Press release from Van Hees GmbH

VAN HEES GmbH · Kurt-van-Hees-Straße 1 · 65396 Walluf

Tel. +49 (6123) 708-0 · Fax +49 (6123) 708-240

Walluf, February 2014

Moscow-based production company acquisition:

Substantial boost on Russian market for Van Hees


Van Hees GmbH, Walluf, has significantly strengthened its presence in Russia while optimising its distribution network by acquiring Moscow-based Eurospice Technologies on 1 February 2014, putting Van Hees in an excellent strategic position in the Russian market.

Russia has one of Van Hees’ most important markets outside Germany; the company markets two brands in Russia – the VAN HEES brand produced in Walluf, Germany, and distributed in Russia by four distributors, and the TROKA brand produced in France and sold in Russia via the RNT agency. Based towards the north of the Russian capital, Eurospice Technologies manufactures spices and additives and runs a fully equipped technical centre. Van Hees acquired the production plant, technical centre and the brand rights to the Eurospice name on 1 February 2014, while the RNT agency was purchased by a Russian distribution partner, and will enjoy exclusive distribution rights of products from the Van Hees group.

Eurospice Technologies has an annual capacity of more than one and a half thousand tonnes, and its products are manufactured solely for the domestic market. These products encompass the TROKA brand range and the Eurospice brand, both of which are to be extended with new products developed specifically for the market in close cooperation with the distributor, which has ensured the required continuity towards customers by taking on the entire RNT staff.

According to Van Hees Board Chairman Jürgen Georg Hüniken, the high standards in the production and technical centre played a decisive role in Eurospice Technologies acquisition; these high standards are essential to the company’s plans not only to optimise and extend production, but also to extend production development and workshop programmes in Walluf and Forbach by the opportunities offered by the Moscow technical centre. The technical centre itself not only represents prowess in research and development, training and presentations – its services are also available to customers in the Russian meat-processing industry.


Fully equipped technical centre in Moscow

Photo: Van Hees

Contact at Van Hees:

Nicole Ott

Tel.: +49 (6123) 708-193, E-mail: