Sustainable Power Generation18-11-03

4A1605 Sustainable Power Generation,

period 1-2, 2004


The courses Energy Technology, 4A1603 and 4A1602, was an introduction to the field of Energy Science. Different aspects from energy utilisation and generation were brought up in brief. Orientation was given in power and refrigeration cycles, the technologies, efficiencies and environmental aspects. The energy situation in the world was discussed from an overall perspective.

In this course, Sustainable Power Generation, the power generation part will be treated more in detail, starting at the steam cycle power plant. The course can be divided in different blocks, where each block represents an important knowledge base in order to be able to design and assess a sustainable power generation system. The word “sustainable” implies best technology, as high efficiencies as possible, as good environmental values as possible, an acceptable living standard for people but also economical durability.


The objective with the course is to give the student a deeper knowledge in power generation methods, so that he/she can design and assess power plants from technical, environmental and economical point of view.

After the course the student should be able to

  • Understand the principles of different power generation methods, both conventional and renewable
  • Analyse the conventional power methods thermodynamically
  • Make a simple economical assessment of a power plant
  • Perform an environmental assessment and suggest measures for emission control in a power plant
  • Compare different power generation alternatives and choose the most suitable for given conditions
  • Understand physics of nuclear power and how such a system can be built up
  • Describe some of the components in a power plant


Block 0: Introduction and Overview
  1. Course introduction
  2. Introduction to Sustainable Power generation

Block 1: Heat and Power Generation Methods

  1. Hydro and Wind power
  2. Steam Cycle
  3. Gas Turbine Cycle
  4. Combined Gas and Steam Turbine Cycle
  5. Nuclear Power Plants

Block 2: Heat Supply

  1. Combustion, Fuels and Emission Control
  2. Boilers and Furnaces
  3. Nuclear Reactor Physics
  4. Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics
  5. Dynamics and Control of Light Water Reactors

Block 3: Environmental and Economical Sustainability

  1. Energy Economy and Analysis
  2. Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Power Plants
  3. Safety of Nuclear Power Plants

Course Web page

The most important information concerning the course you can find on the SPG course home page. To get to the page start with the department home page: Then choose the version In English in the upper left corner. Click on the link Education. Choose the link Sustainable Power Generation, 6 credits. The homepage will be updated continuously during the course, and here material will be available for download and printing.


Block 0: Introduction and Overview

0.1 Course Introduction (1h)

An overview of the course content and course details.

Teachers: Torsten Fransson, Catharina Erlich, Henryk Anglart, Anders Nordstrand, Vitali Fedoulov,


Course Program, available on homepage

Teaching Units: 1

Learning Units: 2

0.2 Introduction to Sustainable Power Generation (1h)

The word "sustainable" implies many things within the energy field. A system is sustainable if it is environmentally, economically and technically sustainable, with a high availability. For example, hydropower is regarded as a renewable energy source, it gives no emissions while producing power, it is an old and well-known technology, and has a very good availability. Hence hydropower is able to be a sustainable system, depending on the size and which technology is utilised.

Wind power on the other side, is as well environmentally sustainable, but is very expensive to install and only produces power when it is blowing. Hence from economical and availability viewpoints, it is not sustainable.

This lecture will introduce to Sustainable Power Generation concept and will also give an overview of different power generation methods.

Teacher: Torsten Fransson

Literature:Power point presentation available on the homepage

Teaching Units: 1

Learning Units: 2

Block 1: Heat and Power Generation Methods

1.1Hydro and Wind Power (2 h)

Water and wind are two sources for power generation, traditionally utilised in mills. The generation technologies have however been improved during the years, and with the increased environmental awareness, both wind and hydropower are important sources for building a sustainable power generation system. This lecture will give the student an introduction to modern hydro and wind power generation methods and how to assess these.

Teacher: Lennart Söder


Book: Boyle 1998, pp 183-208, 267-283

Handouts will be available on the home page.

