Administration & Business Affairs families
2009/10Goals, Action plans & Measures
Destination 2010
BSC Perspective / Sac State SP or D2010 Link / ABA Strategy Map Goal
(Department goal will help advance this division goal) / Department Goal
(Desired result) / Targets
(Specific desired qualitative/quantitative outcomes) / Action Plan
(Planned step-by-step approach) / Measures
(How you will gauge success) / Progress (quarterly)
Customers / Create & sustain organizational structure…that facilitates evidence based decision making… / Promote ABA’s contributions toward achieving University goals / SPQI:
Communicate key data to campus community through an ABA Dashboard / Complete dashboard and populate with data by 6/30/10 /
  1. Complete development of metrics
  2. Complete graphs to depict data clearly
  3. Identify who provides data for
each metric / Complete dashboard by 6/30/10 / 95% complete
  • Collected new data to update graphs and charts
  • Redesigned graphs and charts

Processes / Improve student recruitment, retention & graduation rates / Facilitate access to campus services / ONECARD
Deliver enhanced and streamlined services through technology improvements:
  • Continue to market and promote the ability to make credit card deposits onto OneCard
/ 10% increase in deposits for year /
  1. Market to campus community through promotions, orientations to parents, and advertising.
/ Increased total dollar amount for deposits from 08/09
Increased number of deposits from 08/09
Processes / Improve student recruitment, retention & graduation rates / Facilitate access to campus services / REPROGRAPHICS
Deliver enhanced and streamlined services through technology improvements:
  • Implement Digital Storefront application and market to campus community
/ Complete implementation by March 2010
Communicate to campus community April - June /
  1. Work with consultant to complete implementation.
  2. Develop communication plan, including web page updates and presentation to BPRT.
/ Number of printing requests that come in through Digital Storefront vs. total number of printing requests
Processes / Improve student recruitment, retention & graduation rates / Facilitate access to campus services / UTAPS:
Deliver enhanced and streamlined services through technology improvements:
  • Increase # of parking permits purchased online.
  • Increase # of citations paid and appealed on line.
  • Increase # of permits purchased online by 10% over last year
  • Increase # of citations processed online by 10%
/ 1.Continue to promote online purchasing and citation processing to students, faculty & staff
2. Implement capability for purchasing additional types of permits online, i.e. residence hall students / Compare number of permits bought online in 2009/10 to 2008/09
Compare number of citations processed online in 2009/10 to 2008/09
BSC Perspective / Sac State SP or D2010 Link / ABA Strategy Map Goal
(Department goal will help advance this division goal) / Department Goal
(Desired result) / Targets
(Specific desired qualitative/quantitative outcomes) / Action Plan
(Planned step-by-step approach) / Measures
(How you will gauge success) / Progress (quarterly)
Customers / Create a dynamic physical environment / Develop a distinctive physical environment / Completion of the Smart Grid Project / Increased energy conservation and reduced energy costs; improved building temperature controls; vehicle electric charging stations; reduction in frequent power outages /
  1. US DOE project approval
  2. Cementing the SMUD-CSUS joint venture
  3. Project design
  4. Secure funding
  5. Project implementation
  • Completion of the planned steps
/ 4% Complete
Pre-planning on the project continued. Additions and other changes were made to the proposal submitted to US DOE at their request.
Linda Hafar made a presentation on the Smart Grid project to the Construction Accounting team. /
  • Completion of the planned steps

People, Stewardship & Image / Evidence-based decision making / purposeful planning / Maintain a safe campus / Facilitate the promotion of a safety culture (STEPS)
STEPS stands for STOP, THINK, EVALUATE, PROCEED SAFELY / RMS Approval of safety practices & staff perception of the safety program /
  1. Empower and support the Physical Plant Safety Committee
  2. Strategize, recommend safe processes, educate workforce on working safely
  • Mandatory safety training sessions
  • Reduction in on-the-job injuries
/ 60% Complete
PPSC held its quarterly meeting to go over the injury reports; they also discussed the ideas submitted to them via their suggestion boxes.
