Steilacoom Historical Museum Association

Meeting of the Board of Trustees

February 9, 2012

Members Present: Mary Lu Wetmore, Marianne Bull, Milt Davidson, Bob Edington, Mary Findlay, Carolyn Guppy, Beth Miklos-Essenberg, Randi Slatten, Jan Thorne

Staff Present: Jack Brake, French Wetmore, Ellen Balls

January Board and Staff Volunteer Hours:


Call to Order:

President Mary Lu Wetmore called the meeting to order at the museum at 6:30 pm. Roll was called and a quorum was present. New board member Milt Davidson was welcomed to the Board.


The minutes of the November 2011 meeting were approved as written. The minutes of the December annual meeting were approved. They will be presented to the membership at the annual meeting in December 2012.

Special e-mail Votes:

E-mails appended as Attachment #1a, #1b, #1c

During the month, prior to the February meeting, board members were requested to vote by e-mail on two special issues:

1)  (January 19, 2012) Audit Contract with Paul Loveless The vote was unanimous to approve the contract.

2)  (February 7, 2012) Endowment Fund Accounts with Key Bank—Key Bank Investment Services and Endowment Fund Savings Account. The vote was unanimous to establish these accounts.

The Endowment Fund has received two designated contributions: a check from Joan and Boyd Curtis and stock from Jackie and Jerry Dock. Additional funds can be deposited to these endowment funds.

Minutes of SHMA Board – February 9, 2012

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Bob Edington moved, seconded by Marianne Bull, that the Endowment Account be established and that MaryLu Wetmore, Marianne Bull, Randi Slatten and French Wetmore be authorized to sign on the account. The motion passed unanimously.


Landmarks Commission: Bob Edington distributed newly completed Commission pamphlets.

Annual Dinner: Mary Lu thanked the committee and board for the success of the 2011 annual dinner. There was lots of positive feedback and nice compliments on the buffet. Suggestions for improvement included more space for the appetizers, an additional bartender, and a sound system.

Silent Movie on March 22 at 7:00 pm.: The Cat and the Canary.

Treasurer’s Report:

2012 Proposed Budget – By Committee is appended as Attachment #2

The proposed budget was discussed. Details are discussed below under the Director’s Report.

Curator's Report:

No new report was received.

Director's Report:

February 2012 Director’s Report is appended as Attachment #3

Director Jack Brake announced the resignation of Office Manager Susanne Bacon. He also highlighted the section regarding the Haunted House.

Marianne Bull moved, seconded by Milt Davidson, that SHMA no longer sponsor or host a Haunted House at Halloween. The motion passed unanimously.

Jack requested that the budget be approved as presented including all of the discretionary items. Each of the Committee budgets has a line between funded items and discretionary items as shown in the attachment. The discretionary items would be funded on a timeline that is controlled by the Board and based on the available of monies to pay for them.

Minutes of SHMA Board – February 9, 2012

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Bob Edington moved, seconded by Marianne Bull, that the 2012 budget be approved as presented by the Director including the discretionary items (those below the line) and that these items be presented to the Board on a case by case basis. The motion passed with one dissenting vote.

There was further discussion regarding the discretionary items and it was suggested that they be reordered.

Marianne moved, seconded by Jan Thorne, that the discretionary items be reordered and presented to the Board when it is appropriate to consider details of the items and the availability of funding. Further the Haunted House shall be removed from the budget. The motion passed with one dissenting vote.

Old Business:

Long Range Plan:

Status of the Long Range Plan is appended as Attachment #4

Statement of Mission are appended as Attachment #5

Discussion of the Long Range Plan was deferred.

New Business:

Liaison to the Tribe: There was a brief discussion and further consideration was deferred.

Board of Trustees Retreat: It was decided that there will be no retreat in 2012.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

2012 Board of Trustees Meeting Dates:

The Board will meet from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month.

January 19 February 9 March 8

April 12 May 10 June 14

July 12 August 9 September 13

October 11 November 8

Minutes of SHMA Board – February 9, 2012

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Holiday Dinner and Annual Meeting: to be announced

Board of Trustees Retreat: No 2012 retreat

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen Ball, Corresponding Secretary

Ann Edington, Recording Secretary

*Please note that addendums are items sent out electronically or distributed at the meeting. They are not included in the body of the text. AE