American Government – Applied email:

12th Grade Phone Ext. 72211 Mrs. Ferrio

Course Overview

American Government is a core Social Studies course that is offered to twelfth grade students. The course focuses on teaching the foundations of government and civics. American Government offers an exposure to civic education and to governmental and political processes. With the problems facing our national government, both domestic and international, it is imperative that students become prepared to meet the challenges of active participation in a democratic society.

Instructional methods in American Government are flexible and varied to meet the educational needs of students. Discussions and debates are heavily encouraged and projects, both group and individual, are used.

Basic Units to be Studied

TEXT: Magruder’s American Government

1.  The foundations of American Government: Principles, The Constitution, and Federalism – Chapters 1-4

2.  Political Behavior: Voters, Political Parties – Chapters 5

3.  Legislative Branch: Functions and Organization – Chapter 10 & 12

4.  Executive Branch: Duties and Responsibilities – Chapters 13

5.  Judicial Branch: Functions and Organization – Chapter 18

Grading Procedure / Total Points

Student’s class grade will come from the following:

Quizes/Tests—which will be assigned several days in advance

Research Projects - vary in length and are assigned and due on given class dates

Graded Group Work—assigned and started in class

Class Participation - demonstrates that assignments are completed and understood

Absence from Class

All work missed during an absence will need to be completed. It is your responsibility to find out what assignments you missed and to find the time to complete them. If you have any difficulties, please notify me as soon as possible.

Rules for Class Conduct

Generally speaking, expectations for student conduct in class are based upon common sense. Be respectful of all classroom members and follow Parkland High School policies. The following general guidelines are presented. For more specific information, refer to the classroom procedures list.

1.  Follow all instructions the first time they are given.

2.  Writing utensils will be brought to class daily.

3.  Do not recline on the desks, or lay one’s head down on the desk. Stay alert in class and sit so your face and eyes can be seen.

4.  Be inside the classroom at the appropriate time.

5. Curse words will not be used in class.

Consequences for Breaking Class Rules

If a rule is broken, the following consequences will result. Note that for major infractions a severe clause may be used. A common expectation of the teacher is that no student will ever have to get beyond the first consequence.


2nd—Student speaks with teacher privately concerning the offense.

3rd—Student will serve a detention after school with the classroom teacher.

4th—Student will serve the detention and parents are notified of the behavior.

5th—Student will serve the detention, parents are notified, and student is sent to the office.

SEVERE CLAUSE: For any extreme discipline issue (i.e. fighting, insubordination, and abuse) the student will be immediately sent to the Vice-Principal.


Due: Friday, February 3rd – 5 points Period:

Name______Date of Birth______


Home Phone______Parents’/Guardians’ Work Phone______

Parents’/Guardians’ Name(s)______

Parents’/Guardians’ Email Addresses______

Student’s email address ______

Do you have access to a computer at home? ______Internet? ______

Aspirations after High School:


What grade do you expect to earn at the completion of this course and why? Be honest with yourself!


American Government

Mrs. Ferrio


I,______, have read and understand my responsibilities in and the requirements of this course. I also understand how my performance will be evaluated.


Date Student Signature


I,______, have read and understand the rules and requirements of this course and understand the note below. I have also read how grades will be determined in this class.


Date Parent/Guardian Signature

*Note to Parents/Guardians: If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding my class or your student’s progress, please feel free to contact me: or 610 351-5600 x72211.