The committee also scheduled and prepared for the 2nd annual STEPS annual and mandatory Facilities Services Safety meeting. /
  • Mandatory safety training sessions
  • Reduction in on-the-job injuries

BSC Perspective / Sac State SP or D2010 Link / ABA Strategy Map Goal
(Department goal will help advance this division goal) / Department Goal
(Desired result) / Targets
(Specific desired qualitative/quantitative outcomes) / Action Plan
(Planned step-by-step approach) / Measures
(How you will gauge success) / Progress (quarterly)
Process / Develop Community Support / Build trust between ABA and our constituents / Enhance user knowledge of business policies and procedures by conducting four Business Partners Round Table sessions for the campus community. / Successfully convey System and campus changes regarding financial processes /
  • Determine pertinent changes to convey to campus business partners, how are they effected..
  • Identify and implement a plan of shared responsibility with the departments
  • Adjust according to changing needs of the office/customers
/ Solicit BPRT member’s feedback on process changes. / 75% Completed
Reported to campus business partners on the YE calendar, Procurement and A/P news, and had presentations by the Facilities Department. Information shared at February 24, 2010, Business Partners Round Table session.
Stewardship & Image / Develop Community Support / Maintain the highest standards in financial and operational reporting / Provide guidance and instruction for the campus community regarding the implementation of the Common Financial System / Successfully convey new processes dictated by the CO CFS process implementation plan /
  • Determine areas affected by the CFS implementation and assist with transition
  • Participate in sharing activities of the campus CFS implementation team
  • Dedicate staff time to development and testing of any system related changes
  • Convey any process changes to campus community in timely manner
/ Business Partners understanding level increased and reduced questions during open labs. / 30% Completed
AVP continues to participate in Chancellor’s Office Teleconference calls regarding the implementation of the Common Financial System (CFS). Attended meeting of the CSU Financial Officers Association to discuss further developments in the CFS and other CSU business. Training was held the end of March 2010 and more information will be shared with the campus at the final BPRT meeting for the fiscal year.
BSC Perspective / Sac State SP or D2010 Link / ABA Strategy Map Goal
(Department goal will help advance this division goal) / Department Goal
(Desired result) / Targets
(Specific desired qualitative/quantitative outcomes) / Action Plan
(Planned step-by-step approach) / Measures
(How you will gauge success) / Progress (quarterly)
People / Create a Dynamic Physical Environment / Support an engaged workforce / Workload review and Cross training to lessen the impact of reduced staff time and office closure / Sustain good employee morale by supporting shared responsibilities to offset reduced work time /
  • Workload review, including required separation of duties
  • Identify and implement a plan of shared responsibility
  • Adjust according to changing needs of the office/customers
/ Survey employees to determine if workload adjustments and cross training reduced workload stress / 70%
Workload review and Cross training to lessen the impact of reduced staff time and office closure.
Stewardship & Image / Develop Community Support / Maintain the highest standards in financial and operational reporting / Implementation of the Common Financial System / Successfully implement processes dictated by the CO CFS process implementation plan /
  • Determine areas affected by the CFS implementation
  • Participate in campus CFS implementation team
  • Dedicate staff time to development and testing of any system related changes
  • Implement changes on time
/ Processes effectively changed on time / 45%
Implementation of the Common Financial System
Accounts Payable
BSC Perspective / Sac State SP or D2010 Link / ABA Strategy Map Goal
(Department goal will help advance this division goal) / Department Goal
(Desired result) / Targets
(Specific desired qualitative/quantitative outcomes) / Action Plan
(Planned step-by-step approach) / Measures
(How you will gauge success) / Progress (quarterly)
Process / Evidence-based decision making / purposeful planning / Promote responsible stewardship / Improve major A/P processes for Payment in Advance (PIA’s), and Direct Pay Request (DPR) and other processes to be more streamlined, consistent and easier for all (end users and back-office). / June 2010 / Work closely with procurement to improve the processes for Payment in Advances (PIA’s), and Direct Pay Request (DPR), and other processes. / BPRT feedback and customer surveys. / 90% Completed.
Improve major A/P processes for Payment in Advance (PIA’s), and Direct Pay Request (DPR) and other processes to be more streamlined, consistent and easier for all (end users and back-office).