Teaching Units: 2

Learning Units: 4

1.2Steam Cycle (6h +4h lab)

The steam cycle is one of the most important ways of producing power world-over. But how does it work and which configurations can be made to increase the cycle efficiency? Steam superheat and reheat as well as feed water preheating are brought up. Cogeneration is mentioned.

Teacher: Anders Nordstrand, Catharina Erlich


Software: CompEdu S1B2C1: Rankine Cycle

S1B2C2: Superheat & Reheat Cycle

S1B2C5: Feedwater Preheaters

Book: Moran et al, 1998, pp 316-348

Teaching Units: 6

Learning Units: 12

Laboratory Exercise (4h)

Simulator Exercise of Västerås Heat and Power Plant.

This is an exercise how to start up and operate a cogeneration power plant. There are various parameters to be regulated as well as components such as valves, level controllers etc.

Teacher: Tommy Andersson


CompEdu S1B2C4: Presentation of the TPP 200 Simulator

Handout: Laboratory Guide given at the laboratory exercise

Teaching Units: 4

Learning Units: 8

1.3 Gas Turbine Cycle (4h)

The gas turbine can be either stationary in power plants producing electricity, or be the engine in an aircraft. Thermodynamic analysis will be done of ideal and real gas turbine cycles and their different configurations intercooling, reheat and regenerative cycle. Calculation of power output, fuel consumption and efficiency will be done.

Teacher: Anders Nordstrand, Catharina Erlich


Software: CompEdu S1B3C1: Simple Gas Turbine Cycle

S1B3C2: Regeneration and Intercooling

S1B3C3: Reheat


Books: Moran et al, 1998, pp 383-410

Cohen et al, 2001, pp 45-54, 66-71, 74-81

Teaching Units: 4

Learning Units: 8

1.4 Combined Gas and Steam Turbine Cycle (4h+~6h lab)

The combined gas and steam cycle is the commercialised power cycle reaching the highest efficiency. The hot exhaust gases from the gas turbine generate steam in the steam cycle. Heat balances are important in the design of such a cycle. Different combined cycles are treated, starting with the natural gas combined cycle. Pressurised fluidised beds and gasification integration will be mentioned.

Teacher: Catharina Erlich, Anders Nordstrand, Miroslav Petrov, Jens Fridh


Software: CompEdu S1B4: Combined Cycles

S1B4C1: Introduction

S1B4C2: Heat Recovery Steam Generators

S1B4C3: Power production


Book: Kehlhofer, 1999, pp 2-3, 36-45, 48-65, 98-102, 148-152

Teaching Units: 6

Learning Units: 12

Laboratory Exercise (6h)

Presentation of the computerised modelling tool PROSIM. A calculation exercise in combined cycles using the computer program PROSIM will be performed.

Teachers: Miroslav Petrov


Handouts available on the home page

Teaching Units: 6

Learning Units: 12

1.5 Nuclear Power Plants (4h)

Design and main systems of present and future reactor types are presented with emphasis on safety and economy.

Teacher: Henryk Anglart

Literature: Handouts available on the home page

Software: CompEdu S1B10C1: Advanced reactors

Teaching Units: 4

Learning Units: 8

Block 2: Heat supply

2.1 Combustion, Fuels and Emission Control (6h)

Combustion is the phenomenon for releasing fuel bound energy to hot flue gases, which can directly or indirectly generate power. But what happens in the combustion process and how much flue gases are released burning one kilogram of wood or coal? What is the flue gas composition and how much energy is lost with the flue gases in a boiler? Different fuels are brought up as well.

Combustion processes always give rise to different kind of emissions that affect the environment in various ways. Some also affect the health of people.

The different emissions will be brought up as well as different separation and prevention techniques for the emissions dust, SOx , NOx and CO2 .

