A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Cleo Davis Royer.

WHEREAS, Cleo Davis Royer, who was born in Hull, Illinois, on February 10, 1912 to Jerome and Nettie Davis, was a remarkable woman who was devoted to her church and community, but also had time for the things that she loved. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church where she participated in the Mary Lynns and the Nannie Eblen Circle. Additionally, she was an active member of the board of the Henderson Regional Hospital Foundation and chaired the annual antique show and started the hospital foundation luminary project; and

WHEREAS, Cleo Davis Royer had many interests that made her life more complete. She enjoyed gardening, needlework, and cooking and always found the time to watch University of Kentucky basketball games. A talented woman, she made and shared beaded Christmas ornaments, loved to wear her newest hat, and even appeared in a movie entitled "A League of Their Own"; and

WHEREAS, Cleo Davis Royer loved spending time with her family more than anything else. She was married to her loving husband, Clifford Royer for 49 years. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; her two brothers, Kendall Davis and Don Davis; and one granddaughter, Olivia Lawton Sullivan, and is survived by her daughter, Mitzi Royer-Lawton; her son, Richard Royer (Charlotte); her 7 grandchildren, her 15 grandchildren; her 3 great-great-grandchildren; her niece; and her nephew;

WHEREAS, Cleo Davis Royer departed this life on March 3, 2013, at the age of 101, a feat that only a few people ever accomplish and her passing is mourned across the length and breadth of the Commonwealth of Kentucky;


Be it resolved by the Senate of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

Section 1. The Senate expresses its most profound sense of sorrow and proffers its sincerest condolences to the family, friends, and community of Cleo Davis Royer.

Section 2. When the Senate adjourns this day, it does so in honor and loving memory of Cleo Davis Royer.

Section 3. The Clerk of the Senate is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Senator Dorsey Ridley for delivery to the family.

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