Title of action / campaign: / Promoting cycling in the municipality of Santesteban, particularly among students and their families, within a larger process aiming to reduce traffic problems at the beginning and end of the school day.
Time of implementation: / April 2009 – October 2010
Short description / The local development agency in the area responsible of fostering a similar process in Lesaka contacted CRAN to get advice on the development of a mediation process to solve traffic problems arising among drivers and families at the beginning and end of the school day, mostly caused by the large number of cars and the resulting dangers. The process was launched by interviewing key stakeholders and by conducting a survey on mobility habits. Based on the results of the surveys and on a territorial analysis, proposals were made to be discussed by stakeholders (local government, management of the school, parents’ association). A brochure with the resulting proposals was distributed to families and activities were organised to raise their awareness and that of students, namely the display of the itinerant exhibition “Pedaladas hacia la sostenibilidad” [“Cycling to Sustainability”] and the staging of the play “Pies para qué os quiero” [“You’d better use your feet”] during class hours and open to families.
Lessons learned / Lessons learned from the development of this programme are:
· Many times an intervention to solve a local problem as it is a conflict on the access to a school where security is not guaranty and families walking and cycling fight with those driving children, can be a perfect excuse to start an awareness rising and promotional campaign on sustainable mobility with guaranties of success.
· Working at school level provides better opportunities to reach car drivers (parents) and stake holders (it is a very sensible place where municipal conflicts can be highlight) specially in small towns and extend interest indifferent sectors (industries, retailers, etc)
Methodology of evaluation: / The programme as a whole and the activities have been evaluated by means of a final survey to get the feedback of participating bodies and stakeholders. The survey has also allowed to assess the impact of the actions on mobility and cycling habits.
The activities offered to families have also been evaluated in the final survey as well as using activity-specific methodologies for each of them, as explained in the pertinent section (mainly questionnaires, direct observation and informal conversations)
Quantitative data
- Number of participants
- Degree of satisfaction with the offer
- Number of people that generally realised the campaign
- Percentage of participants stating that activities/actions influence their choice of transport
- Increased interest in sustainable transport modes in general / · 8 representatives of stake holders interviewed (among local authorities, school direction, parents associations, school bus operator, shopkeepers, inhabitants on the surroundings)
· 12 participants at participations meetings with stake holders
· 117 families answered the survey on mobility patterns to school
· 510 information and awareness sheets distributed among families
· 175 visitors to itinerant exhibition “Pedalling to sustainability”
· 80 participants at staging of the play “You’d better use your feet”
· Local responsible are satisfied with the collaboration between institutions
· Participants in the promotional activities stated they were satisfied to the extent indicated in the sections corresponding to each activity implemented in Navarre.
Give indicators / basis figures on costs / Implementation of the programme requires the following resources:
· About 120 working hours in total for definition of the programme and strategies, as well as for preparation and organization of interviews, organization of activities and communication.
· 900 € subcontracting to develop on site analysis and proposals for solutions at school access, preparation of interviews, information sheet and technical report.
· 1.500 € subcontracting to develop all the activities (performances, exhibition installation, workshops, guided tour)
Safety problems at school access
Presentations and meeting with stake holders
Staging theatre play at municipal sports hall
Evaluation of Added Value Activities