Teacher: Anders Nordstrand, Catharina Erlich


Software: CompEdu S4B1C1: Introduction of Combustion

Book: Elliot ,1997 pp, Moran et al, 1998, pp 620-629

Teaching Units: 6

Learning Units: 12

2.2 Boilers and Furnaces (6h)

The heart in a thermal power station is where fuel is converted into thermal energy, i.e. a boiler or in a gas turbine combustor. There are different types depending on pressures and temperatures required as well which fuel is used. How is a boiler constructed in general? Traditional as well as more modern boilers are gone through, for example the fluidised bed. Also gas turbine combustion chambers are brought up.

Teacher: Anders Nordstrand, Catharina Erlich


Software: CompEdu S4B6C3: Boilers and Furnaces

Book: Elliot ,1997 pp

Teaching Units: 6

Learning Units: 12

2.3 Nuclear Reactor Physics (6 h)

The fundamentals of the nuclear fission process and the basic elements of reactor physics are explained. Parameters relevant for the design of a nuclear reactor core are explained and analyzed.

Teacher: Henryk Anglart

Literature: Handouts available on the home page

Software: CompEdu S1B10C1 Fission and reactor physics

Teaching Units: 6

Learning Units: 12

2.4. Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (4 h)

The removal of thermal energy generated in the reactor core involves several complicated thermal-hydraulic processes. Especially in a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) an understanding of such phenomena as transition between various flow regimes, two-phase flow heat transfer, two-phase flow pressure drop and flow stability are important for efficient and safe operation of a nuclear reactor. Basic aspects of reactor thermal-hydraulics and two-phase flow are presented.

Teacher: Henryk Anglart

Literature: Handouts available on the home page

Software: CompEdu S1B10C1 Steam Cycles and Thermo-Hydraulics of Nuclear Power Plants

Teaching Units: 4

Learning Units: 8

2.5. Dynamics and Control of Light Water Reactors (2 h)

The interaction between reactor thermal-hydraulics and neutron kinetics determinates the dynamic properties of a nuclear reactor. For a safe operation, a nuclear reactor must be inherently stable and easy to control. In this section the dynamic properties of a power reactor are explained and illustrated.

Teacher: Henryk Anglart

Literature: Handouts available on the home page

Software: CompEdu S1B10C1 Reactor Dynamics

Teaching Units: 2

Learning Units: 4

Block 3: Environmental and Economical Sustainability

3.1 Energy Economy and Analysis (4h)

The lectures on investment analysis will focus on problems related to engineers. Most engineers will be responsible for large and small investments in their professional life. These investment decisions include technical, managerial, strategic and economic aspects that have to be considered before a decision is made. In this part of the course the focus will lie on the economic calculation methods and economic criteria on investments. The following concepts and methods will be presented:

Pay-back, net present value, internal rate of return, economic life, cost analysis and decision criteria. The lectures contain presentations and examples

Teacher: Björn Kjellström


Software: CompEdu S0B6C1, S0B6C2

Handouts available on the home page

Teaching Units: 4

Learning Units: 8

3.2 Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Power (4h)

There are several factors that determine whether given source of energy is sustainable or not. In modern approach these factors include not only the source availability relative to the rate of use, but also environmental effects, the question of wastes, safety, and the broad and indefinite aspect of maximizing the options available to future generations. This lecture will focus on environmental aspects of nuclear power, including the nuclear fuel availability and the nuclear waste treatment. Typical fuel cycles of present and future nuclear power plants will be described and analyzed from the sustainability point of view. New options, which will be a part of future nuclear power development, like hydrogen generation and water desalination, will be presented. Finally, evaluation of costs for the nuclear energy will be shown.

Teacher: Henryk Anglart

Literature: Handouts available on the home page

Software: CompEdu S1B10C1; Radiation Physics ; Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Radioactive Waste management ; Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power ; Cost for Nuclear Power

Teaching Units: 4

Learning Units: 8

3.3 Safety of Nuclear Power Plants (4 h)

Concern for safety is an essential aspect of engineering design in general and in the nuclear field in particular, where unusually stringent measures are adopted to assure the safety of the public and the people working in the plants. This concern is caused by the fact that highly radioactive (and potentially hazardous) fission products are generated in the fuel during operation of nuclear power plants. Generally speaking, the goals of nuclear power plant safety are to reduce the probability of an accident that could lead to the escape of radioactivity from the plant and limit the extend of the radiological hazard in an event that such an accident should occur. In the present lecture the safety measures currently applied in nuclear power plants will be described.

