Your answers to the following questions will help the Redeemer Short-Term Missions (STM) Director & Team Leader evaluate and determine your participation on a missions trip. The deadline for submission is February 29, however, trips do fill up so the sooner you submit the better.Complete all sections to the best of your ability. For electronic submissions, typing your name on signature lines will count as the equivalent.
Please return completed applications to , or mail to:Redeemer Presbyterian Church - Missions, c/o Christina Stanton
1166 6th Avenue, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10036 /
Trip applying to: Today’s Date:
Full name:
Email Address:
Date of Birth:Citizenship: Marital Status:
Skills and hobbies:
Redeemer Congregation affiliation: East, West, Downtown, LSQ):
1.Please mark as appropriate:
I am: a member of Redeemer Presbyterian Church
a regular attendee of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, formonths/years (circle)
a new attendee of: Redeemer Presbyterian Church
its affiliated church plant:
a member of another church:
a regular attendee of another church:
2.Are you currently a member of a Redeemer Community Group or other Redeemer bible study group?
Yes No
If YES, for how long?
Please provide leader’s name
If NO, what are the reasons for not attending?
- What Redeemer ministries are you currently involved in or have been a part of in the past? If you are not involved with RPC, please describe your present involvement with your home church. Please provide a ministry person’s name and contact info – missions may contact them as a reference, so please notify them ahead of time.
- Why do you want to be part of this particular missions trip?
- Have you ever served as a missionary, either short-term or long-term? Yes No
If “yes,” please describe your involvement.
6. If you are not a U.S. citizen, will the host country grant you a visa? Yes No
7.How might your skills, talents, training or gifts be useful on this particular project?
8. What are your expectations regarding this project?
9.What language(s) do you speak fluently?
Are there other languages are you familiar with, and to what extent?
10.A missions trip is a major time commitment. In addition to the trip itself, the team will meet in the months leading up to the trip for planning, training and bonding, and there will also be post-trip debrief. There may be between 5-8 pre-trip meetings, lasting up to two hours each.These meetings are mandatory. However, we understand that everyone has busy schedules, so missions allows up to one missed meeting.
- Are you willing to commit to the necessary time requirements for this trip? Yes No
- What possible time conflicts might you have during the preparation and debriefing periods?
- Do you understand that flexibility is a must?
11.*Relationship building is a challenging part of the team experience. Please note that failure to comply respectfully with the Team Leader/Point Person or Missions Coordinator could result in termination of trip participation.
- Are you willing to respect & submit to the team? Yes No
- When you are misunderstood or wronged, please describe how you respond.
- Do you have any health, medical, or dietary restrictions? Yes No
If YES, please explain:
- Are you currently under Diaconate/Counseling Care? Yes No
If YES, this will be discussed in the interview in a discrete manner.
- Is there anything else we should know that would potentially inhibit your participation on a short-term missions trip?
- You will need to raise your own support for this project. We will provide preparation so you are equipped to raise your support. Are you committed to this process, and also willing to trust God’s direction through the results? Yes No
If you commit to go on the trip and are unable to raise the remaining support, you will be required to pay for it with your own funds. Please read the support raising section of the STM policy manual for further explanation.
- Various cultures hold different attitudes toward certain behaviors. For the sake of the global church, do you pledgeto follow the guidance of national Christian leaders in matters such as appropriate attire, touching between the sexes, use of alcohol and tobacco, etc.? Yes No
- Please write a brief testimony describing how you became a Christian and your spiritual journey since.
- If there is anything else you would like to communicate regarding your application, please do so here:
Please understand that by signing these documents you will be submitting to a code of conduct that befits a Christian representing Christ and RedeemerCity to City and that behavior that is not respectful to the team leader and to authority or to team members will result in termination of your participation of this and future missions trips.
(typing in your name is the equivalent)
Confirmation of Missions Calling
Redeemer City to City’s Missions team seeks to help you clarify whether or not this is the proper time for you to participate in a Short-Term Missions Project.
To help you clarify some important considerations, we have listed some points that we require for all missions participants.Please discuss any questions or concerns with your Team Leader or the Missions Director before making your final decision.
Please understand that the Missions team may recommend that you cancel your missions trip if a problem arises in regards to the expectations noted below.
Providing Proper Documentation
- STM application and referral forms in a timely fashion by the deadline indicated.
- Active passport within one’s possession.Your passport must be valid for at least six months after the date of travel and have at least one full blank page.
- Visa (if applicable).
Conduct:A Willing Attitude & Teachable Spirit
To submit to the leadership of the trip (Missions Coordinator, Team leader(s), Team members).
- To respect, and cooperate with others.
- To serve others.
- To be culturally sensitive with regards to dress and actions.
- To abstain from alcohol or tobacco.
- To miss only one preparation session for a reasonable excuse.
- To be an active participant on fundraising events, team socials and prayer meetings.
Raising Support
- 100% of a person’s financial support must be raised 30 business days prior to departure.
- Should you choose not to go on the trip, you are still fully responsible for all non-refundable costs incurred.Examples of non-refundable items include, but are not limited to airline tickets.[1]
- The mission coordinator, trip leader(s), and Missions team have the final say in who participates on trips.Someone might be asked to not participate on a trip even after completing the training due to personal issues that the leaders feel would hinder a trip.If this were to occur, the participant would not be held financially liable.