Stewardship & Image / Develop Community Support / Maintain the highest standards in financial and operational reporting / Implementation of the Common Financial System / Successfully implement processes dictated by the CO CFS process implementation plan /
  • Determine areas affected by the CFS implementation
  • Participate in campus CFS implementation team
  • Dedicate staff time to development and testing of any system related changes
  • Implement changes on time
/ Processes effectively changed on time / 30% completed
Implementation of the Common Financial System
Procurement & Contract Services
BSC Perspective / Sac State SP or D2010 Link / ABA Strategy Map Goal
(Department goal will help advance this division goal) / Department Goal
(Desired result) / Targets
(Specific desired qualitative/quantitative outcomes) / Action Plan
(Planned step-by-step approach) / Measures
(How you will gauge success) / Progress (quarterly)
Process / Develop Community Support / Maintain highest standards in financial and operational systems management. / Receive and distribute to campus user’s replacement procurement cards upon award of contract from the Chancellor’s Office.
Provide information to BIS to reconfigure the Procurement Card module in CMS. / 12/31/09 for final distribution of procurement cards to campus users. /
  • Notification of award of contract.
  • Set up card users/accounts with agency.
  • BIS to reconfigure the CMS Procurement Card module for reconciliation by Dept.
  • Receive new cards from agency.
  • Set-up dates/times for users to pick up their cards.
  • Distribute cards to cardholders.
  • Destroy replaced cards.
  • Distribution of all cards timely.
  • Retrieval of all old cards.
  • Successful configuration of the P-Card CMS module.
  • % of issues from P-Card user’s in utilizing the CMS module
/ 20% Completed
Contract negotiations were completed in February 2010. The Sacramento State Procurement Card Administrators have provided US Bank artwork for the new VISA card and started weekly CO-OP calls to start dialogue with regard to the implementation process for our campus. An official implementation date for each campus has not yet been established.
No progress. No action – awaiting progress from BIS.
Stewardship & Image / Develop Community Support / Maintain the highest standards in financial and operational reporting / Implementation of the Common Financial System / Successfully implement processes dictated by the CO CFS process implementation plan /
  • Determine areas affected by the CFS implementation
  • Participate in campus CFS implementation team
  • Dedicate staff time to development and testing of any system related changes
  • Implement changes on time
/ Processes effectively changed on time / 10% On going Training held end of March 2010.
Student Financial Services Center
BSC Perspective / Sac State SP or D2010 Link / ABA Strategy Map Goal
(Department goal will help advance this division goal) / Department Goal
(Desired result) / Targets
(Specific desired qualitative/quantitative outcomes) / Action Plan
(Planned step-by-step approach) / Measures
(How you will gauge success) / Progress (quarterly)
People / Create a Dynamic Physical Environment / Support and engaged workforce / Workload review and Cross training to lessen the impact of reduced staff time and office closure / Sustain good employee morale by supporting shared responsibilities to offset reduced work time /
  • Workload review, including required separation of duties
  • Identify and implement a plan of shared responsibility
  • Adjust according to changing needs of the office/customers
/ Survey employees to determine if workload adjustments and cross training reduced workload stress / 60% complete
With the loss of Lauren Garrett, required daily scheduling for Cashiering coverage. Sara Niekamp is on a voluntary 60% time base change, requiring coverage of her duties and office service counter coverage in the afternoons each day. Additionally, our Refund Specialist, Briana Scarr was out for 6 weeks medical leave, requiring another juggling of duties.
Assigned each individual staff to list their daily/weekly/monthly/periodic duties and prioritize them. Then meet with manager to confirm the duties and priorities. These would then come to the management group for review for elimination, extended cycle time, etc.
Stewardship & Image / Develop Community Support / Maintain the highest standards in financial and operational reporting / Implementation of the Common Financial System / Successfully implement processes dictated by the CO CFS process implementation plan /
  • Determine areas affected by the CFS implementation
  • Participate in campus CFS implementation team
  • Dedicate staff time to development and testing of any system related changes
  • Implement changes on time
/ Processes effectively changed on time / 80% Complete
Changes to AR/Billing in progress. Lynda Reposa and Sara Niekamp are actively involved.
Initial contact with SFSC to make changes to the CheckScribe process. Lynda Reposa and Briana Scarr will be on the team to help make the change.