Teacher: Henryk Anglart

Literature: Handouts available on the home page

Software: CompEdu S1B10C1 Nuclear Safety

Teaching Units: 4

Learning Units: 8


The books given in the reference list are available in this student library. There are around 10 books of each title that are possible to be borrowed by the students. Ann Brånth, Brinellvägen 60, is responsible for the local library, please contact her.

Rules to borrow a book:

  • The key-responsible takes name and phone number from the student borrowing a book. He/she also writes down the book title and book number.
  • The student who borrowed the book Monday should return it on Friday and for student borrowed the book Friday should return it on Monday. This so that no one sits on a book several weeks and the library is empty. To return a book together with the note, again contact the key-responsible so that he/she notes this on the list.
  • It is only allowed for a student to borrow one title at time, so one title must be returned before borrowing the next.
  • It is not allowed to copy whole chapters from any book. According to international copyright laws only isolated pages, figures, etc are allowed to be copied and only for own private use.
  • Please do not to lend the book to another person in the class without contacting the key-responsible, so that he/she can note this on the loan-list.
  • If a book disappears, it should be compensated for by the person signed on the list presently having the book (each book has a number).

Available Titles

Boyle, G. (Editor) 1998 (8 ex)

“Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future”

ISBN: 0-19-856451

(390 SEK; Susy Mathew, Dep. Energy Technology)

Cohen, H.; Rogers, GFC and Saravanamuttoo HIH 2001 (10 ex)

“Gas Turbine Theory, 5th edition”

ISBN 0130158477-X

(815 SEK; Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn.)

Dixon S.L. (10 ex)

“Fluid Mechanics. Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, 4th edition”

ISBN 0-7506-7059-2

(470 SEK;Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn or Kårbokhandeln/Student bookshop)

Elliott, T.C.; Chen, K and Swanekamp, R. 1997 (7 ex)

“Standard Handbook of Power Plant Engineering, 2nd ed.”

ISBN 0070194351

(about 1500 SEK, Akademibokhandeln)

Energimyndigheten; 2001 (5 ex)

“Klimatpolitik i EU”

ISBN: 9189184009

Fransson, Torsten H (9 ex)

“Measuring Techniques in Thermal Engineering: An Introduction in the Form of Lecture Notes”

(150 SEK; Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn.)

Fransson, Torsten H. (3 ex)

Unsteady Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines

(900 SEK; Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn.)

Gido Jack, Clements James P. (4 ex)

“Successful Project Management”

(480 SEK; Kårbokhandeln/Student bookshop)

Hill, Philip and Peterson, Carl (2 ex)

“Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion”

(ISBN 0-201-14659-2, KTH Student bookshop)

Hölcke, Jan (9 ex)

”Kompendium I Hydrauliska Strömningsmaskiner”

Kanury, Murty A. (3 ex)

Combustion Phenomena (ISBN 0-677-02690-0)

(Kårbokhandeln/Student bookshop)

Kazachkov, Ivan and Kalion, Vitaly (10ex)
”Numerical Continuum Mechanics”

(180 SEK; Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn.)

Kehlhofer, R. 1999 (8 ex)

“Combined-Cycle Gas and Steam Turbine Power Plants”

ISBN 0878147365

(about 1600 SEK, Akademibokhandeln)

Moran M.J. and Shapiro H.N. 1998 (9 ex)

“Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 3d edition”

ISBN 0-47197960

(550 SEK; Kårbokhandeln/ Student bookshop)

Nelik, Lev (4 ex)

” Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps”

ISBN 0-8493-0701-5

(about 1 200 SEK,Kårbokhandeln/Student bookshop)