If chosen for the Short-Term Missions team, I agree to abide by the expectations listed above.
(typing in your name is the equivalent)
Statement of Faith
We believe:
In the unity of God existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.God is the Creator, the King and Ruler, and the Sustainer of all things.
In the divine inspiration and entire trustworthiness of the Scripture.It is the supreme authority over every area of our lives as individuals and our life as a church.
Man and woman are created in the image of God, in high dignity, yet now under God’s condemnation for their rebellion against his good and just authority.Since the Fall, we are both guilty of and polluted by sin, which has affected us spiritually, intellectually, psychologically, socially and physically.
In Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who became a real human being in order to live a flawless life and die a painful death in our place.Through his life, death, and bodily resurrection he conquered sin and established his Kingdom among us.
In the necessity of the indwelling Holy Spirit to make the work of Christ effective in the life of the individual.The Spirit grants us repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ.We can escape the penalty and power of sin only through faith in Christ alone, and not through any goodness or moral effort of our own.
In the personal and triumphant return of Jesus Christ to earth for final judgment and the consummation of His Kingdom.
Redeemer Presbyterian Church also holds to the teaching contained in a much longer document, the Westminster Confession and Catechisms, which we believe to be a fine summary of the faith of the Bible.We are a member of a connected fellowship of churches, the Presbyterian Church in America, which shares these same doctrinal commitments.
(typing in your name is the equivalent)
Redeemer City to City
Short-Term Missions Trip
In signing this form, I, (full/legal name), agree not to hold Redeemer Presbyterian Church/Redeemer City to City, its officers, employees, or other agents liable for injury, loss, damage, or accident arising out of the church’s negligence or that negligence of its officers, employees or other agents that I might encounter while on one of its mission trips to (Location of Trip) from (date) to (date).
I realize and acknowledge that my participation on a Missions trip to a foreign country includes many risks and possible dangers. I am well aware that my travel to a foreign country exposes me to such risks as accidents, disease, war, political unrest, injury from construction projects, and other calamities.
I hereby assume risks that might result from my travel to a foreign country, and I agree to hold Redeemer Presbyterian Church/Redeemer City to City, its officers, employees, or other agents blameless for liability concerning my personal health and well-being arising out of Redeemer Presbyterian Church’s/Redeemer City to City’s negligence, and liability for my personal property that might be lost, damaged, or stolen while on a missions trip arising out of Redeemer Presbyterian Church/Redeemer City to City’s negligence.
I have carefully read the foregoing and I understand that my signature herein holds Redeemer Presbyterian Church/Redeemer City to City, its officers, employees, or other agents harmless for liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, or irregularity in schedule arising out of the church’s negligence or the negligence of its officers, employees, or other agent.
(typing in your name is the equivalent)
Redeemer / City to City
Short-Term Missions Trip
Full/Legal Name:
Date of Birth:
Health conditions or illnesses (diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, etc):
Food allergies:
Allergies to medications:
1.Are you currently ill or undergoing medical treatment (including medications)? Yes No
If YES, explain:
2.Do you have any allergies not already indicated? Yes No
If YES, explain:
3.Do you have any daily mandatory medical needs (including medications)? Yes No
If YES, explain:
4.Are you physically handicapped? Yes No
If YES, explain:
5.Do you have any problems not already mentioned that might hinder your participation in this missions trip? Yes No
If YES, explain:
- Do you have any special dietary needs/requirements? Yes No
If YES, explain:
Full Name:
Phone Number or Cell:
Permission to Obtain a Background Check
(This form authorizes the church to obtain background information and must be completed by the applicant.
The church must keep this completed form on file for at least five years after requesting a background check.)
Due to the fallen nature of the world in which we live, and our responsibility to evaluate each participant to the best of our ability, we ask that all potential participants working with minors sign the following.This is needed in order to provide the maximum protection and safeguards for all involved.
Anyone who has a criminal background in child sexual abuse or has admitted guilt to child sexual abuse (including crimes committed against teenagers) will not be allowed to participate in any Redeemer/City to City short-term missions trip involving minors, regardless of when the offense occurred.By signing this form you are stating that you do not have a criminal background in child sexual abuse or have not admitted guilt to child sexual abuse, including teenagers.
In the interest of safety and security I, the undersigned applicant (also known as “consumer”), authorize Redeemer Presbyterian Church/Redeemer City to City through its independent contractor, LexisNexis, to procure background information (also known as a “consumer report and/or investigative consumer report”) about me, prior to, and at any time during, my service to the organization.This report may include my driving history, including any traffic citations; a social security number verification; present and former addresses; criminal and civil history/records; and the state sex offender records.
I understand that I am entitled to a complete copy of any background information report of which I am the subject upon my request to Redeemer Presbyterian Church/Redeemer City to City if such is made within a reasonable time from the date it was produced.I also understand that I may receive a written summary of my rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Name (printed):
Name (signature; typing in your name is the equivalent):
Trip Destination and Dates:
Please return to:
Redeemer Presbyterian Church/Redeemer City to City
1166 6th Ave., 16th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Attn.:Christina Stanton
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[1] A medical note from a licensed physican or the death of an immediate family member are the only reasons someone can legitimately not attend a trip and not be held financially liable for non-refundable expenses that have already been incurred.See the Missions coordinator, Christina Stanton, for any additional explanation that may be needed.