Some responsibility to change the cash account in Cashnet.
Perspective / Sac State SP or D2010 Link / ABA Strategy Map Goal
(Department goal will help advance this division goal) / Department Goal
(Desired result) / Targets
(Specific desired qualitative/quantitative outcomes) / Action Plan
(Planned step-by-step approach) / Measures
(How you will gauge success) / Progress (quarterly)
Process / Build a welcoming campus / Facilitate access to campus services / Implement the Budget and Planning Module to division users /
  • Annual Budget Call
  • Annual Budget and Expenditure Report
  • Train division users on using software
  • Have them input data into module
  • Use their data to produce the results for the Budget Call (for UBAC) and the Annual Budget and Expenditure Report (ABER)
  • Timely submission of ABER data into module by divisions (December) and completion of ABER by Budget Office (April)
  • Timely completion and submission by divisions for the Budget Call (March)
/ Implement the Budget and Planning Module
  • Annual Budget and Expenditure Report Call – user training and data input complete 100%
  • Extract data from module to create reports – Annual Budget & Expenditure Report 90%
  • Annual Budget Call – user training and data input complete 100%
  • Extract data from module to create reports-Annual Budget Call for UBAC 100%

Stewardship & Image / Purposeful Planning, Data-Based Decision Making / Maintain the highest standards in financial and operational systems management / Phase in the Common Financial Systems (CFS) implementation per the Chancellor’s Office / Implement Finance applications in CMS as directed by the Chancellor’s Office (e.g. Chart of Accounts) / Phase in necessary CFS configuration into the CMS Finance system and process changes as directed by the Chancellor’s Office / Timely completion of configuration changes and process changes by 6/30/09 / 45%
BSC Perspective / Sac State SP or D2010 Link / ABA Strategy Map Goal
(Department goal will help advance this division goal) / Department Goal
(Desired result) / Targets
(Specific desired qualitative/quantitative outcomes) / Action Plan
(Planned step-by-step approach) / Measures
(How you will gauge success) / Progress (quarterly)
Customers / Welcoming …
Service to students … / Become a service focused / Utilizing Community Policing Principles, Increase the Visibility, Approachability and Interaction between Officers and the Campus Community / -Increase Citizen Initiated Contacts by 20%
-Increase the combination of Time on Bike and Time on Foot to 75% and decrease Time in Patrol Car to 25% /
  1. Establish a Stipend and criteria to incentivize Alternative Patrol.
  2. Establish Protocol for measuring Citizen Initiated Contacts
  3. Develop Training Program based upon Community Policing Principles (Problem Solving, Community Interaction)
/ Q1 –and Q2 – Establish Baseline Expectation for Citizen Initiated Contacts
Q3 – Increase Citizen Initiated Contacts by 10%
Q4 – Increase Citizen Initiated Contacts by 20% / 25% Completed
Develop Training Program based upon Community Policing Principles (Problem Solving, Community Interaction).
Process / Create a Safe Campus Environment / Ensure a safe environment conducive to living, learning & academic freedom / Develop & implement plan to streamline and accelerate recruitment/hiring process (reduce vacancies, increase responsiveness) / Increase efficiency from 30% to 60% /
  1. Review current level of effectiveness from prior year initiative (benchmark)
  2. Establish criteria for measuring processing time from application to completion of background
/ Q1 – Q2 – Publicize Baseline Measures for Time on Foot, Time on Bike and Time in Patrol Car.
Q3/Q4 – 100% Implementation of 75%/25% Ratio of Patrol Time and 100% Implementation of Alternative Patrol Stipend.
Q-1-Q2-Review current process and days to completion of background and hire for FY 08-09
Q2-Q3-Identify current obstacles to process
Q3/Q4 Reduce obstacles to streamline process & finalize plan to improve efficiency from 30%-60% / 25% Completed
Improve Officer Shift Schedule (to improve shift coverage on campus)
BSC Perspective / Sac State SP or D2010 Link / ABA Strategy Map Goal
(Department goal will help advance this division goal) / Department Goal
(Desired result) / Targets
(Specific desired qualitative/quantitative outcomes) / Action Plan