Around 30 persons attended this meeting, including following EU Officers: Michel Chappuis, Adele Lydon, Christophe Lesniak.

New representatives from ARUP, Dragados, Labein.

Opening of the meeting

Jésus Rodriguez opened the meeting:

-ECTP is always very active in various topics, with 2 main points.

- Reorganisation of ECTP, due to the end of the contract with the Commission.

- The new ECTP conference will be organized in 2007 inAmsterdam.

He confirms that he is promoted as Director of Research in Dragados : because this is a full time activity, he is obliged to resign from his position of ECTP SG Chairman. A new Chairman should be appointed as soon as possible. In the mean time, Luc Bourdeau will do the interim.


- FP 7. Results are still under discussion. After the first step selection of projects, complete files are to be submitted for the second round (Cf ECCREDI Newsflash N°4).

Dealing with the second Call for Proposals, the Working Programmes are already prepared (Projects), and they are submitted to EU national research offices.

- SRA, Implementation Action Plan (2007-2013)

This document is established in the continuity of following other ECTP reports: Terms of Reference, Vision 2030, Strategic Research Agenda.

This document can be loaded from the ECTP Website (

Announcement of this issue was disseminated to ECTP Members, to National Technology Platforms, to EurekaBuild Members.

It should be used for FP 7 Work programmes, for ideas of EurekaBuild Projects, and it is expected that it should be implemented at national level in NTPs (Personally, I have some doubts).

Later on, this SRA IAP will be up-dated.

- Join Technology Initiative. Only one JTI is under preparation at ECTP :”Energy Efficient Buildings” (Acciona and Bouygues, etc.). An action plan is to be established with the central question of the structure of the JTI.

It could be an EEIG, but, if difficult, an “Industrial Association” could be established: a group of 5-6 members should be OK to start.

This structure should work under the umbrella of ECTP, butit will be independent of the Platform.

-EUREKABUILD umbrella is very active, with a major contribution of the NTPs (24 NTPs Are existing, with 4 more potentially).

2 seminars were recently organised for potential partners (in May in Athens, on Sustainable Built Environment and Cultural Heritage, Telc on advance construction materials and technologies).

2 other seminars are announced: Valencia in November on Nano-materials and Nano-technologies applied to the construction domain, Poznan in January 2008 on ICT.

In June 2007, 160 ideas of Eurekaprojects are registered at ECTP, and 2 Eureka projects are accepted: STATCON and GEOSUITE 2.


A meeting was organised in order to clarify ECTP affairs.

Finally, only one project will be presented, names “ERACOBUILD”. It comprises 21 projects under leadership of France.

ECTP Reorganisation

ECTP needs to be reorganised in depth because funding by the EU project is closed and that a new funding method is to be found, very probably from ECTP members.

It is also to be noted that major ECTP documents were already produced and that objectives must be re-defined.

Some ECTP SG members already sent contributions for discussion, following some tracks launched by Jésus Rodriguez (with very controversial proposals of rates for fees).

This topic was discussed in ECCREDI, so main lines were announced during this SG meeting, and the ECCREDI position paper was sent a few days later.

It is stated that something similar to an “Association Structure” should be examined, with care to keep the industrial leadership of ECTP.

(The ECCREDI position paper was disseminated to ECCREDI Member by Secretariat).

The more detailed and discussed contribution was introduced By Matti Hannus, from VTT. It is more or less in the lines of the ECCREDI position.

In order to go further in details, a devoted working group is created, in which ECCREDI is a member (Unexpected circumstances neither did nor allow to participate in meetings).

This topic is still under heavy discussion. Wait and see for further information….

The ECTP Amsterdam Conference

It will be held on 19-20 November 2007. Information is available on ECTP Web site: Location, Programme, Fees, Registration form.

(At date of this meeting, 70 registrations were already collected.)

I brief, the first day is devoted to ECTP developments at European level, the second day to Synergy between National and regional level, with presentation of ECTP actions and production, brokerage events, etc.

During the ECTP SG meeting, discussion aimed at improving the Programme content. Then, detail programme will be soon finalised.


Compte rendu de G. Pilot