

No current outlook: JCA TA and test cases; HTTP binding spec, TA and test cases; Assembly v1.2 impacts

Raw Chat room transcript (actions and resolutions marked in blue):

Simon Holdsworth: on proposal to 146, following reference to test suite:
Simon Holdsworth: The Test Suite artifacts relating to this document can
be found here:

Simon Holdsworth: Currently 30% voting members present, need 3 more for
anish: Scribe: Anish Karmarkar
anish: 40% of voting members in attendance
anish: not quorate
anish: Topic: AI review
anish: 20110310-01 [Simon Holdsworth] Prepare a version of the JMS
Testcase document with the test assertions as an appendix
20110310-02 [Simon Holdsworth] Prepare a version of the Web services
testcase document with the test assertions as an appendix
20110310-03 [Editors] Make the change to the JMS spec doc + Testcases
doc described in

anish: 20110310-01 DONE
anish: 20110310-02 DONE
anish: 20110310-03 PENDING
anish: Review of proposals for open issues
anish: 1) Issue 142 is linked to 146

anish: 2) Issue 143 is is JMS equivalent of 142
anish: 3) 146 is about the conformance section in the test case doc

1) Add related works link to zip file with a description

The Test Suite artifacts relating to this document can be found here:

2) Replace conformance section with
The artifacts contained in the

are considered to be authoritative and take precedence over the
artifacts described in this document.
This specification defines two targets for conformance:
a) WS Binding Testcases
b) Web Service Callback (WSCB) Testcases
An implementation that claims to conform to the requirements of the WS
Binding Testcases MUST be able to run all test cases in Section 2.1 and
Section 2.2, producing the 'Expected Output'.
An implementation that claims to conform to the WSCB Testcases MUST be
able to run all tests in Section 2.3, producing the 'Expected Output' of
each test case.
anish: Simon: would prefer a normative reference instead of an HTTP URL
anish: Mike: the alternative is to include the zip file URL in the
normative reference section, which is messy
anish: Simon: happy to just use the file name in the conformance section
and we already have the URL in the related works section
Simon Holdsworth: Replace that URL with sca-wsbinding-1.1-testcases.zip
anish: ... and the file name would not have 'cd01' in it. The latest
version should be sufficient
anish: Mike: fine with it
anish: Anish: in other places we have been careful to point to specific
anish: Simon: related works section would point to a specific zip file
anish: ... but the conformance section would point to the zip file in an
abstract way
anish: ... in the JMS binding when we refer to the XSD file we do it in
a similar way
anish: Topic: issues 147 and 148
anish: Simon: this is about the TAs. The proposal is to merge it with
TCs. I have a proposal for this. Comments received on the proposal.
anish: ... JMS binding TA, we have cut and pasted the normative
statements. With the merge, this is no longer necessary. No other TAs do that.
anish: ... was considered to be an interim step
anish: ... I would like to remove them and product an updated proposal
anish: Simon: for the WS TA doc there are comments that should be removed
anish: Anish: those comments were for the TC and should be removed
before publication
anish: ACTION: go through Simon's proposal for WS binding TA/TC and see
if all the comments in the TAs have been addressed
anish: Mike: going through the comments, some of them are instructions
to the TC writer, whereas others are potentially issues and should be
raised as such
anish: ... and a whole set of blank comments
anish: Simon: the initial step would be to check that I got the right
version of the TA doc for the merge
anish: ... but fairly certain that I did
anish: Topic: new issues
anish: Simon: one new issue, JMS version of a WS binding issue
anish: Simon: do we need a JMS equivalent of issue 146
anish: ACTION: file a new JMS equivalent of issue 146
anish: Simon: since we are not quorate, can't do more.
anish: Simon: AOB?
anish: no AOB
anish: Meeting adjourned