2018-2019 School Year

Supply Lists for Blue Ridge Intermediate and Junior High

ALL students 4th - 8th will need to bring the following

PE ShoesDeodorant

Book BagHeadphones

1 Container of Disinfecting Wipes1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer

3 Boxes of Kleenex

4th Grade

Paint Shirt3-Spiral Notebooks

2-Pkgs Wide ruled loose leaf paper4-Folders with pockets and 3-hole punches

Pencil box (No larger than 5”x8”)2-Glue sticks (Shared with class)

Crayons (no larger than 24)Ruler

Washable MarkersScissors

Colored Pencils2- 2” Binders

24-#2 Lead pencils(Shared with class)

4- pink erasers

5th Grade

Paint Shirt1 package of highlighters

4- Folders w/ Pockets2- Pkgs Wide-ruled loose leaf paper

12- Glue Sticks24- mechanical or regular pencils

2 sets of 12 Colored PencilsCrayons

2- Pink ErasersPencil Box or Bag

2- 1” Binders2- Composition Notebooks

Scissors2-Spiral notebooks

6th Grade

Please label the following with the student’s first initial and last name

(if possible, label the pens/pencils/coloring supplies individually, not just the box: this prevents loss and theft!!)

Paint shirt

Glue sticks – 10 or more Washable markers (optional)

Colored pencilsScissors

1 pack of loose leaf paper, wide ruledPencil bag OR case (large enough to

1 pack of index cards hold the calculator, please!)

Mechanical pencils with extra leadOR regular pencils Erasers, any kind

*LOTS OF PENCILS and extra lead! Blue/black pens (optional)

6 Folders with pockets1 - 3-subject spiral notebook, wide ruled

Texas Instruments-30xlls calculator5 - composition notebooks, any color

ALL students 4th - 8th will need to bring the following

PE ShoesDeodorant

Book BagHeadphones

1 Container of Disinfecting Wipes1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer

3 Boxes of Kleenex

All Junior High students will also need combination locks for their hall locker and gym locker. PE Uniforms are required and may be purchased at registration.

7th Grade

1- 1 inch Red 3-ring binder with pockets (for Reading class) / pencil bag or box
a package of 6 divider tabs to put in the binder (Reading) / blue or black pens (no preference which)
Green spiral notebook / red pens
4 - Composition notebooks (Social Studies & Math) / Erasers
Folders with three prongs in the following colors:
Blue, purple, yellow, green, red / highlighters (any brand) one each of: blue, yellow, & pink
1 folder to use as a take home folder / Mechanical pencils with extra leadOR #2 lead pencils. LOTS OF PENCILS.
loose-leaf notebook paper to put in the binder (Reading) / a package of note cards, any size, lined
1 package of graph paper (4 x 4 size, 4 squares per inch) / Texas Instruments -30xIIs calculator (same as 6th gr)
Colored pencils or markers / Scissors

8th Grade

1-2 inch 3 ring binder (ELA) / Pencil bag
3-Package of 5-6 tab dividers (2 pkgs. for ELA) / Mechanical pencils with extra leadOR #2 lead pencils. LOTS OF PENCILS.
4-Package of college ruled loose-leaf paper (2 pkg. ELA) / Erasers
1 package of graph paper (4 x 4 size, 4 squares per inch) / 1- Box of broad line markers (ELA)
3-College ruled spiral notebooks / Colored pencils
1 Green spiral notebook / 1 package of blue or black pens
6 - Composition notebooks (Social Studies, Math, & ELA) / Highlighters (any brand) one each of : blue, yellow, & pink
Folders with three prongs in the following colors:
Blue, purple, yellow, green, red / 1 package of note cards, any size, lined
1 folder to use as a take home folder / Scissors
3-Pocket Folders with ring holes (No color preference) (ELA) / Texas Instruments -30xIIs calculator (same as 6th & 7th gr)