The World Geography course is designed to prepare young people to think creatively and critically and to help them function as social beings in today’s world. It is also a compass that students will use to find themselves on the map of human history. This curriculum will introduce5, build, expand, and refine student’s knowledge and skills of world geography. Any Changes to the syllabus will be made by the teacher only.


Fall Semester: August – December

Spring Semester: January – May


World Geography Texas Edition by McDougal Littell




Warm Up, Journal Current Events15 minutes

Preview/Review10 minutes

Lesson45 minutes

Closure5 minutes

Practice –Class Assignment, Quiz25 minutes


  • Three(3) or Five (5) Subject Spiral Notebook
  • Blue or Black Ink Pens
  • Textbook


  • Be on time to class EVERYDAY
  • Bring all required material to class everyday
  • Be respectful of the teacher and each other

Grading Scale:

  • Test Grade40%
  • Daily Grade30%
  • Quiz Grade20%
  • Warm – Up Grade10%
  • Total100%

Special Note*

Fall Semester Exam – 25% of Fall Semester Average

Spring Semester Exam – 25% of Spring Semester Average

I ______acknowledge that I received this syllabus and will follow all classroom rules and expectations for the following school year.

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent Signature ______Phone Number ______

FALL SEMESTER: August - December

Unit I:

The World in Spatial Terms: Places/Regions

This two-part unit serves is a review of geographic tools such as maps, mental maps, and other data tools. It introduces students to the geographic standards related to the World in Spatial Terms and Places.

Unit 2: ESPNPhysical Systems

This two-part unit explores the geographic elements of Physical Systems and addresses the processes that shape the earth’s surface as well as significant landforms, ecosystems and other physical aspects of places.

Unit 3: ESPN: eNvironment and Society

This two-part unit examines how humans adapt to, depend on and often modify the physical environment in which they settle. It also explores the impact that the physical environment has on the human systems within that space.

Unit 4: Population and Migration

This two-part unit explores settlement patterns, routes of migration, and distribution and population patterns.

Unit 5: ESPN: Social/Cultural – Defining Culture

This two-part unit attempts to answer the question: What is culture? It also explores how cultural traits spread from place to place.

Unit 6:

Reviewing Geographic Concepts

This two-part unit helps reinforce concepts learned in the first semester. These concepts support learning as students move into second semester.


Unit 7: ESPN: Sources of Conflict and Cooperation

By examining religion as one particular aspect of the cultural mosaic this unit attempts to use a social/cultural lens to explore how culture influences people’s perceptions of religion. It also examines instances of conflict and cooperation among world regions.

Unit 8 ESPN Political Systems

This four-part unit explores the development of political systems and divisions. As humans settled together in larger and larger groups the need for rules and laws emerged and humans began to form systems of government and various political divisions on the earth’s surface. As urban migration and worldwide population increases there is a continuing need for understanding urban societies

Unit 9:

ESPN Economic Systems

This three-part unit explores how humans develop economic systems and how economic activity is dependent on available human and physical resources and the management, use, and distribution of those resources. In Part 3 the unit addresses the concept of globalization and economic interdependence

Unit 10: ESPNExamining Economic Disparity

This two-part unit examines political, economic, social and demographic indicators that help determine various levels of economic development. This unit provides opportunities for students to interpret data to compare levels of development and the relationship between availability of resources and economic disparity.

Unit 11:

Researching Geographically

This two-part unit allows students to explore a topic of interest using a research process and to present results of their findings to the class.

Unit 12: ESPN World Overview [Review Unit]

This four-part unit uses the ESPN themes to review key concepts and understandings in World Geography Studies. This focus on the ESPN themes helps students review how the character of a place/region is related to its economic, social-cultural, political and environmental elements.

Unit 13:

Researching Geographically

This two-part unit allows students to explore a topic of interest using a research process and to present results of their findings to the class.